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Note! 7 Uses of Petrify in Mobile Legends, Block Opponent Heroes!

petrify mobile legends

Battle Spell Petrify Mobile Legends is one of the spells which can be used when you reach player level 13. The effect resulting from spells it's also not cans, if you're good at using it in timings right.

It is true, Petrify this will be replaced by flicker when you reach player level 19. However, spells this will be very helpful for beginners to withstand the onslaught of opponents.

As spells with duration cooldown during these 90 seconds, you will get additional benefits magic damage and effects slow for the target so that you can take advantage of this situation either to retreat or continue the attack.

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But, is that the only use spell Petrify? Of course there are some things you can do with spells this is in addition to slowing down the opponent's attack and magic damage.

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There are 7 specific strategies that you can apply to retreat and continue attacks, and both will be discussed in this article.

7 Ways to Use Petrify For Offensive And Defensive

Suitable for Heroes With Burst Damage

petrify mobile legends wanwan burst

Battle Spells Petrify Mobile Legends will have chemistry which is okay if you use heroes producer burstdamage. Heroes the opponent will be rendered helpless with this combination.

Nevertheless, hero burst damage it should be heroes dominated by attacks melee and not ranged, because it would be quite difficult to determine timings for para hero burst damage who attacks his opponent from a distance.

petrify mobile legends lancelot burst

For example, when you use spell Petrify in the Mobile Legends arena, you use Lancelot. Lancelot has advantages in ultimate skill which is usually preceded by skills 2.

When Lancelot uses skills 2, he will attack his opponent three times and make the target unable to move quickly. This is when you can use it Petrify and ultimate your direct opponent.

Other options, you can also use heroes like Lesley or Harley if you like to use ranged attack. When attacking an opponent from afar, use it first spells Petrify to produce burstdamage which is more steady.

Could Be Opener ganking

petrify mobile legends ganking 1

Battle Spells Petrify can be useful for the opening "gong". ganking. This will also be very effective if your opponent is left alone or you succeed in luring your opponent.

When will use Petrify for this tactic, place heroes which could be "bait" for the opponent. Your teammates can hide in the bushes or on lanes closest. Next, use Petrify and command teammates to ganking.

So, the strategy is you will play laning and somewhat passive to then wait for the opponent to move into the area lanes your team. This strategy will also be effective in early game until midgame.

petrify mobile legends ganking 2

after midgame, heroes the opponent will definitely be tougher to beat. The solution is, you have to be brave enough to fight mechanics and lure them to lanes closest toganking together.

Make sure you master timings use spells this, because the duration is quite short (0.8 seconds only) and only ganking if your teammates can move fast. try lanes in top nor mid also safe from the onslaught of opponents so it can be more GG again ganking-his.

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Increase Accuracy skills Heroes Certain

If you have trouble using skills heroes certain, spell Petrify Mobile Legends could be one of the solutions.

Effect from skills this is to reduce their movement. Automatically, you use heroes like Selena, Alice, Vexana or heroes with ranged attack others can be more targeted when using skills-his.

petrify mobile legends selena lele

As an illustration, you want to use Selena during the level player you're still 15. Incidentally, you also use Selena as solo mid laner. Spells Petrify this can increase accuracy combos Selene's attack skills 1 and 2 because it will slow down the opponent moving in a certain direction.

Thus, Selena can still mark her target and immediately hit her opponent with abyss mode-his. You also don't need to worry because catfish Selena will be more on target.

With these illustrations, you can also practice it with marksman heroes with burstdamage or mage who rely on ranged attacks and have skills requiring fast hand.

Suitable for Heroes Producer damage streak

Use Petrify it will also fit perfectly heroes who can slay his opponent with a single push skills. For example, ultimate Saber, skills 2 Lancelots, ultimate skill Benedetta too ultimate Guinevere.

petrify mobile legends gusion skill 2

Spells this will be the opening streak attack heroesheroes this is because the opponent will be slow and have difficulty escaping their attacks.

This situation will also be exacerbated when ultimate or skills heroes certain effect slow higher too. For example, skills 2 Gusion can slow down his opponent by up to 30%.

You can imagine how slow heroes opponent when hit by a combination spell Petrify and skills 2 the Gusion. Automatic, attack streak added spells this can be a good option for quickly defeating your opponent.

Make sure you also have energy or where enough so that after using this combination, you can immediately move on to other attacks.

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Can Hold Heroes The Lively

The original effect of Petrify Mobile Legends will be an important asset when you face opponents who are agile and hard to beat or beat.skills.

Battle spells this may not be so effective at stopping their movement, but there will be a time lag that you can use to give damage extra against this agile opponent.

petrify mobile legends franco main

For example, you use Franco as tankers core, and you're dealing with heroes like Lylia or Ruby. Second heroes is famous for its shrewdness to survive from burstdamage with blink skillsher too lifesteal-his.

Franco you can pair with Petrify so you can freely tug on the second one heroes in case they would run away.

You can also hide behind creeps and activate spells Petrify Mobile Legends, followed by skills 1st and skills 2. Lylia in particular, you can immediately overcome with this combination.

As for Ruby, you need to survive the "pull" as well to then activate Petrify and use skills 2 or ultimate at close range. However, you have to be careful because Ruby can lifesteal and quite hard to kill.

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Escape From The Pursuit Heroes Opponent

With spells This is also you can at least escape from opponents who are chasing you. This can be done with the condition that you have to activate it Petrify previously.

Usually, Natalia, Fanny and Ling would be a nightmare for fans heroes with movement speed The low one. This is caused by skillset they are filled with dash nor blink. Ling in particular heroes it can even climb the wall and use skillsher while on top of the wall.

petrify mobile legends vs fanny

If you meet heroesheroes you have to dare to attack them earlier by first activating Petrify. Next, you start to get organized timings to get out of their attack range whenever possible.

Due to the situation, you should pair up Petrify Mobile Legends with heroes slow to have burstdamage and can stun or slow opponent. Petrify this will only serve as an effect enhancer slow only so that it can give time for you to escape from their pursuit.

At least, Spell Petrify this can slow them down for a while.

Team Counter Strike Opener

As with the opener ganking, battle spells You can also use this as counterattack moment mid or late game. This will be very effective if you can get the Lord and the opponent seems caught off guard by their position.

petrify mobile legends team counter attack

You can aim core heroes them by baiting him towards turret middle. Activate battle spells Petrify while attacking heroes cores the.

If you are assisted by the Lord, then you can hide behind it to attack core heroes the opponent. You also need a lot of coordination with your teammates to block your allies' ambushes heroes opponent.

If you succeed in doing this tactic, at least you can hinder movement speed core heroes then you ganking with God's help.

This strategy is an option if you want to turn things around, with a team that contains marksman heroes, tanks, fighters the one that can burstdamage while the opponent uses a lot heroes long distance.

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Battle Spell Petrify Mobile Legends only seems to diminish speed only for a few seconds. However, player beginners in particular, can take advantage spells this as an option before they got battle spells others at a higher level.

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