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FF Season 22: 3 Best Reasons Why You Should Push Rank at the Beginning!

ayo push rank segera

Hola Vicigers! Timetable reset ranks Season 22 Free Fire has fallen on July 2, 2021, which means that this change of season will end Free Fire Season 21. As Vicigers friends already know, every time reset ranks new season is here, rank players as a whole will be back in-reset which means that the player's statistical progress will reset and start from zero again.

Free Fire ranked Season 21, which has been around since May 7, 2021, certainly presents a big question mark for fans about 'when will it be? reset seasons FF will do?' Curious? Check out the following important information!


The 'Day of Return to Gold' at Free Fire is a form of that prediction rank in Season 22 it will start at exactly 14.00 or 16.00 local time.

New Rules

Now,, for those of you who struggled last season and are curious about the gains rank your newest update for Season 22, here's how it's calculated rank after Season 22 begins:

  • Bronze I-III (1000-1300 Rank Points) to Bronze I (1000 Rank Points)
  • Diamond I-IV (2600-3200 Rank Points) will drop to Gold I (1650 Rank Points)
  • Heroic (3200+ Rank Points) will drop to Gold II (1750 Rank Points)
  • Silver I-III (Rank Points 1301-1600) will drop to Bronze II (1175 Rank Points)
  • Gold I-IV (Rank Points 1601-2100) will drop to Silver I (1350 Rank Points)
  • Platinum I-IV (2101-2600 Rank Points) will drop to Silver II (1500 Rank Points)

Why Should You Push Rank?

Faster Up to the Highest Rank

The reason is because it's usually early on seasons as it is today, most of the players better catch up rank highest first. That way, Vicigers friends will have a chance push rank easier because other players with skills playing great is of course being focused on catching up rank his dream.

Opportunity to Improve and Increase KD

In the beginning seasons like this will be more suitable for you Vicigers to improve and increase your Vicigers' Kill/Death (KD) ratio. The meaning of the Kill / Death ratio (KD) itself is average kill earned in each match divided by the total number of matches on games FF. You can get this more easily kill, the article at the beginning seasons all players will be busy ranked push.

Not only players with skills which is mediocre, player with skills even the qualified are currently trying hard to put their own position on rank his dream. That way, you can get kill easily when meeting enemies with skills play no better than you.

Playing Skills Test

Vicigers friends who want to raise rank recommended start push rank at the beginning seasons after in-reset like now. The reason is, afterreset all players with rank even high and with various types skills qualified play will come down to rank Lowest.

That way, Vicigers friends can take advantage of this golden opportunity to test skills play that Vicigers Friends have. That way, Vicigers friends can compete skills with other players who are certainly superior.

Quick Rank Push Tips


In Free Fire, communication is very important because sometimes playing alone can be frustrating. In squad mode, playing with friends will really help win matches, giving each other input and support. With good communication, you can make better decisions too.

Master the Character Skill used

Make sure that you understand each skill of the character of your choice and when is the right time to use it.

After all, all the characters skills Free Fire has its own advantages, and if Vicigers friends can use it properly, of course you will win more points!

Hide and Seek

This is something that often makes it difficult for FF players push rank is because they often die too quickly. So, if you want to get a lot of points, sometimes hide can help you guys.

Even though it's boring and not fun, at least you can get more points and last longer in the match.

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