MLBB Games Success
Hola Vicigers! MLBB Games (Mobile Legends: Bang Bang) already become online game which is played a lot and is very popular among gamers Indonesia.
Multiple characters or heroes what is interesting is presented in Mobile Legends Bang Bang, where every heroes each has its own uniqueness. Game Mobile Legends Bang Bang This was first released in 2016 where it can be accessed via iOS or via Android for free.
Creator games MLBB originates from Shanghai, China. Known as Moonton which is the middle name of the company “Shanghai Moonton Technology Co., Ltd.” It turns out that it is working with “Shanghai Mulong Network and Technology Co.Ltd” to develop games MLBB.
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It turned out that behind Moonton's success, there was clearly a pioneering figure who pioneered it, namely Xu Zhenhua, co-founder as well as the CEO of Moonton. This man from China managed to become rich people after games pioneering behavior in the market.
Behind Moonton's success under Xu Zhenhua's tutelage, implementing an important slogan or motivational word in his company, namely "Do what you think“. That means, do whatever comes to your mind.
The MLBB game was first released in Indonesia in 2016, namely July 11 and managed to attract the attention of the players. Indonesia has even become one of several countries that have contributed greatly to its popularity and success games Mobile Legends Bang Bang this is worldwide.
What's no less interesting, game developers It has a character from the hero series, namely Gatotkaca.

The characters in wayang art, which are very popular with their prowess in Indonesia, were created as an appreciation games MLBB towards Indonesian culture, as well as introducing Indonesian culture to the world.
One year after its release, Moonton was sued by Riot Games again. The demands made this time were addressed to three game titles made by Moonton, incl Magic Rush: Heroes, Mobile Legends: 5v5 MOBA, and Mobile Legends: Bang-Bang.
For this lawsuit, Riot Game alleged that Montoon had copied several items contained in LoL. Riot Games apparently also filed an objection regarding the title games Mobile Legends which sounds familiar because it is similar to League of Legends.
This case was brought to the Central District Court of California in the US but had to be dropped for forum reasons non Conveniens.
Not long ago being sued by Riot Games, Moonton has again faced trials, namely in the form of new demands, from Tencent, a company from China which also oversees the developer Riot Games.
Initially, Tencent filed a lawsuit through the California Central District Court in the US in 2017 but the case was again withdrawn because it had been transferred to a court in Shanghai China.
Regardless of the trials encountered games MLBB, it turns out, also makes a profit thanks to presence games MLBB in Indonesia new careers are created according to the hobbies of Generation Z.
Made Career Games MLBB

Here are the new careers that have been created since games MLBB enters Indonesia, one of which is a pro player. Professional Player or often called Pro Player are players who are experts and have very much experience compared to the players casual or tryhard just.
Income pro player ML itself averages over IDR 10,000,000. But with that amount, it's only net salary and it's not included endorse and live streaming and others. It's very promising isn't it. ESports it turns out not only offers new jobs for pro player just.
However, there are various other professions in the industry, such as organizers, caster, video editors, referees, and so on.
is said, Pro Player Jess No Limit which can earn IDR 300,000 to IDR 500,000 per video.
If you make three video content in one day, then the money you get is more than enough. Looking at the amount of salary that pro ML players get, it can be proven that eSports not just a hobby. The proof, the opportunity is very promising in the future.
In contrast to Jess No Limit who managed to achieve fame because of his career as an ML pro player, many ml pro players have used this skill to become jockeys.
They prefer to be jockeys than enter the arena e-sports because the salary they get is more promising, like an office worker. The salaries that jockeys get also vary, starting from 200 thousand per day or 500 thousand per day and even up to 5 million per week.

After listening to travel stories games For 5 years, MLBB has learned many lessons, one of which is the example of the persistent MLBB founder, Xu Zhenhua. Following the slogan "Do what you think"Invite you to always do positive things like what Xu Zhenhua did or created what he thought.
Not only that, he also described that being a creator is more and more profitable than being a player, so what are you waiting for? it's your time"Do what you thinkto shake the world.
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