MLBB (Mobile Legends Bang Bang) is one of the games that is often used by Indonesian people today. Mobile Legends Bang Bang is currently very competitive and also very tight competition. Many pro players were born from players who used to rank. Jungler is one of the heart of the game from this one MOBA game. The jungler that is usually used in ranked and tournaments is Roger. However, Roger is often very annoying due to the painful damage and high mobility. The following are 5 roger hero counters that can be used as a reference for you to play MLBB (Mobile Legends Bang Bang).
Counter Hero Roger

Roger has 4 Skills and one ultimate to transform. This is certainly difficult for players who want to knock out the fighter and marksman heroes. When Roger turns into a human he will become a human. His passive skill is shooting using a shotgun and skill 1 is also the same but with high additional damage, Roger's skill 2 adds movement speed of 20%. When changing wolf mode, Roger's passive skill scratches the opponent the same as his 1st skill. Skill 2 adds physical attack damage with an additional 15%. The following are 5 Roger hero counters that you can play.

For you mage users, you can use valir to counter roger heroes. Valir's skill has a slow effect and also very good Crowd Control. So Roger can't move when dealing with Valir.
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You must be able to direct the skill well because this valir is very vulnerable when it is hit by Roger. Valir also doesn't have an escape skill, so you must direct skills 1 and 2 well. Burst effects can also prevent Roger from carrying out physical attacks.
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The natural hero who counters Roger's hero is Ruby. This Ruby has quite high disabled skills and crowd control. Ruby also has high regeneration so it will definitely be difficult for Roger to kill Ruby.
Ruby is also a good idea for you to use defense items on Roger to make it harder and have thicker durability. This will certainly make Roger players very frustrated facing ruby.
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For those of you who use tank heroes in Roger's counter hero. Franco is included in the list. Because Roger will have difficulty with heroes who have high Crowd Control. Franco can also be an option for you in the early game to interrupt buffs when Roger is killing jungle.
This one tank hero definitely has to play skill 1 right so you don't always miss. Make sure you win the early game and the ultimate especially for Roger so that Roger doesn't react to your team.
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Roger's next counter hero is Claude. Claude has a blazing duet that will definitely have an impact on Roger. It is very difficult for Roger to catch up with Claude because this Marksman has a dash skill that can trick the enemy.
Tips for playing Claude when an opponent uses Roger is your item must be at least in the 5th minute you have become a Demon Hunter Sword (DHS) because the damage given will cause Roger to always avoid Claude's attacks. Try not to stop your stack because it will certainly have an impact on the game or gameplay in the future.
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Next is Saber which is the best counter Roger hero that you can play in the Mobile Legends game. This hero's skill is very painful in terms of damage, especially in terms of its excellent counter abilities.
When using Saber to defeat Roger, you can use Skill 3 or his ultimate which can target an opposing hero and deal enormous damage to Roger, with just one attack it's enough to defeat him.