7 Recommended 10 Finger Typing Games
Mengetik sudah menjadi keseharian manusia modern saat ini, baik itu mengetik dokumen, pesan singkat, hingga hal lainnya. Tapi tahukah kamu jika saat ini game mengetik 10 jari?
Berbeda dengan kebanyakan game lainnya, game mengetik 10 jari terdengar sangat tidak familiar di telinga, bahkan oleh gamer akut sekalipun.
Meskipun masih sangat jarang dikenal, tapi game mengetik 10 jari bisa meningkatkan skill mengetikmu loh!
Nah, buat kamu yang penasaran dan ingin memainkan game mengetik ini, berikut kami berikan beberapa rekomendasinya.
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Air Typer

Air Typer merupakan game mengetik yang memiliki genre adventure education. This game is very suitable for those of you who like playing and developing your typing skills quickly.
The way to play is also easy, namely using the plane you have and then destroying the enemy plane by typing each text or letter printed on the enemy plane's fuselage.
Typing Fighter

If usually game fighting membuatmu harus mengandalkan kontroler untuk bertarung dan menjadi pemenang. Namun game ini sedikit berbeda dari hal itu.
Dalam game ini, kamu akan membantu seorang cowok yang harus survive dari serangan sesama cowok lain.
Pastinya serangannya bukan berupa pukulan. Untuk mengalahkan lawan, ketik kata-kata atau kalimat bahasa Inggris yang muncul di layar laptops/PC.
Biasanya, kalimat yang berupa quotes terkenal. Selama, jangan sampai mengalami typo salah atau melupakan spasi. Jika terjadi, nyawa kamu akan berkurang.

Z-Type is a light flash game that can be played via a browser. The main mission of this game is still similar to Air Typer, namely destroying foreign aircraft by typing letters.
Every letter you type will fire a bullet at the enemy, but each enemy plane can have a long word.
This game can be a recommendation for those of you who want to learn 10 finger typing.
10 Fast Fingers

10 Fast Fingers merupakan game permainan mengetik 10 jari untuk PC dan laptop. Disini kamu akan dihadapkan dengan puluhan kata dalam bahasa Inggris. Semuanya harus diketik.
Tapi, jangan sampai lupa dengan durasi yang diset oleh game ini. Sebab di setiap sesi game mengetik, kamu akan diberi waktu sebanyak 1 menit.
Kata-kata yang harus diketik kebanyakan merupakan kata umum dalam bahasa Inggris. Itupun tak berbentuk kalimat, hanya kata-kata acak saja.
God of Words

In this game you will act as a young actor tasked with recreating the historic battle of the Olympians.
Apart from weapons, potions and level increases, intelligence and fast finger movements are also important factors in winning this game.
The essence of the game is to type quickly to defeat groups of enemies.
In this game, there is also a multiplayer mode, allowing you to play online with friends or other people.
Nitro Type

Games Nitro Type tidak hanya melatih kemampuan mengetik, namun juga memberi sensasi balap mobil saat memainkannya.
In this game you are not only asked to drive a car, but you will also be asked to type short and simple sentences.
This game will have difficult challenges because you also have to make sure that the car you are playing doesn't hit another car.
Typing Ninja

At first glance, the Typing Ninja game will look like Fruit Ninja. However, these two games have quite significant differences, namely in Fruit Ninja you have to be fast when sliding your finger on the screen to cut fruit, while in Typing Ninja you have to type on the keyboard accurately to cut fruit quickly.
In this game there are three levels of difficulty and at each level you can choose the game by entering numbers or letters.
During the game, you will be given three lives, so make sure to type accurately and quickly, and avoid getting hit by bombs.
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