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Functions and How to Get Solar Essence Stardew Valley

Solar Essence is included in the Monster Loot item category in Stardew Valley, items that can be obtained by defeating Monsters.
Solar Essence
Solar Essence. Source: Stardewvalleywiki.com

Solar Essence is included in the Monster Loot item category Stardew Valley, namely items that can be obtained by defeating Monsters.

Items You can sell what you get from defeating the monsters in The Mines and Skull Cavern at the Adventurer's Guild or deposit it in the Shipping Box.

Apart from that, monster loot can also be used as a gift to someone or as raw material to make other items.

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This article will discuss the function and how to get Solar Essence in Stardew Valley. Curious? Come on, read the description until the end!

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Stardew Valley Solar Essence Functions

Solar Essence has three functions, namely as a gift for villagers, raw material for items, and making Yoba shirts. The following is a more complete explanation of the three!

Gifts for Villagers

Stardew Valley Solar Essence function - reward
Stardew Valley residents' response to Solar Essence. Source: Stardewvalleywiki.com

Solar Essence can be used as a gift that you can give to characters others in this game.

Each villager has their own favorite gifts and hated gifts. This also applies to Solar Essence.

To ensure you give Solar Essence as intended, you have to know what reaction you will get from them.

Almost all the villagers except Wizards and Dwarves hated the gift of Solar Essence. So, don't give this gift to them.

The only person who likes this item as a gift is The Wizard or also known as M. Rasmodius.

The Wizard is a villager who lives in the Wizard's Tower, far west of Cindersap Forest.

You will get a neutral reaction if you give Solar Essence to a Dwarf, a valley resident who lives in The Mines area.

Raw Materials for Making New Items

Stardew Valley Solar Essence Function - Item raw material
Solar Essence as raw material for items. Source: gameCMD/Youtube

Apart from being a gift, you can use Solar Essence as raw material to make several items in Stardew Valley.

There are a total of 7 items that require Solar Essence as raw material. Following is a list of these items:

  • Glowstone Ring – Provides constant light and increases the item collection radius
  • Mega Bomb – Creates a very powerful explosion
  • Iridium Band – Shines, attracts various items, and increases attack damage by 10%
  • Barrel Brazier – Provides a moderate amount of light
  • Quality Rubber – Improves the quality of fish that are successfully hooked
  • Mini-Obelisk – Helps players teleport
  • Hyper Speed Gro – Stimulates leaf production up to 33%

Making Yoba Shirts

Stardew Valley Solar Essence Function - T-shirt making
Making Yoba t-shirts. Source: Wickedy

Solar Essence is also used as a penning component to make Yoba Shirts. Yoba Shirt itself is a t-shirt with a prominent ship sign.

This item is used as a roll on a sewing machine and can be used for dyeing. This t-shirt is made at Emily and Haley's house, 2 Willow Lane.

How to Get Solar Essence in Stardew Valley

How to get Solar Essence
How to get Solar Essence. Source: gameCMD/Youtube

After knowing the function of this item, now we will discuss how to get Solar Essence in Stardew Valley.

To get it, you can go to The Mines or Skull Cavern and defeat certain monsters there. You can get Solar Essence from the following monsters:

  • Ghosts
  • Iridium Bat
  • MetalHead
  • Metal Head (dangerous)
  • Haunted Skull
  • Squid Kid
  • Squid Kid (dangerous)
  • Mummy
  • Hot Head
  • Blue Squid

Apart from defeating monsters, you can also buy this item from Krobus for 80g for 1 Solar Essence.

Sunfish also have the opportunity to produce this item when the population in the pond reaches 10 fish.

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