Games are important in the development of Web3. This became one of the points agreed upon in the discussion with the theme Web2 vs Web3 gaming at the event Block Utopia:Verse, Ideafest 2022, at the Jakarta Convention Center which will be held on Saturday, 26 November 2022.
A number of speakers attended the event which was referred to as The First & The Biggest Web3 Festival in Indonesia this.
Among them is the Head of Business Strategy VCGamers as well as Project Manager of RansVerse, Jordy Adith and Web3 Builder, Co-Founder & CEO of RRQ Guild, Danny Limanto, Web3 Professional & Chief Operating Officer of Syltare, Leo Shim (Syltare) and Web3 Builder – Co-Founder of Ethlas, Elston Sam.
The speakers agreed that games are important in the development of Web3. This is of course due to a number of fundamental reasons that they put forward in the discussion.
However, before going too far into this, we will review the development of Web1, Web2 and Web3 first.
Web History3

Currently, the Web3 era has arrived for all internet users. However, long before that, the era of Web1 and Web2, the predecessors of Web3, had been born.
In simple terms, Web1 is an era where information on the internet can only be conveyed in one direction. Information providers on the internet cannot receive feedback about a content that they upload to cyberspace.
In this era, internet providers and users cannot interact with each other. Because users can only receive information that is on the internet.
After that, Web1 developed into Web2. Namely, the era in which internet providers and users can interact with each other.
In a sense, everyone in the internet ecosystem can provide feedback to each other.
However, there are parties who are the central authority for the dissemination of information on the internet.Now, we have entered the Web3 era. Where, everyone can be a provider or user of the internet.
The information on the internet is universal and not centralized (decentralized). However, all of this information is recorded or recorded after user approval.
Web3 is closely related to the use of blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies and also NFTs.
Games Important Part in the Development of Web3

VCGamers be part of this event by sending representatives to be speakers and open booths.The visitors who attended and visited the VCGamers booth had the opportunity to enter the first metaverse in Indonesia, RansVerse.
They can also choose to enter into the RansVerse using the three available devices. Namely, VR Devices, Laptops/PCs and Smartphones.
Apart from that, the visitors who came to the VCGamers booth also had the opportunity to do gacha to get NFT Home.
On the other hand, representatives of VCGamers also spoke at Ideatalks: Wafa with the theme "How Will Centaurs Thrive in Tech Winter" and speaker at the Utopia Blok:Verse discussion session entitled Web2 & Web3 Gaming.
In the discussion on web2 and web3 gaming, all speakers agreed that games are an important part of the development of the Web3 world. This is because games offer a number of interesting things that can attract public attention.
With a broad market, games will certainly provide great benefits to the development of Web3. Games will make it easier for gamers to get to know Web3 quickly and more easily.
It doesn't stop there, if the presented Web3 game has exciting gameplay, is fun and easy to play, then many people will be interested in getting to know Web3 and joining the community in it. The interest of gamers will create a wider and bigger Web3 community.