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Functions and How to Make a Hopper in Minecraft

A Minecraft hopper is a low-capacity storage block that can be used to collect items directly above it.
Minecraft Hoppers
Minecraft Hoppers. Source: RajCraft/Youtube

Hoppers Minecraft is a block low-capacity storage that can be used to collect items directly above it.

Apart from that, Hopper can also transfer items into or out of other containers.

Players can lock a Hopper by using the power of Redstone to stop the activity of removing and inserting items.

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This article will discuss the functions and how to make a Hopper in Minecraft. Curious? Come on, see the complete description in the article below!

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Hopper Function in Minecraft

The hopper has three functions, namely as a container, making recipe, and is one of the components of Redstone. The following is a more complete explanation.

Hopper As Container

Minecraft Hopper Container
Hopper Container. Source: RajCraft/Youtube

In Minecraft, Hopper can be used as a storage box which has a total of 5 item storage slots. To open the Hopper GUI, use the Use Item/Place Block command.

To move items between Hopper storage and player storage while the GUI is open, drag the item you want to move.

Press ESC, the B button or the circle button (depending on the device you are using) to exit the Hopper GUI.

By default, the Hopper GUI will be labeled with the name “Item Hopper”. You can change the name by changing it in Anvil before placing it in the desired place.

In Java Edition, you can use the data command. For example, want to label a Hopper at (0,64,0) with the name “Steve's Hopper”.

You can use the command /data merge block 0 64 0 {CustomName:' “Steve's Hopper” '} to change the label.

Materials for Making a Minecart with Hopper

Minecraft Hopper - Minecart with Hopper
Minecart with Hopper. Source: RajCraft/Youtube

Another function of the Hopper is as a raw material for making Minecart with Hopper items. To make it, you only need to prepare x1 Hopper and x1 Minecart.

After preparing the necessary ingredients, open the menu crafting 3 x 3. Next, place x1 Hopper in the second column on the left and x1 Minecart on the right.

Redstone Components

Hopper interaction with Redstone components
Hopper interaction with Redstone components. Source: RajCraft/Youtube

The hopper is not powered by a signal from Redstone, this item operates with three functions, namely Collect, Pull and Push. Here is the explanation:

  • Collect – Collects item entities floating above it into storage
  • Pull – Pulls an item into storage from a container above it
  • Push – Pushes an item from its storage towards another container in front of it.
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How to Make a Hopper in Minecraft

How to make a Hopper in Minecraft
How to make a Hopper in Minecraft. Source: RajCraft/Youtube

To make a Hopper in Minecraft, you only need two items, namely x5 Iron Ingots and x1 Chest.

Iron Ingot is an item that is quite common in Minecraft so you can get it in many locations such as Dungeon and Mineshaft.

It's not difficult to make it, just prepare x1 Block of Iron and place it in the middle of the slot crafting menu 3 x 3. You can also make 1 Iron Ingot with x9 Iron Nugget.

Meanwhile, Chess itself naturally appears in three dimensions and they can be found in various locations such as the Monster Room, Ruined Portals, and Ancient Cities.

You can also make Chest items by combining any boards such as Dark Oak Planks and Mangrove Planks.

After successfully collecting x5 Iron Ingots and x1 Chest, now is the time to combine them crafting 3 x 3 menus.

Crafting Hopper
Crafting Hopper. Source: RajCraft/Youtube

Next, place x1 Chest in the middle and continue with 2 Iron Ingots in the first and second columns on the left and 2 Iron Ingots in the first and second columns on the right.

Finally, place 1 Iron Ingot right under the Chest. Wait a moment and you can get Hopper.

Also read: Is Minecraft Cross Platform? This is the Answer!

So, that's a brief description of the function and how to make a Hopper Minecraft. How, easy isn't it?

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