FIA Elden Ring. Source: Official Site.
How to Complete FIA Elden Ring, Check It Out!
FIA Elden Rings is one of the most mysterious and interesting characters you will ever meet. In this guide, we will cover how to find him and start his quest.
From where he's hiding to the consequences of every decision you make, we'll cover it all here. So, get your controller ready and let's begin this exciting adventure.
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FIA, or known as Deathbed Companion, is an NPC (Non-Player Character) who has a unique role in the world of Elden Ring. He is not just a chat buddy, but also has his own questline that makes you have to think hard to complete it.
This FIA has a very mysterious aura, and interacting with him can make you feel like there is something bigger behind the story of Elden Ring.
FIA juga dikenal karena kemampuannya yang unik, yaitu ngasih kamu “Hug of Death”. Eits, jangan takut dulu! Hug-nya ini nggak bikin kamu mati, tapi malah ngasih buff khusus yang bisa bantu kamu dalam battle. Tapi, hati-hati, ada konsekuensinya juga, lho. Jadi, kamu harus pinter-pinter milih kapan waktu yang tepat buat minta hug sama FIA.
This quest is one of the most interesting but also confusing because of the many stages. Don't worry, the author will help you through this complete guide. Come on, see the step-by-step!
Pertama-tama, kamu harus ketemu FIA di Roundtable Hold. Dia biasanya ada di kamar sebelah kiri setelah kamu masuk. Nah, FIA ini bakal nawarin “pelukan” buat kamu. Terima aja pelukannya, karena ini bakal ngasih kamu buff khusus yang berguna buat battle. Tapi inget, pelukan ini juga ngurangin max HP kamu sementara, jadi pilih waktu yang tepat ya!
Once you reach Altus Plateau, go back to Roundtable Hold and talk to FIA. He will give you the Weathered Dagger. This dagger has a story to tell, and you must give it to D, the Hunter of the Dead.
Find D in the Roundtable Hold (usually near the table). Give him the dagger, and he'll say something cryptic. After this, you'll find an unexpected event.
After giving the dagger to D, go back to FIA's room. You will find D already killed by FIA. Well, here FIA will give an explanation why he did that. After chatting, FIA will leave the Roundtable Hold.
Next, you have to complete Ranni the Witch's questline until she gives you the Reversed Carian Statue. Ranni's mission is very long, so prepare your time and patience!
Take the statue to Carian Study Hall and use it there. This will change the area and open up a new path for you. Continue exploring until you get the Death Curse Mark.
After getting the Death Curse Mark, you must go to Deeproot Depths. You can do this via Siofra River or via the Frenzied Flame Proscription. In Deeproot Depths, climb the large roots in the Nameless Eternal City to find the Champion boss Fia.
Now, here comes the fun part! You have to fight Champion Fia. After defeating him, give the Death Curse Mark to FIA. He will invite you into the Death Bed Dream.
In Deathbed Dream, you will fight a really cool boss, Lichdragon Fortissax. This is quite a challenging battle, so prepare your best weapons and skills! After defeating him, you will get the Death Prince's Repair Rune and the FIA outfit.
Well, that's a review of how to complete the FIA Elden Ring quest and tips for those of you who want to be good at playing this game. Don't forget to explore the world of Elden Ring until you're satisfied.
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