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6 Bitcoin Earning Games 2022, Download Now!

There are a number of bitcoin-generating games that you can download very easily on your cellphone right now.
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There are a number of bitcoin-producing games that you can find. You can find these games easily and play them on your cellphone.

Indonesian people's interest in cryptocurrencies is relatively large.

Until February 2022, a number of media reported that the number of crypto investors in Indonesia reached tens of millions of people.

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One of the crypto assets that many people know about is Bitcoin.

This crypto asset has a huge price per chip.

When this article was written, the price of each bitcoin chip reached IDR 300,911,838.

Of course, it's not a small amount and makes many people want to have it.

Bitcoin is a crypto asset created by Satoshi Nakamoto.

You can find Bitcoin easily on Decentralized Exchange (DEX) and Centralized Exchange (CEX).

You can buy and sell these crypto assets on DEX and CEX.

Apart from buying, it turns out that there are many things that can be done to get bitcoins.

Currently, we can earn bitcoins just by playing games.

For game players, of course this is a good thing.

Because, they can do something they love while earning profits in the form of Bitcoin.

But of course only certain games offer benefits in the form of Bitcoin.

So what are the games that allow us to get bitcoins?

Let's see the review!

Bitcoin Earning Game

There are several Bitcoin-producing games that can be played on your cellphone.

You certainly want to know so you can play games and get rewards in the form of Bitcoin.

So, you also get benefits and not just playing games.

Bitcoin Blast

Bitcoin Blast
Bitcoin Blast

The first game you will find is Bitcoin Blast. You can download this game to your cellphone.

Bitcoin Blast has been downloaded more than 5,000,000 times on Google Play.

To download it, requires an Android phone version 5.1 and higher.

So, you can play the game on your cellphone anytime and anywhere.

In the description of this game it is also stated that it takes a relatively long time to receive Bling Points in a relatively meaningful amount so that they can be exchanged for Bitcoin.

When you play longer, the number of Bling Points you get will also increase.

So, your chances of getting Bitcoin will be even greater.

Also read: Who Created Bitcoin? It Turns Out This Person!

Word Breeze

Bitcoin Earning Game
Word Breze

The next game is Word Breeze. You can play fun word puzzles when you download this game.

By playing it, you can also receive rewards in the form of Bling Points which can be exchanged for Bitcoin.

You only need to register as a condition to be able to play this game and receive rewards.

Complete and win all the levels in the game.

Also read: 10 Best Play to Earn Android Games, Must Try!

Crypto Tiles

Crypto Tiles
Crypto Tiles

Furthermore, there is also another game option called Crypto Tiles.

The games offered are puzzles that are known to have been liked by millions of players from around the world.

The more you play, the more rewards you will receive from the game.

You just need to solve all the puzzles and move on to the next level.

Also read: 10 Play to Earn Game Lists Without Capital, Anything?



The next game that you can get is Alien Run.

This bitcoin earning game has been downloaded more than 500 thousand times on Google Play.

Until now, the game has received a rating of 4.5 out of 11.3 thousand reviews.

You can play this game to get free bitcoins by going through all the levels.

Furthermore, you can claim the prizes in the game.

Play and win the adventures that are in your game by passing hundreds of levels!

Also read: FUD in the Crypto World: Understanding and How to Overcome It

Coin Hunt World

Coin Hunt World
Coin Hunt World

The next game is Coin Hunt World. You can play this game easily.

By playing this game you can earn cryptocurrency by exploring.

Get keys and unlock gifts while you are in the game. You can download this game for free.

Until now, the game has been downloaded up to 50 thousand times.

Also read: 5 Best Bitcoin Wallets 2022, Secured Assets!

Bitcoin Blast Crush

Bitcoin Earning Game
Bitcoin Blast Crush

The next game is Bitcoin Blast Crush. This game has been downloaded up to 100,000 times.

You need to earn points so that they can be converted into Bitcoins.

Most players only get a smaller amount.

You can also receive 5% profit from your friend's withdrawal if you invite them.

This game is just for a few bucks.

Also read: Beginner's Guide To Playing Crypto Strategy Correctly

Those are a number of bitcoin-producing games on Google Play.

Immediately download and pay attention to the terms and conditions to be able to get bitcoins in the game.

But keep in mind, investing in crypto assets is a risky thing.

Asset values can also change dynamically.

You have to pay attention to several things before investing in crypto assets.

Apart from that, always do your own research (DYOR) on the crypto project that you will choose to invest in.


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