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Forging in Ragnarok: A Blacksmith's Mandatory Activity

Forging in Ragnarok: A must-have activity for Blacksmiths that is extremely beneficial both in and out of the game!
Forge in Ragnarok
Forge in Ragnarok. Source: VCGamers

Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game Franchise (MMORPG) this one is already timeless. Since its first release in 2002, this game has even managed to survive after more than two decades! And in this topic, we will discuss about forging in Ragnarok.

The existence of certain equipment sets and builds is definitely the backbone of all genre games MMORPG. And so is Ragnarok. Players will be required to assemble the best equipment so that their characters get stronger and avoid being called 'defective'.

And when it comes to items, the one with the most authority is of course Blacksmith as the job that deals with forging activities in Ragnarok. As 'Blacksmiths', they have a great capacity in creating various beautiful equipment.

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Without this job, it's impossible for other jobs to use their best builds. In a way, their presence is very crucial and significant. It's only natural that in the end the existence of this job is so popular in the Midgard universe.

So, for those who are curious about the details of the Blacksmith job and their role in forging in Ragnarok, you can really read this VCGamers article. Guaranteed, after reading this, you can understand more about the relationship between the two. So, please listen!

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Forge basics in Ragnarok

Basic Forge in Ragnarok
Basic Forge in Ragnarok. Source: VCGamers

Ragnarok Online, one of the games MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) is well-known, offering a variety of interesting features that keep its players engaged in exciting and entertaining adventures.

One of the features that steals the attention is the forging system. This system is a process of increasing the power of weapons and character equipment by combining special materials.

In Ragnarok, there are many ways that players can forge. The forging process requires a certain amount of Zeny (in-game currency) and special materials such as Oridecon or Elunium.

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Forge in Ragnarok: hone your character's weapons and skills

Merchant Base Job Blacksmith
Merchant Base Job Blacksmith. Source: VCGamers

The main benefit of forging is increasing the attack, attack speed, or special effects of weapons or equipment. Of course this is intended so that players can become stronger in battle and face tougher enemies.

In some cases, players can also get bonus effects such as increased critical chance or elemental effects on their weapons. Forging is also a way to create uniqueness in gameplay.

However, the forging process is not always easy and comes with risks. Every time players tried forging, there was a chance that weapons or equipment would be damaged or even destroyed. From there it can be seen that forging is indeed not for all jobs.

This can result in significant losses if players have invested a lot of resources in acquiring these weapons or equipment.

Therefore, players need to consider the risks and benefits before forging. Some of them even use special items such as Bradium or Carnium to reduce the risk of damage when forging. That's where Blacksmith finally becomes significant.

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Blacksmith's role in forging in Ragnarok

Job Blacksmith
Job Blacksmith. Source: VCGamers

A blacksmith who is a blacksmith is more skilled at forging. Metallurgical knowledge has become part of their job desc. Eits, but of course that's not the aspect that makes this job suitable for this activity, you know!

Yep, a blacksmith needs to boost his LUK (Luckiness) status. Not only is this suitable for their play style that relies solely on the presence of critical hits and chances, but also at the same time to increase their luck in achieving successful forging.

So, don't be surprised if in the end many Blacksmith players make forging activities a source of income both inside and outside the game. Those who are skilled can offer smithing services to other players in exchange for Zeny or rare items.

So all of this not only opens up economic opportunities, but this can also ultimately create unique social interactions between players. Not a few players who end up doing ground coffee, meet, and eventually make real friends in the real world.

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