Latest Fire Emblem Heroes Tier List March 2025
With so many heroes in Fire Emblem Heroes, it can be confusing to choose which one is the best.
To overcome this problem, in this article we will help you by providing a Fire Emblem Heroes tier list.
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Without further ado, here is the latest Fire Emblem Heroes tier list. Let's check it out!
Also read:
List of Best Characters in Fire Emblem Heroes
There are so many characters you will unlock throughout the game that new players will be overwhelmed by this.
But don't worry, because we have prepared a Fire Emblem Heroes tier list to help you choose some of the best heroes.
Also, before we really get into the discussion, you need to know that heroes are divided based on their colors, namely Red, Blue, Green, and Grey.
Blue Hero Tier List

Blue heroes in FEH are mostly known to use Lance as their main weapon. But there are also heroes who use Blue Breath, Blue Tome, or Blue Bow.
Tiers | Characters |
SS | Nuibaba: Mistress of Fear, Rearmed Nel: Stoic Dragon, Dorothea – Daring Ex-Singer, Winter Edelgard, Winter Cordelia, Ascended Idunn, Young Palla, Valentine's Rudolf, Brave Hector, Brave Dimitri, Legendary Dimitri, New Year Alfonse, Halloween Tiki (Young), Legendary Azura, Seiros, Legendary Chrom, Hræsvelgr: Quieting Blade, Ivy: Snow Queen |
S | Attuned Caeda, New Year Seiðr, Ratatoskr, Tea Sigurd, Brave Gullveig, Rearmed Plumeria, Rearmed Ingrid, Young Mark, Vanessa, Legendary Shez (F), Halloween Corrin (F), Brave Chrom, Summer Thorr, Legendary Myrrh, Bridal Lilina, Fallen Dimitri, Hatari Karla, Legendary Fae, Kris (F), Ullr, Duo Ephraim, Brave Lucina, Brave Eirika, Summer Ingrid, Forsyth, Duessel, Legendary Julia, Ophelia, Fallen Corrin (M), Legendary Tiki (Young), Ninja Navarre, Pirate Surtr, Brave Eliwood, Picnic Lukas, Winter Ephraim, Lilith, Gatrie, Peony, Guinivere, Plegian Katarina, Reinhardt, Young Tana, Tsubasa, Selena, Legendary Lucina, Nifl, Ronan, Apotheosis Anna, Soiree Berkut, Masquerade, ldigan, Hardin, Summer Laegjarn, Petrine, Dimitri, Legendary Ephraim, Melady, Perceval, Naga, Summer Lyn, Spring Est, Sirius, Masquerade Quan, Winter Nino, Naesala, Nailah, Jorge, Nils, New Year Velouria, Winter Felix, Winter Hilda, Halloween Ilyana |
A | Oswin: Impregnable Knight, Spring Sylvain, Spring Mirabilis, Halloween Timerra, Ninja Zelgius, Freyr, Arion, Febail, Eitr, Summer Shamir, Summer Shez (M), Fallen Anankos, Spring Bernadetta, Gilliam, Sage Byleth (M), Alfred, New Year Ash, Caeldori, Monica, Flame Tribe Lyn, Jeralt, Thief Cath, Valentian Est, Summer Claude, Sain, Fallen Ninian, Ascended Ishtar, Spring Delthea, Legendary Caeda, Valentine's Owain, New Year Reginn, Winter Mirabilis, Marcia, Ninja Corrin (M), Halloween Sothis, Seteth, Valentine's Lyn, Altena, Brunnya, Kana (M), Geese, Rinea, Ferdinand, Ishtar, Ilyana, Gwendolyn, Fjorm, Kjelle, Est, Valentine's Eliwood, Adrift Corrin (M), Corrin (F), Cordelia, Spring Narcian, Clair, Fallen Delthea, Fallen Berkut, Camus, Summer Camilla, Petra, Summer Lute, Panne, Hoshidan Summer Ryoma, Summer Norne, Robin (M), Fiora, Selkie, Nowi, Bridal Ninian, Halloween Niles, Rafiel, Micaiah, Hapi, Veyle |
B | Mycen, New Year Kana (F), Noah, Bridal Say'ri, Vigarde, Geoffrey, Valentine's Takumi, Chloé, New Year Yarne, Matthis, Cervantes, Karin, Spring Luthier, Miriel, Roshea, Halloween Sophia, Mae, Lute, Lukas, Scion Lewyn, Linde, A'Arachel, Kliff, Death Knight, Hinoka, Cormag, Florina, Abel, Finn, Cynthia, Galle, Ephraim, Effie, Donnel, Delthea, Sigrun, Ylgr, Summer Corrin (F), Summer Cordelia, Valter, Tanith, Ursula, Pent, Tana, Spring Catria, Catria, Tailtiu, Spring Marisa, Sumia, Berkut, Silas, Shiro, Azura, Shigure, Performing Shigure, New Year Laegjarn, Sharena, Shanna, Hostile Springs Ryoma, Mordecai, Saias, Heath, Roderick, Winter Robin, Travant, Quan, Peri, Oscar, Olwen, Valentine's Soren, Oboro, Ninian, Conrad, Nephenee, Thea, Valbar, Morgan (F), Mauvier: Penitent Knight |
C | Phila, Bridal Larum, Mathilda, Spring Lucina, Jagen, Spring Xander, Clive, Bridal Charlotte, Sully, Subaki, Bridal Caeda, Summer Robin (F), Oliver, Odin |
Tier List Hero Red

The most obvious characteristic of Hero Red is his use of bladed weapons, such as daggers and swords.
