Laser sights PUBG Mobile can increase hip-fire accuracy by 30 percent. Therefore, you must know what are the functions when you use this attachment.
The laser sight is a grip attachment that is often underestimated in PUBG Mobile. However, not many know that the PUBG laser sight can increase hip-fire accuracy by 30 percent.
Therefore, you should know about the benefits and functions of using a PUBG Mobile laser sight to aim more accurately. Don't miss it, bro!
Benefits of Using PUBG's Laser Sight
Using Laser Sight For Lower Recoil

PUBG's laser sight makes your crosshair smaller. You can easily see the position of the crosshair as you run. When hip-firing, the bullet will hit the inside of the crosshair.
Therefore, the smaller the crosshair, the more accurate your hip-fire will be. That is, the laser sight increases hip-fire accuracy in PUBG Mobile, but does not reduce weapon recoil.
Use the PUBG laser sight when you are running after an enemy, with that you can shoot enemies more accurately. So, never underestimate this attachment.
Laser Sight Vs Vertical Grip

Vertical grip helps reduce the vertical recoil of weapons, especially Assault Rifles such as the M762, AKM, M416, and so on. This is useful in controlling the recoil of weapons for hip-fire and ADS.
Meanwhile, laser sights are only good for hip-fire. It's clear that the PUBG laser sight is not as good as the vertical foregrip. But the laser sight is easier to get than the vertical grip.
It is highly recommended that you keep both of them in your backpack to use them in different battle conditions.
The Right Time To Use Laser Sight

As mentioned above, the PUBG laser sight can help increase hip-fire accuracy by 30 percent. You can use this attachment if you have bad hip-fire.
This attachment can help you improve your hip-fire skills. You can also link bullets in close combat better because of the smaller crosshair.
You will need to decide whether to use a laser sight or another foregrip as you can only choose one.
Keep in mind that the laser sight is completely useless in medium and long range combat. In addition, using a laser sight can show your position to the enemy in the presence of a laser beam.
The Best Weapon That Can Be Combined With Laser Sight

Pistols are the best weapons to combine with laser sights. Most of the guns in PUBG Mobile can only accept laser sight attachments.
Also, hip-fire is the best firing mode for this type of weapon. Even a laser sight will do well on this category of weapon.
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Apart from that, this attachment also works well on PUBG Mobile SMG weapons, such as UMP45 and Vector. This SMG is very useful and powerful in face-to-face combat and close range shooting due to its stability and low recoil.
Tips For Using Laser Sight

You should store this attachment in your gun to save space in your backpack. When you are going to be involved in close combat, especially in hot-drop locations like School on Erangel or Bootcamp on Sanhok, attach this attachment to AR for a better close range shot.
In a small but crowded complex, you will often have face-to-face combat where a laser sight will help a lot. You can also install a muzzle to help you control the recoil of the weapon, such as a compensator.
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Those were some of the functions and benefits that you can get when using a PUBG Mobile laser sight. Most players really don't like to use it. One reason is that positions can be exposed.
Behind it all, the PUBG Mobile laser sight has a very important function in making the shooting accuracy even better. All attachments in PUBG must have their own function.