Scrim Valorant VCGamers will be held this week. You can earn points GamingYourWay by attending this event.
You can collect GamingYourWay points to be exchanged for a raffle ticket. Later, the raffle ticket will be drawn.
You have a chance to get ROG Laptops from VCGamers if your name comes out in the raffle.
Apart from that, there are also other attractive prizes that you can get from this GamingYourWay raffle ticket.
Now how to get GamingYourWay points is very easy. That is, just by participating in all interesting events on Discord VCGamers Official.
Prey Join Discord VCGamers Official and follow all the exciting events that exist.
Collect points and get a chance to win a ROG Laptop in the GamingYourWay program.
Also read: Join the VCGamers Discord and Take Quiz with Prizes from HP to ROG Laptops
Scrim Valorant VCGamers

Scrim in the esports industry means sparring or sparring. Later, you will meet other teams to compete in playing games.
Scrim Valorant from VCGamers will be held on the VCGamers Official Discord on Wednesday and Thursday, 7-8 September 2022.
Those of you who win in the event will get a lot of benefits.
Because there will be prizes of hundreds of thousands of rupiah for those of you who win in the event.
So, this week's Scrim Valorant VCGamers is limited to 12 teams or 60 players.
Later, players will automatically get 25 GamingYourWay Points.
Don't miss this opportunity and win GamingYourWay prizes and points!
Event Details:
- Open Registration: Now – 7 September 2022
- Technical Meeting: 7 September 2022 At 17.00 WIB
- Match Day: 7 – 8 September 2022 at 19.00 WIB
- Open Slots: 12 Teams (60 Players/Members)
- Noted : Each player will get 25 Points #GamingYourWay
- Prize pool: IDR 150,000
- 1st Place: IDR 100,000 + E-Certificate
- 2nd Place: IDR 50,000 + E-Certificate
- 3rd Place: E-Certificate
- Contact Person: 085163663315 (VCGamers Community)
Also read: Complete Missions in the VCGamers Discord Group and Win a ROG Laptop!
VCGamers Fun Match MLBB

Apart from Scrim Valorant, this week there will also be a VCGamers Fun Match (VFM) Mobile Legends Bang Bang (MLBB).
VFM MLBB can be joined by all VCGamers Discord members. You can test your skills with other players to win this tournament.
The winning team will receive a prize from VCGamers. Apart from that, you will also earn GamingYourWay points.
These GamingYourWay points can be collected to be exchanged for a rafle ticket. Where, the raffle ticket will be drawn and you will get the chance to win a ROG Laptop and other attractive prizes.
- Open Registration: Now – 8 September 2022
- Technical Meeting: September 8, 2022 At 17.00 WIB
- Match Day: 8 – 9 September 2022 At 19.00 WIB
- Open slots: 60 Players/Members
- Noted : Each player will get 25 #GamingYourWay Points
- Prize pool: IDR 150,000
- 1st Place: IDR 100,000 + E Certificate
- 2nd Place: IDR 50,000 + E – Certificate
- Contact Person: 085163663315 (VCGamers Community)
Also read: Join the VCGamers Discord and Take Quiz with Prizes from HP to ROG Laptops
Join the event on Discord VCGamers Official and win a ROG Laptop and all the prizes.
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