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Roger's Best Gameplay Tips in Mobile Legends 2022

As a Roger hero user, you must have good knowledge of Roger's gameplay in order to maximize his skills.
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Check this page to find out what are the best Roger gameplay tips in the game Mobile Legends 2022. By implementing it, you can get victory easily.

Roger is one of the most unique heroes in Mobile Legends Bang Bang, who is both a Marksman and a Fighter. The skill mechanics are far different from other heroes and the recommended roles are also relatively different.

This hero can become a Gold Laner, Exp Laner, or Jungler. But mostly he was chosen as a Jungler because of his fast farming potential. 

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Roger can change his form from human to werewolf. His ability to change skills and change according to what the situation requires plays a big role in team fights and chases.

Widely voted in both professional and casual scenes, he is a very popular hero among players in every region. From the start of the game to the end of the game this hero is the reliable one for most team compositions.

He who farms can destroy the enemy team in seconds so the proper use of this hero will be very profitable.

In this Mobile Legends article, we will look at Roger's best gameplay tips in Mobile Legends 2022 which will help you win the battle.

Roger MLBB Gameplay

Roger is one of the highly selected Junglers from both the top rank and professional level. He is very difficult to use, can be very difficult to catch, and is one of the deadliest finishers in Mobile Legends.

His versatile nature allows him to switch forms between MM and fighter. His high burst ability is a nightmare for slippery back lanes, also he is able to create a series of explosions between multiple targets.

With his relatively high mobility and good escape ability, he can escape from a difficult situation and re-engage if necessary.

He is very efficient at chasing enemies whose HP is low due to his passive, making it very difficult for non-mobile heroes to escape from his grasp.

Her first skill grants temporary invulnerability which can be used to dodge CC and skills. So all this potential must be used properly to outperform the enemy with it. 

According to Roger's gameplay, we can divide it into three phases. Our Roger Mobile Legends gameplay guide covers the perfect game plan for Victory!

Early Game

Game Roger
Early Game

In the early game, try to secure the purple buff. He has six skills so he will need a lot of mana. Missing the purple buff can result in an early withdrawal which will slow down your farming speed. Finish the creep stacking and try the side lane gank.

Don't throw away the early kills. Because if you are left behind on the farm then he will have trouble in the match. Try to secure early kills, this will allow you to build quickly. He is almost unstoppable with early kills.

Mid Game

Game Roger
Mid Game

In the mid game, watch for skirmishes. Dive in whenever you see an opening in a fight. Avoid the big heroes and choose the ones that don't move. Try to poke the enemy with the first skill and basic ranged attacks.

Keep your escape skills handy so that if the situation gets tough you can escape easily. Slow down the enemy with your first skill in human form, they dive and use the first skill in wolf form.

In the mid game, focus on picking up turtles and securing kills from skirmishes which will keep your farming high.

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Late Game

Game Roger
Late Game

The late game is where Roger's gameplay shines the most. Once finished building, his basic attack deals a large amount of damage.

In the late period, fear shouldn't be in his dictionary, although you should consider the number of opponents alive before starting a team fight. If he was outnumbered then he would have to wait for the other teammates.

But if many enemy heroes are on low health then there is very little to fear. Avoid their skills with the first skill of the wolf form and destroy them.

You can also kill lords very quickly. Take the lord whenever you get the chance. To counter enemy explosions in the late game, it is recommended to equip the right items.

Use the skills correctly and you can easily get the squishy hero out of the picture. But always be careful of hard CC because he is very weak against CC.

Roger was a real beast on the battlefield once he was farmed and timed right. He can become a standard Jungler no matter the situation as he is very adaptable on the battlefield.

Chasing in wolf form and changing forms while fighting takes it to another level. Quick ganking, fast rotation, and dodge skills with his skills make him very distinctive.

Roger's Outplay is domination and a pleasure to the eyes. Every lead actor of Jungle has to master this dual role beast properly to deliver an amazing performance with him. An excellent pick for ranked play, he's definitely a good pick for the current meta. 

Also read: Recommended Build Roger Sick 2022

Roger's gameplay tips will definitely help to guide easy wins with him in Mobile Legends.

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