Still talking about Pokémon, this time we will talk about 4 starters Pokémon the coolest type of fire. I'm sure one of them must have a Vicigers favorite too!
The fire type starter always attracts the interest of any Pokemon lover. Because of this, it would be very interesting to talk about the best of them!
So for those who are curious Starter Pokémon what type of fire is the best to choose, in the following we will present a review. Please listen!
Also read: The Coolest Pokemon Charcadet Evolution in the Ninth Generation!
Lineup of Fire Type Pokemon Starters
Now on to the main discussion, namely the 4 best fire-type Pokemon Starters that you can really make choices for in each of their generations. Of course in each generation the Starter choices will only range between three types: Fire (Fire), Water (Water), and Grass/Plants (Grass).
So, if you play a generation in which the Pokemon below are the fire starters, then be sure to choose them! Here are the details:
4. Emboars

From the most distended number there is Emboar. This Pokemon is the final form (final evolution) of Tepig and Pignite. Emboar is present as a starter for the Unova region (fifth generation).
Like the Blaziken above, Emboar, with his appearance adapted from the war general in the Story of the Three Kingdoms, has a side type of Fighting. Among the three other Unova Starters, Emboar has the strongest base status. Suitable for choice!
3. Blaziken

The next is Blaziken. This starter is the final evolution of the Torchic evolution line which changed to Combusken. Blaziken made its first appearance as a fire starter for the 3rd generation installation in the Hoenn region.
What makes it worthy of being chosen as a starter is the Torchic evolution line which is equipped with a Fighting side type. At level 16, he will evolve into Combusken and get Double Kick.
With only this move, almost all Pokemon that become opponents can instantly 1-hit KO! Apart from that, Blaziken also gets his Mega Form after reappearing in Alpha Sapphire and Omega Ruby installations. Totally overpowered!
2. Typhlosion

In second place is Typhlosion. The final form of the Cyndaquil and Quilava evolutionary lines can be said to be one of the oldest fire starters in the entire Pokemon franchise. It first appeared in the second generation for the Johto region.
Unlike the two fire starters above, Typhlosion is described so innocently. He also only has one 'pure' type, namely pure fire.
But make no mistake. Along with his reappearance as a fire Starter in Pokemon Legends: Arceus, Typhlosion gained the evolution of his Hisuian form.
This makes it have an animation shape like classic Japanese art depictions, as well as a side type Ghost! Really beautiful!
1. Charizard

For number 1 there is no need to debate anymore. This first generation fire starter Pokemon for the Kanto region is already so legendary that it has become a pop culture icon. Yep, especially if it's not Charizard, the final form of the Charmender and Charmeleon evolutionary lines!
Judging from its value, this Pokemon is always of high value. All collectible Pokemon, starting from trading cards (TCG), accessories, to other knick-knacks that have Charizard elements, will definitely have the highest selling value!
Naturally, the developer provides so many forms, starting from Mega Evolution (X and Y), Gigantamax, to the newest, Tera Forming. So Vicigers really have to choose Charizard as a Starter!
Also read: How Many Pokemon Are There? Let's find out here!
So, that was the discussion about the best fire-type Pokemon Starter! Don't forget, Game Top Up is cheap, fast and safe at VCGamers Marketplace yes!