As a general rule, they have a slightly smaller range than the others, but it depends on the individual character.
Tiers | Characters |
SS | Elincia – Undaunted Queen, Rafal, Jehanna Malice, Marianne – Cursed Blessing, Emblem Ike, Legendary Elincia, Ninja Sanaki, Summer Shez (F), Fallen Chrom, Fallen Byleth (F), Felix, Legendary Veronica, Rearmed Líf, Brave Seliph, Valentine's Chrom, Spring Idunn, Reginn, Summer Byleth (F), Young Caeda, Winter Altina, Legendary Lilina, Valentine's Lif, Idunn, Fallen Ike, Fallen Julia, Masquerade Sigurd, Legendary Sigurd, Brave Lysithea, Hoshidan Summer Micaiah, Halloween Myrrh |
S | Late: Imperial Ascent, Hortensia, Spring Chloé, Perne, Attuned Triandra, Winter Byleth (M), Tea Ayra, Brave Robin (M), Diamant, Legendary Hinoka, Young Eliwood, Legendary Yuri, Syrene, Sage Nino, Sage Linde, Alear (F), Lumera, Embla, Rearmed Ophelia, Ascended Tiki (Young), Halloween Duma, Summer Edelgard, Young Ike, Yen'fay, Brave Alm, Kiria, Halloween Hector, Valentine's Ike, Plegian Dorothea, Tibarn, Shannan, Kris (M), Larcei, Summer Freyr, Plumeria, Picnic Flora, Lif, Aversa, Sothis, Young Marth, Igrene, Altina, Mareeta, Byleth (F), Byleth (M), Lysithea, Soiree Ishtar, Say'ri, Mirabilis, Catherine, Summer Tiki (Young), Sword Catria, Itsuki, Dheginsea, Flying Olivia, Sword Reinhardt, New Year Kaden, Brave Roy, Winter Zephiel, Lethe, Keaton, Brave Marth, Summer Joshua, Ninja Zihark, Brave Aim, Celica, Phina, Fallen Celica, Winter Tharja. Brave Celica, Fallen Mareeta, Astram, Legendary Seliph, Zelgius, Legendary Erika, Eliwood, Nah, Midori, Iago, Hrid, Legendary Ike, Brigid, Legendary Eliwood, Legendary Roy, Duo Eirika |
A | Merrin – Suave Knight, Severa, Wind Tribe Dagr, Alear (M), Ascended Fir, Lucia, Winter Dorothea, Gregor, Shez (M), Thief Leila, Bridal Sophia, Fallen Lilith, Hilda (Genealogy), Young Mia, Legendary Nanna, Ascended Mareeta, Hugh, Hatari Nailah, New Year Fafnir, Winter Manuela, Flavia, Priam, Legendary Marth, Volke, Ninja Shinon, Malice, Constance, Muspell, Mia, Brial Oboro, Kempf, Ena, Owain, New Year Gunnthra, Roy, Seliph, Ewan, Ares, Ayra, Sigurd, Black Knight, Sophia, Caeda, Adrift Camilla, Spring Palla, Pelleas, Tharja, Bantu, Exalt Chrom, Tiki (Young), Xander, Draug, Red Tome Eirika, Elincia, Eyvel, Flora, Alm, New Year Anna, New year Eir, Karla, Laevatein, Lilina, Miranda, Veld, Nemesis, Marth, Ashnard, Ninja Camilla |
B | Lapis: Mighty, New Year Kana (M), Validar, Cyril, Fee, Groom Robin (M), Bridal Flavia, Valentine's Hana, New Year Panne, Holst, Flame Tribe Rinkah, Kamui, Bridal Cecilia, Scathach, Salem, Galzus, Halloween Kurthnaga, Aelfric, Morgan (M), Scion Julia, Pirate Naesala, Knoll, Halloween Nowi, Olivia, Hostile Springs Elise, Palla, Nyx, Valentine's Titania, Ryoma, Legendary Ryoma, Saber, New Year Hrid, Sanaki, Arden, Seth, Arvis, Athena, Hubert, Siegbert, Silvia, Soleil, Cain, New Year Camilla, Summer Tana, Bridal Tharja, Tiki (Adult), Chrom, Bridal Sigrun, Summer Lilina, Spring Bartre, Summer Flora, Bertram, Zephiel, Eirika, Eldigan, Alfonse, Garon, Gharnef, Grey, Summer Helbindi, Hana, Henry, Hinata, Ike, Joshua, Julius, Valentine's Conrad, Katarina, Rutger, Laegjarn, Laslow, Leif, Lene, Summer Lorenz, Lon'qu, Lucina, Luke, Lyon, Masked Marth |
C | Castor, Selena (Fates), Ogma, Stahl, Navarre, Raigh, Canas, Tobin, Corrin (M), Fir, Karel Summer Leo, Lloyd, Lyn, Marisa |
Tier List Hero Green

Most of the Green Heroes are Axe users, which should not be confused with Spear or Sword.
