Hola Vicigers! Who here doesn't know Oura, the Father of Indonesian Assassins? Mobile Legends: Bang Bang is a game
These are Facts from Kang Freestyle, Jonathan Liandi
The Origin of the Greeting Kang Freestyle Hola Vicigers! Who here doesn't know Kang Freestyle? Have you heard the sentence
Muhammad Ikhsan "Lemon", Here are 3 Facts about the Alien!
The Origin of the Greetings “Lemon” and “The Alien” Hola Vicigers! You must have often heard who owns the nickname Muhammad
LJ, Mr. Khufra Indonesia, Here Are Some Facts!
Hola Vicigers! In Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, it turns out that there is someone who is often called the Father of Khufra Indonesia. Who is it?
Haas Claw, The More Lifesteal The Greater When Dying!
Hola Vicigamers! Items are one of the vital elements in the game MLBB (Mobile Legends: Bang Bang). By using items
Blade Armor Counter Scarlet Phantom And Windtalker?
Hola Vicigers! Before you get to know the Blade Armor item in MLBB (Mobile Legends: Bang Bang), you have to know that it exists
The Glowing Wand Item Causes a Burning Effect!
Hola Vicigers! The Glowing Wand is a magic item in MLBB (Mobile Legends: Bang Bang) gameplay which is quite popular
Wow! Wind Of Nature Immune To Physical Attack Loh!
Hola Vicigers! Items in a MOBA game are the most important things, for example Wind of Nature items. Without
Use Twilight Armor to Counter Critical Heroes!
Hola Vicigers! Mobile Legends: Bang Bang presents items as complements and additions for the heroes in the game to provide
Oracle, Mobile Legends Items That Can Increase HP Regen!
Hola Vicigers! Oracle items in Mobile Legends are a major influence for Mobile Legends: Bang Bang players
Ice Queen Wand, This Item Can Slow Down Enemies!
Hola Vicigers! The presence of the Ice Queen Wand item in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang from the many types of items available
Similar to Ice Queen, Corrosion Scythe Can Hamper Movement Speed!
Hola Vicigers! There is an item called Corrosion Scythe in the MLBB (Mobile Legends: Bang Bang) gameplay which is suitable for
Sea Halberd is the Solution If the Enemy Uses Hero Regen!
Hola Vicigers! One of the items in the game Mobile Legends: Bang Bang that is used against enemies who use
Endless Battle, Makes Basic Attack Sick!
Aloha Vicigers! Endless Battle is one of the items in the game Mobile Legends: Bang Bang. As it is known
Divine Glaive, Can Translucent Magic Defense Items!
Hola Vicigers! One of the most important things in a Mobile Legends game: Bang Bang is an item
Wow! Blade Of Despair, Adds Most Attack Hero, Loh!
Hola Vicigers! One of the items in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang that most players buy is an item
Check out 2 facts about Tuturu, Mr. Marksman Indonesia!
Hola Vicigers! This time we will discuss about a person who is often referred to as the Father of Marksman Indonesia, Tuturu. games that
Windah Basudara and the Death Boys, What the hell?!
Overview of Windah Basudara Hola Vicigers! Who here doesn't know Windah Basudara? What pops in the mind
Wow! It turns out that Baim Wong is in the Pro Player GPX Group!
Hola Vicigers! Who here doesn't know Baim Wong? If you are a player or a fan of one of the games
Marsha Owara! Donkey's Rival in the Role Tank of His Time!
Overview of Marsha Owara Hola Vicigers! Who doesn't know Steven Kurniawan or what we often know