At the start of Season 22, we were certainly surprised by the Blacklist champion's meta-healing in the style of M3. Heroes who can do healing like Rafaela, Floryn, Minotour and of course Estes are always used. Therefore to flower the meta healing defense that occurred in this season. Here are 5 counter hero aesthetics that you can play.
MLBB (Mobile Legends Bang Bang) presents several roles that will definitely suit you in the gameplay you will play. Including role support which certainly helps the team in balancing and doing defense. Hero Estes is one of the many support roles used this season.
Why is Hero Estes always picked on and even subscribed to tires at the top tier because the Estes hero has high durability and also a fast healing effect on team mates. So that it can help the team to counter the war simultaneously by regenerating quite heavily.
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So, you already know why Estes' hero is always picked. Here's how to counter estes heroes that you can use in Ranked and Classic.

Luo Yi came in first on the counter hero estes. Why is that? Because when Estes does the ultimate the team will gather at one point where Estes will divide the heal. Now, this gathering point is definitely an opportunity for Luo Yi to do skill 1 (dispersion) and skill 2 (rotation).
This can make enemies walking around in estes random and run away. Because the skill that Luo Yi gave him must be quite painful. This poke genre hero mage can instantly kill an opponent in an instant.
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Are you a roam or fighter role user? So, you must use this hero if you want to counter the Estes hero. Of course, the combination of skills used by Jawhead is very easy to kidnap the Estes hero. Balanced with team chemistry and good communication, it will certainly be easy to target Estes.
Don't forget that skill 1 (smart missiles) and skill 2 (ejector) must be used together so that it hurts more and it's also easier to kill Estes instantly.
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If you are an assassin user and want to counter estes heroes. Ling is the right solution for you as an assassin. With skills that certainly rely heavily on mobility and the damage that is given is quite painful. This hero is very easy to target Estes.
The rest is just waiting for the right time and if there is no Estes hero backing up. This Ling can be a counter hero estes not only from the mobility and damage that hurts. However, this Ling is indeed a natural counter to Estes.
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For those of you who are tank users, be happy because you won't be bothered if the opposing team uses Estes. Lolita is the right choice in the current season 22 to counter this hero. Because the skills and durability due to the current MLBB buff patch have made Lolita even stronger and always picked up in ranked and tournament realms.
You can rely on charge skill 1 from Lolita to launch attacks so that Estes doesn't move easily. Then of course Ultimate from lolita (nueomon of blast) which can stun for a very long time and many are stunned if the opposing hero is near Estes.
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The last estes counter hero is saber the human robot from the land of dawn. Saber is the best counter Estes hero that you can use right now, the skill given by Saber in executing is the best thing you can do. With the skill and ultimate obtained, Estes loses in one hit.
Saber can easily lock opponents, by using the second skill, namely charege, Saber can move very quickly then continue with his ultimate, namely triple swap which can lock estes, finally use the first flying sword skill to give the final attack.