Hero Green is a great fighter and can be a great addition to any team if placed in the right position.
Tiers | Characters |
SS | Jehanna Marisa, Dagr: Sunny Bloom, Nabata Altina, Attuned Nino, Young Hector, Brave Tiki (Adult), Hatari Azura, Ninja Corrin (F), Valentine's Alm, Brave Ike, Brave Ephraim, Legendary Edelgard, Young Merric, Winter Sothis, Thrasir, New Year Peony, Valentine's Gustav, Bridal Catria, Legendary Celica, Brave Edelgard, Freyja. Surtr, Shamir, Legendary Dagr, Bridal Nailah, Mamori |
S | Jehanna Ike, Groom Roy, Valentine's Lucina, New Year Dagr, Thorr, Ninja Shamir. Ascended Fjorm, Halloween Robin (F), Summer Caeda, Winter Bernadetta, Fallen Robin (M), Hel, Summer Selena, Reyson, Picnic Felicia, Ninja Laevatein, Fallen Lyon, Triandra, Nagi, Dieck, Yarne, Jill, Rinkah, New Year Lethe, Soiree Reinhardt, Pirate Veronica, Performing Azura, Azura (Young), Scion Larcei, Ninja Hana, Gatekeeper, Young Minerva, Myrrh, Plegian Tharja, New Year Keaton, Deirdre, Ced, Winter Jaffar, Winter Fae, Gerik, Hilda, Yune, Masquerade Lachesis, Brave Micaiah, Spring Fir, Kaden, Osian, Fae, Edelgard, Valentine's Hector, Legendary Hector, Annette, Flame Emperor, Julia, Asbel |
A | Zelestia, Citrinne: Caring Noble, Ashe – Chivalric Amends, Spring Framme, Rearmed Sonya, New Year Kvasir, Winter Dimitri, Ascended Ced, Citrinne, Summer Ephraim, Murdock, Heiðr, Bridal Anna, Fallen Linus, Ludveck, Sage Ursula, Céline, New Year Elm, Halloween Corrin (M), Shez (F), Flame Tribe Mordecai, Flame Tribe Tana, Summer Eirika, Legendary Azura, Barst, Boey, Spring Veronica, Cecilia, Cherche, Wolt, Adrift Corrin (F), Dorcas, Hoshidan Summer Elincia, Echidna, Gunnthra, Ross, Summer Laevatein, Hector, Pirate Hinoka, Halloween Henry, Halloween Kagero, Kana (F), Legion, Lewyn, Summer Sylvain, Valentine's Effie |
B | Ninja Heather, Sylvain, Bastian, Valentine's Leo, Hans, Brigand Boss, Fallen Gustav, Cath, Gonzalez, Basilio, Sedgar, Vyland, Caellach, Michalis, Orochi, Minerva, Lugh, Halloween L'Arachel, Valentine's Mist, Raven, Bridal Sanaki, Anna, Arthur, Spring Sharena, Bartre, Beruka, Sonya, Soren, Haar, Camilla, Spring Camilla, Winter Chrom, Titania, Halloween Dorcas, Summer Elise, Frederick, Spring Alfonse, Gerome, Summer Ylgr, Hawkeye, Helbindi, Performing Inigo, Summer Innes, Darros, Mustafa, Libra, Valentine's Lilina, Linus, Winter Lissa, Legendary Lyn, Groom Marth |
C | Merric, Narcian, Picnic Leo, Summer Tiki (Adult), Spring Chrom, Summer Xander, Gunter |
Tier List Hero Grey

Colorless Heroes or Grey Heroes are mostly represented by users Daggers and Bow, which means you have to always pay attention to how you use them.
