Games play to earn seems to have become a hot topic of conversation in recent times along with the increasing popularity of NFTs.
NFT or Non-Fungible Token is a digital asset which is usually in the form of works of art such as photos, videos, text, and so on. Ownership of these assets is recorded with the Blockchain system.
Apart from being in the form of digital assets such as photos or videos, NFTs are currently also appearing in the form of a games. With the existence of the Blockchain system provides an opportunity gamers to play games while conducting digital asset transactions.
Because of that, a term related to this emerged, namely NFT Game play to earn.
For those of you who want to know more about the NFT Game play to earn, don't worry because we will review it from the concept to the list games-his.
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Overview of NFT Game Play to Earn
Because NFT Games are related to concepts play to earn, you need to know about the concept first.
If you are gamers, draft play to earn maybe it's quite familiar because players can make money. In other words, players can exchange assets in-game with real money or other means of exchange.
The rapid development of technology creates a concept play to earn develop by combining it with Blockchain technology.
The term that describes this combination is GameFi, which was first introduced in September 2020. Andre who is founders Yearn Finance is the figure behind the term.
GameFi is a combination of games with finance which can make money cryptocurrencies when playing it.
So, players can generate income from rewards by just playing NFT Games play to earn by finishing quests which contains various missions.
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How NFT Game Play to Earn Works
As previously explained, NFT Games can allow players to generate income just by playing games the.
How NFT Games work play to earn quite complicated because it is a combination of games with finance. So, kind games this one will use NFT as a medium for player interaction, rules, and mechanisms.
For example, the characters in a games can directly represent the players in the form of a unique avatar as NFT.
In addition, digital items in games in the form of characters and other collections can also become NFT assets. So, players don't just make money from games, but can also make NFT buying and selling transactions with other players.
Players generally will get rewards in the form of tokens or NFTs that can be used to transact digital assets, buy items in-game, and exchange it for fiat money.
Since GameFi can generate crypto money, of course those of you who want to play it need to make cryptowallet before.
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List of NFT Game Play to Earn
Now, many NFT games have appeared play to earn which you can play. For those of you who are curious about anything gamesit, here we provide a list.
Axie Infinity

Games the first is Axie Infinity which is games The most popular NFT with Ethereum base created by Sky Mavis, a Vietnamese company.
Axie Infinity is a game that has a concept almost similar to games Pokemon by forming a team called Axies. Players can equip Axies in either Arena mode or Adventure mode.
On games Currently, you can get two crypto assets, namely Axie Infinity Token (AXS) and Smooth Love Potion (SLP).
To get AXS, you must enter the PVP ranking games. Meanwhile, you also need to play adventure mode and win matches at each level to get SLP.
Gods Unchained

Games play to earn The next thing you can play is Gods Unchained which is a card-based game with a Blockchain system.
As a player, you will compete with other players to get the top ranking and get lots of quality cards.
Asset in-game which exist in games this is a digital card that you can get for free when you just play it.
However, that first set of cards still hasn't made it to the Blockchain because they have to win the competition first to get Flux. Then, only then can you print it on Ethereum with a duplicate card trading from Flux earlier.
Gods Unchained has its own cryptocurrency called the GODS token (ERC-20 token). With these tokens, you can make NFTs, buy items at the Gods Unchained Marketplace, and have the chance to win lots of prizes with tokens at Immutable X.
Plants VS Undead

Games play to earn next is Plant VS Undead which has gameplay management of agricultural land. This NFT game allows players to earn income in the form of Light Energy crypto assets.
Not much different from other crypto assets, the LE token can be a transaction tool in decentralized exchange (DEX). In addition, these assets can also be converted into PVU currency.
You will play like normal farming activities and carry out daily missions to be able to get LE tokens.
Not only that, you can also sell NFTs plant on the Marketplace at the price of 10 PVU tokens for the public. Meanwhile, rare ones will be sold at a price above 100 PVU tokens.
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Iluvium became games play to earn anything else you can try with gameplay exciting battle. Games This NFT is a 3D Open World RPG game on the Ethereum Blockchain.
Players who successfully carry out their duties properly will get rewards in the form of a crypto asset called the ILV token.
Games It has digital assets in the form of Illuvial NFTs which are characters with different abilities. Players canupgrades ability to win.
Apart from that, players can also buy and sell NFT Illuvials and items in-game the others are like NFT games in general.

Game play to earn another that also runs on the Ethereum Blockchain system is Decentraland which is a 3D virtual crypto game.
Players can later explore the land, create avatars, and create unique content according to their wishes. Not only that, players will also use MANA coins to transact on games.
interestingly, games this 3D virtual crypto presents gameplay in the form of Virtual Reality (VR) with high graphic quality. Of course, this is something that attracts public attention considering that Metaverse technology is also gaining popularity.
The Sandbox

Apart from Decentraland, games with another Virtual Reality (VR) treat is The Sandbox which is also an NFT Play-to-earn games.
Games which operates in the Metaverse Blockchain world uses the SAND utility token that can be used for transactions. The Sandbox has a limited area of 166,464 lands, so it costs more to increase it.
The most powerful way to be able to earn from games This NFT is by exchanging Land and other objects. Apart from that, the other way is, of course, by completing the mission.