Fire Emblem Three Houses is one games Nintendo Switch which was developed by Koei Tecmo from Japan and Intelligent System and released by Nintendo also released games New for June 2022.
release games in all platforms very crowded in early 2022. Not only variety games PC or mobile games other releases, games for Nintendo Switch also enlivened the release competition games.
The Fire Emblem series announced an adaptation games for one of the famous series Fire Emblem Three Houses with the title Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes.
Game will this will get spin-off with the same world but released to franchises Another Fire Emblem, namely, Fire Emblem Warriors.
Fire Emblem Three Houses previously used a game system tactical An RPG that involves more tactics and strategy from the player.
New adaptation into franchises Fire Emblem Warriors will make the game system change and unique compared to Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
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Release of Fire Emblem Warrior: Three Hopes
Nintendo of America on official social media accounts Twitter released an announcement that it will adapt Fire Emblem Three Houses on June 24, 2022.
This adaptation with the title Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes will bring in the three main characters from Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Trailers about games it has been released on the official Nintendo Youtube.
This latest release has made fans of the Fire Emblem series impatient for the sequel to the previous Fire Emblem: Three Houses, considering that the series is quite popular among RPG players.
Quoted from Nintendo Direct released today, Edelgard, Dimitri and Claude will fight a new battle in the same world as the Three Houses.
The difference is that there is a real-time action system switch (real-time action) replaced the system games the former was turn-based tactical (turned-base games).
It also confirms a change game genres from RPG tactics (tactical role playing game).
Fire Emblem Warriors are a type Musou style game so Fire Emblem: Three Houses will certainly use game genres the same one.
Musou style games is hack and slash games where you will be a character who fights enemies to defend or take territory.

styles this is famous as a hallmark of the developer Koei Tecmo who also developed all the Fire Emblem series in Japan.
Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes is not games The first Warriors set in the world of Fire Emblem. The first Fire Emblem Warriors game was released in 2017 and features characters from games such as Fire Emblem: Awakening and Fire Emblem Fates.
Warriors is a genre action where you as a player use one character who must face wave after wave of enemies to reclaim territory.
Nintendo has worked with the developers of the Warriors series on several spin-off such as Fire Emblem Warriors and Hyrule Warriors.
Fire Emblem Three Houses

Fire Emblem Three Houses was released in 2019 for the Nintendo Switch. Set on the continent of Fódlan, you will be asked to become an instructor for one of three dormitories (three houses). This selection will later make you complete one route out of three different routes.
The story of Fire Emblem Three Houses is centered on the 3 houses led by the successors of the 3 continent states of Fódlan who before there was a war between the states and had made promises of peace.
You will act accordingly gender that you want and a free name, by name default as Byleth.
Byleth will help the successors of the 3 countries to learn so they can grow to be the right leaders on the battlefield with the system tactical turn-based game.

The Fódlan Continent was divided into the Adrestian Empire to the south and west, the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus to the north, and the Leicester Alliance to the east.
The 3 dorms that you can choose from are Black Eagles, Blue Lions, and Golden Deers. The Black Eagles are led by Edelgard von Hresvelg or Edelgard, the imperial princess and heir to the Adrestian throne.
The Blue Lions are led by Prince Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd or Dimitri, prince of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus. The leader of the Golden Deer was Claude von Regan, heir to a noble family of the Leichester Alliance.
All routes will later take you to participate in resolving wars between the three countries and require a strategy to win the war.