Aloha Vicigers! The bad news that caught our attention was that in the June 3 2020 update yesterday, Free Fire official me-launching M82B weapon, but will now be temporarily removed. Wow, I wonder why?
This new weapon is one of the most sought after weapons. Day like this, who does not know the game Free Fire, namely the game that has the battle royale genre which is available on both Android and iOS and is developed by the company games from Singapore, Garena? The answer is definitely almost nothing.
Games which is often referred to as FF is an idol for its users. This was proven in 2020, based on a report from Sea Limited which stated that user daily Free Fire which actively reaches more than 100 million users per day.
Judging from the large number of users, it is not surprising that every players will compete to find a way to become the most powerful player.
This is why search engines on the internet never miss keywords about weapons, characters, heroes, as well as tips and tricks play. Intrigued by this new weapon? Let's look at the complete information below.
M82B gun, What is that?!

It can be said that the choice sniper rifles this is the prima donna of the player in the advanced server in Free Fire. This one weapon can be found in almost all areas maps, but unfortunately the M82B is available in limited quantities.
Judging from the specifications, this M82B can be classified as an option sniper rifles Free Fire best at the moment. damage "hurt" on the vehicle as well gloo wall owned by the M82B weapon has the ability to provide as much as 200% is proof of how scary this rifle is.
In addition to those mentioned above, the capabilities of the M82B weapon Free Fire which can be redeemed gloo wall also cannot be overlooked.
You can also shoot enemies hiding behind gloo wall. Then, the enemy will later receive damage up to 80%. Sick right? Not only that, snipers it can also show accuracy which is at 90 points out of 100 points.
Free Fire presents a variety of weapons, ranging from weapons that can be used at close range to those that can be used at long distances. Since ancient times until now, weapons of this type snipers still the first choice. What is the reason?

- damage which is deadly
- High accuracy
- The aiming distance is far
- Bullets that don't take up much space
Game Free Fire presents three choices of mainstay sniper type weapons to choose from, namely AWM (ber-damage large), KAR98K (wearing biometric scope), and also M82B (destroyer gloo wall).
But recently, there has been news that the M82B weapon has been removed from the server Free Fire. why it can be happened?
M82B Weapon Removed from Server Free Fire

News bugs from the M82B FF weapon recently became one of the most interesting pieces of information.
As we know, there is bugs what happens to the M82B weapon, will be quite dangerous and harm many people.
Because of that, there is no other choice, so Garena has to make improvements that are currently underway, so that the player no loss as a result of it.
There are still a lot of them updates/new updates that will be held in the game, which is of course very interesting.
Reportedly, bugs the latest thing that happened to this M82B weapon, is bugs having an effect on Gloo Wall are in the match. Where damage which will be received by enemies hiding later, will increase to 60% due to the weapon.
Because of this, Garena certainly doesn't stay silent. They take swift steps in dealing with such things bugs this.
After getting many reports from users Free Fire, Garena finally decided to temporarily remove the M82B weapon, as in the statement they announced in Free Fire games
During this fix, you cannot use this M82B weapon, and it will return to normal after bugsits fixed.
Same as in some of the old features in the game Free Fire this, at the moment there is bugs Garena will surely take action by deleting it first.
These things will minimize the occurrence of big problems when you use the M82B weapon in a match.
That is the reason why currently the M82B weapon is temporarily removed. Even so, of course there are still many other interesting weapon choices. Come on, login now!
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