Tiers | Characters |
SS | Attuned Hero Alm, Elimine: Scouring Saint, Aided Yunaka, Ash: Retainer to Askr , Hortensia, Gullveig, Brave Corrin (F), Bridal Tiki (Adult), Fomortiis, New Year Askr, Brave Byleth (F), Askr, Legendary Leif, Ninja Lyn, Fallen Edelgard, Winter Marth, Bridal Micaiah, Legendary Corrin (F), Fallen Tiki (Young), Legendary Micaiah, Summer Freyja, Legendary Alm, Bramimond, Veronica, Pirate Tibarn, Valentine's Faye |
S | Caeda: Beloved Queen, Jehanna Tethys, Legendary Alear (M), Winter Yunaka, Tea Lysithea, Wind Tribe Kagero, Spring Triandra, Rearmed Tana, Ascended Elincia, Valentine's Elise, Rearmed Robin (F), Ascended Celica, Ascended Florina, Fallen Rhea, Elimine, Winter Lysithea, Ash, Eleonora, Ashera, New Year Plumeria, Spring Myrrh, Leila, Caineghis, Summer Mia, Brave Camilla, Fallen Corrin (F), Mila, Shinon, Bernadetta, Brave Claude, Sara, Flayn, Dozla, Winter Sephiran, Winter Cecilia, Brave Marianne, Julian, Masquerade Ethlyn, Bridal Fjorm, Eir, Young L'Arachel, Claude, New Year Selkie, Halloween Jakob, Young Innes, Soiree Nephenee, Duma, Dvergr Heir Reginn |
A | Methody: Shrewd Braggart, Arlen, Veronica: Brave Princess, Halloween Flayn, New Year Nerþuz, Alcryst, Fallen Maria, Cornelia, Rhea, Young Rebecca, Young Lucius, Gotoh, Arval, Ascended Eir, Flame Tribe Muspell, Thief Nina, Summer Nifl, Medeus, Tine, Valentine's Robin (F), Winter Ignatz, Ascended Laegjarn, Ninja Igrene, Halloween Robin (M), Halloween Mia, Brave Lyn, Rolf, Winter Eirika, Legendary Robin (F), Velouria, Scion Leif, Leanne, Norne, Louise, Hoshidan Summer Xander, Elise, Larum, Kronya, Gordin, Bow Hinoka, Klein, Summer Dorothea, Loki, Mirabelle, Yuri |
B | Patty, Summer L'Arachel, Saul, Dorothy, Etie, Kiragi, Halloween Dragon, Young Soren, August, Spring Henry, Niime, Valentine's Lissa, Hatari Deen, Hatari Laevatein, Mercedes, Sothe, Spring Bruno, Fallen Takumi, Spring Loki, Summer Takumi, New Year Takumi, Emmeryn, Clarine, Summer Ursula, Clarisse, Bridal Cordelia, New Year Corrin (M), Chad, Merlinus, Tanya, Ethlyn, Faye, Felicia, Gaius, Forrest, Summer Gunnthra, Jaffar, Eremiya, Kagero, Spring Kagero, Valentine's Slique, Kaze, Legault, Gangrel, Summer Linde |
C | Dwyer, Nyna, Mikoto, Mist, Summer Noise, Rebecca, Sakura, Serra, Azama, Takumi, Virion, Wrys, Brady, Summer Frederick, Summer Gaius, Genny, Innes, Jakob, Jamke, Jeorge, Lachesis, Leon, Lissa, Lucius, Bridal Lyn, Maria, Matthew |
Fire Emblem Heroes Reroll Guide

Here we will provide a brief guide on how to do it. reroll in Fire Emblem Heroes.
The process is very simple and easy:
- Step 1: Start the game with guest account/without link.
- Step 2: Skip the video and play the tutorial to get 15 orbs.
- Step 3: Do one fire hero summon (draw 5 times) because the first one is free.
- Step 4: Draw 1 time from each summon focus. At this point, if you like the hero you got, keep playing, if not, continue with Step 5.
- Step 5: To reroll, uninstall the game, reinstall it and start again from Step 1.
Now that you clearly understand the rerolling process, there are a few things to keep in mind.
Most importantly, you have to choose a hero that will help you in the late game and is not easy to get all the time.
Here are some tips to keep in mind when you want to reroll:
- You have to keep rerolling if you draw a lot of 4 heroes, but most of them are bad.
- Choose a variety of heroes, not just Staff heroes. Choose some tanks, CC, and single-target boss killers.
- Most importantly, you should try to get Hero 5 instead of Hero 4 which can get Unlocked Potential. It is better to get 5 directly.
Also read:
That's our discussion this time about Tier List Fire Emblem Heroes. Don't forget to top up your favorite game quickly and cheaply only at VCGamers Marketplace!