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Farming Guide Genshin Impact Nilou Material

Nilou Genshin Impact will require various materials such as Varunada Lazurite, Padisarah, Perpetual Caliber, and others
nilou material genshin impact farming padisarah location

Nilou is a character Genshin Impact which includes requiring quite a lot of material for you to farm.

This character requires a large amount of HP so you have to ascend to the maximum level.

The author this time will describe all the material Nilou including the cost of Mora, a source of bosses that give drops to farming locations.

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Nilou Material: List of Materials, Quantity and Total Cost

nilou material genshin impact
Nilou Material (source: Devil Takoyaki)

Nilou is a 5 star character with the element Hydro. This character has a unique gameplay where the gameplay kit focuses on Bloom's elemental reactions.

All of Nilou's attacks are calculated based on HP so it requires a maximum character level and ascension.

The following list of materials to reach Nilou's ascension level up to a maximum of level 90 or the 6th ascension level is as follows:

  • Perpetual Caliber x46
  • Varunada Lazurite Sliver x1
  • Varunada Lazurite Fragment x9
  • Varunada Lazurite Chunk x9
  • Varunada Lazurite Gemstone x6
  • Padisarah x168
  • Fungal Spores x18
  • Luminescent Pollen x30
  • Crystalline Cyst Dust x46

In addition to the character's ascension level, Nilou's DMG will be even more optimal if you maximize the level of Nilou's Talent.

Maximum Ascension talent (all talents including Normal Attack, Elemental Skill, and Elemental Burst) Nilou will need materials, namely:

  • Tears of the Calamity God x18
  • Fungal Spores x18
  • Luminescent Pollen x66
  • Crystalline Cyst Dust x93
  • Teaching of Praxis x9
  • Guide of Praxis x63
  • Philosophies of Praxis x114
  • Crown of Insight x9

Each ascension level of your character and talent will require a certain amount of Mora as a fee for ascension. The total Mora you will need is:

  • 420,000 Mora for Nilou's ascension level
  • 1,672,530 Mora to level up (from level 1-90)
  • 1,625,500 Mora to max level from 1 talent x 3 talent (Normal, Elemental Burst, Elemental Skill) = 4,965,500 Mora 
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Boss Sources, Locations, and Routes for Farming Material Nilou

Varunada Lazurite

hydrohypostasis genshin
Hydro Hypostasis (Source: Genshin Impact)

Varunada Lazurite is a stone used for the ascension of all characters with the Hydro element, including Nilou.

You can get it from Weekly Bosses or World Bosses whose attacks use the Hydro element.

Weekly Bosses such as Azhdaha, Childe, Dvalin, and bosses Scaramouche will indeed give Varunada Lazurite stone.

But the probability of Varunada Lazurite is low because the boss will also give other elemental stones such as Childe will give Electro stones, namely Vajrada Amethyst.

The normal World Boss that will give Varunada Lazurite is Rhodeia of the Loch, Hydro Hypostasis, Iniquitous Baptist, Primordial Geovishap, and Aeonblight Drake.

Aeonblight Drake, Iniquitous Baptist, and Primordial Geovishap will alternately attack with other elements with Hydro.

If you want to get Varunada Lazurite from these three bosses, make sure the enemy is attacking with the Hydro element.

You can find Rhodeia of the Loch in Bishui Plain, near Qingce Village, Liyue.

To reach the boss you can enter the cave near the Stone Gate and then you can use the Teleport Waypoint near the boss.

You can also get these Hydro stones from the Hydro Hypostasis. This boss is located in Suigetsu Pool, Watatsumi Island. 

From the Teleport Waypoint on the northernmost island of Watatsumi, fly east to the bottom. 

If you have found a clam shell-shaped foothold near the waterfall on the left, go down and enter the cave to find a boss.

Perpetual Caliber

aeoblight drake genshin impact
Aeonblight Drake (Source: Genshin Impact)

Normal Boss Aeonblight Drake is the boss who will drop the Perpetual Caliber material.

This boss is located in a cave in Devantaka Mountain, Sumeru. You can reach the boss by Teleporting to the northernmost Teleport Waypoint of Devantaka Mountain.

 You will find Cluster Leaves which can cast a Four-Leaf Sigil to reach the boss location.

Also read: Genshin Impact Scaramouche Wanderer Material Guide

Tears of the Calamity God

boss raiden shogun genshin impact
Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto (Source: Genshin Impact)

This material drop is one of the 3 drops for Weekly boss Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto or better known as the Raiden Shogun boss.

You can find the Boss in the End of Oneiric Euthymia domain which is in one of the caves near the Grand Narukami Shrine.

You must complete the second Raiden Shogun story quest, namely Imperatrix Umbrosa Chapter: Act II – Transient Dreams to find the boss.

The drop material you need will be in the form of a crying light purple mask.

Praxis Book

steeple of ignorance domain praxis book genshin impact
Steeple of Ignorance Domain (source: Genshin Impact)

Praxis talent books including Teaching of Praxis, Guide of Praxis, and Philosophies of Praxis you can farm from the domain Steeple of Ignorance.

This domain is located in Lokapala Jungle, near the Chatrakam Cave area to be exact. 

To reach the location of the domain if you haven't opened this domain yet, you can use the Teleport Waypoint in the northern part of Sumeru City. Then you can directly teleport to the domain.

You can do the Praxis Book farming schedule on any day Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday, alternating with other talent books namely Admonition and Ingenuity..

Fungal Spores, Luminescent Pollen, Crystalline Cyst Dust

fungus fungus genshin impact nilou material
Fungi (source: Genshin Impact)

As the name implies, you will get Fungal Spores and you will get them from Fungi or Fungus enemies.

This enemy can be found in The Chasm: Underground and all areas in Sumeru including desert areas.

When farming, you have to pay attention to the elements of the characters that you use for farming because they will drop different materials.

If you use Pyro, Electro, Hydro, and Dendro elements, it will drop Nucleus material. This material is used for weapon ascension.

You must use Cryo, Geo, and Anemo elements to get Fungal Spores, Luminescent Pollen, and Crystalline Cyst Dust.


padisarah genshin impact flower nilou material
Padisarah (source: Genshin Impact)

Padisarah is a regional flower of Sumeru which has purple petals and green leaves with purple tips.

This flower will be found in many NPC areas such as Sumeru City, Pardis Dhyai, and Palace of Alzarzaray so you won't fight enemies.

One other hidden place to find Padisarah is Vanarana. However, you must complete the Aranyaka World Quest first to unlock the original version of the Vanarana area.

There are a total of 68 Padisarah scattered in every Genshin Impact Map. You can farm for a week to collect the total Padisarah you need because there will be a respawn time of 2 days after you farm.

Thus the guide for farming material Nilou. Top up Genesis Crystal at VCGamers Marketplace to get Nilou in this update!

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