When implementing rush gameplay Free Fire, players need all the advantages they can get. In this case, having the right pet skills is very important.
Free Fire's rush gameplay is a big part of combat, as it allows players to advance and push enemies out of position. This allows the rushing team to win and slay their enemies.
Players will need all the advantages they can get in a rush, including pet skills. In this article, we will show you the 5 best pets for rush gameplay in Free Fire in season 27.
List of Pets for Gameplay Rush Free Fire Season 27
Free Fire's rush gameplay is an important aspect of the match. This allows players to use violence and tactics to push their opponent out of position. If the enemy failed to retreat, they would be pinned down and then killed in action.
While weapons and character abilities are the main driving force behind these attacks, pets can also make a big difference. Even though their skills couldn't directly change the outcome of the situation, it could give players an advantage.

Pet Gorilla Beaston makes it possible to throw grenades 30 percent further with his "Helping Hand" skill. This is especially useful in squad mode where players often huddle together, a single grenade blast can be very effective.
It's also useful for deploying gloo walls to block incoming fire and throwing flashbangs to disable opponents.
Beaston is also one of the weirdest and most neglected pets in Free Fire. Her skill, Helping Hand, isn't considered useful in most cases. However, when it comes to rushed gameplay, it will give players an edge.
When using a pet, players will be able to throw all grenades 10 percent farther. This is useful for deploying gloo walls to block incoming fire and throwing flashbangs to disable opponents.

With all skills in Free Fire getting a longer cooldown in OB33, their abilities are getting more and more popular. This is the only source of cooldown reduction in the game and definitely worth the investment.
Ability Rockie, Stay Chill, reduces the cooldown time of your active skills by 6 percent at level 1 and 15 percent at level 3. However, if players are planning to use a character with a shorter cooldown like Alok, Rockie may not be the best pet to use in the rush gameplay of Free Fire in season 27.
Rockie's skill, Stay Chill, still lives up to its name by lowering the cooldown duration of the character's active ability in Free Fire. At a basic level, this reduces time by 6 percent.
While this reduction might not seem like much, for certain characters like Chrono, Wukong, and Xayne, 6 percent will make a difference. Apart from that, characters like DJ Alok, Dimitri, and Skyler also benefit a lot.

Ottero is probably the best healing pet in Free Fire at the moment. His skill “Double Blubber effectively provides an additional 65 percent of the Medkit's healing in EP form. This is quite a Spirit Fox ability but 5 times better.
Although the amount of EP earned is limited to 35 percent of HP recovered, it can still be useful in combat situations. Players can use saved EP to passively heal and return to battle.
During the Free Fire rush gameplay, players are bound to maintain damage. In most cases, they use medkits to heal. By using Ottero and his skill, Double Blubber, players will not only regain HP but also EP.
Although the amount of EP earned is limited to 35 percent of HP recovered, it will come in handy in combat situations. Players can use saved EP to passively heal and return to battle immediately.
Also read: Combo Pet Alok FF For High KD Ratio

Mr Waggor is a pet penguin with the ability to give you a gloo wall every 100 seconds when you have less than 2 Gloo Grenades in your inventory.
Mr Waggor is very strong in Squad mode because you can give Gloo Wall Grenades to your teammates so that the pet can produce more. This allows one person to give Gloo Grenades to the entire team.
Having an extra gloo wall provides a huge advantage in the late game phases, where players must defend against heavy weapons. Waggor is certainly very suitable for the rush gameplay of Free Fire.

The newest flying pet in Free Fire, Dreki, is really good in Squad mode's chaotic battles. If your team manages to injure an enemy and they escape, chances are they'll hide somewhere and heal.
This is where Dreki's ability, Dragon Glare, comes in handy. Upon activation, it reveals all medkit-wielding enemies within a 30 meter radius for a few seconds. With this, you should be able to solve it more easily.
Also read: 6 Best Gloo Wall Skins in Free Fire MAX May 2022 Edition
Skilled players who initiate the rush are bound to kill opponents in the process. However, during the firefight, they also take kdamage. While saved medkits and EPs are a great way to restore HP, there are other options.