List of FF Account Hack APKs and Tips to Be Safe from Hack Dangers

FF Account Hack APK

There are various types of FF account hack APKs that can be used for various things. However, generally APK hacks are used to break into Free Fire accounts and access paid items without purchasing them. 

This kind of action is actually strictly prohibited by Grena, but there are still many people who hack FF accounts. 

Many people use the FF hack application for momentary fun. In this discussion we will review several FF account hack applications, the risks of using them and how to be safe from hack attacks. For further information, you can read the review below!

Also read: What is Free Fire Space, is it safe?

List of 5 APKs to Hack FF Accounts

List of 5 APKs to Hack FF Accounts
List of 5 APKs to Hack FF Accounts. Source: Garena

There are at least 5 FF account cheat APK which is popular among Free Fire fans. Each application has its own benefits, here is a complete explanation: 

Emzet Dark VIP APK

Emzet Dark VIP is one of the most popular Free Fire account cheat and hack applications recently. The attraction of this application is that it can allow players to access the sultan's account. 

Free Fire players can use diamonds and rare items for free without having to buy them with money. This hack APK is available for Android, iOS, and PC. 

Even though it promises tempting features for FF players. It is best not to use Emzet Dark VIP APK. If you are determined to use this application, remember the risks, your account could become the target of being banned by Garena the game owner. 

Hacker Dark VIP

Many Free Fire players are interested in using Hacker Dark VIP thanks to its super accurate long-range shooting feature. Using this application allows you to always get a headshot and even access unlimited diamonds. 

However, you need to understand that there are no free Free Fire diamonds in this world. You can only get free diamonds from give aways or purchase bonuses. If someone promises lots of free diamonds without a clear source, you should avoid them. 

Because you can be sure that this is a fraud or hack. Hacker Dark VIP is a Free Fire account hack application that you need to avoid. Because it is illegal, using this application risks having your account banned by Garena forever. 


PKing APK is a Free Fire account hack application that is actually not completely bad. Because this application can help you to recover a lost Free Fire account. 

This application can help quickly recover a lost or forgotten Free Fire account. P King APk has a size of 7 MB so it won't take up much storage space on your cellphone. 

Those of you who don't really understand how to recover your account can use this APK. Because P King APK is very beginner-friendly, there is no need to have special IT skills to operate this application. Apart from that P King APK is also free and without ads, it is very user friendly. 

Although it can make it easier for FF players who lose their accounts. Using P King APK is still risky. 

The account that you successfully recover with P King APK has the potential to be banned by Garena. Because Garena will detect that your account has used a third party application that is synonymous with cheating. 


Rege FF APK is a mod or third party application for creating scripts that can change in-game programs. Many Free Fire players want to become great instantly using this kind of APK. 

Using Rege FF APK is an act of cheating or cheating. Garena strongly condemns the actions of players who use this kind of application. The consequences that players will face if they are determined to use it will be that their account will be banned. 

There are auto headshot features, AIM lock, AIM bot, GFX tool, shadow and quality, anti-ban, and even screen smoothing. However, using this application is very risky for your device and FF account. 

Termux Bruteforce

Termux Bruteforce actually has the same function as P King APK, namely being able to restore lost accounts or forgotten passwords. The method for restoring an account with this APK is that you have to enter the password randomly until the FF account is successfully opened. 

Termux Bruteforce is a third party application so it is not recommended. Even if your account is successfully restored with the help of this APK, it is possible that Garena will block your account. 

That's the complete list of FF account hack APKs along with reviews. Before using the application above, it is best to consider the risks of using it, here is a complete explanation!

Risks of Using the FF Account Hack APK

Risks of Using the FF Account Hack APK
Risks of Using the FF Account Hack APK. Source: Pexels

The following is risks of using the FF hack application what you will face: 

  • HP affected by malware: The FF account hack APK is not affiliated with the official Garena developer. So there is a lot of malware, viruses or spyware that will damage your cellphone. 
  • Phone hacked: It's not just your Free Fire account that has been banned. The cellphone you use to carry out your action also has the potential to be hacked or data stolen.
  • Account banned: Using third party applications has the potential to cause your FF account to be stolen or your own account to be banned. 
  • Skills difficult to develop: Using APK hacks and cheats can make shots anti-miss. However, things like this can make it difficult for players' skills to develop. 
Also read:How to deal with broken cellphones when playing the Free Fire game

How to be Safe from Hack Attacks 

How to be Safe from Hack Attacks 
Garena Player Support. Source: ANTARA News

There is no problem without a solution, even though there are many FF account hack APKs, there are also many ways to secure your account from attacks. For further information regarding this matter, you can see the following review: 

Use a Strong Password 

When creating an FF account, the Garena system will of course warn you to use a strong password. If you want to create a password, you can use the Bitwarden site. 

Don't hesitate to create long and complex passwords. Apart from that, avoid using passwords that contain birthdays, anniversaries and personal dates. If necessary, you can also change your password periodically.

Linking an FF Account to Another Account 

Connecting your FF account with social media accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, TikTok or VK will help maintain your account. For example, you have just changed cellphones but forgot your main account password. You can log in using the social media account mentioned above. 

Avoid Using 3rd Party APKs

Third party applications can be the software that we mentioned above. If you are forced to use a third party application, avoid logging in using Instagram, Facebook and other accounts. 

Indeed, third party applications sometimes promise interesting things. Such as allowing users to access paid items for free, skills that increase instantly, and so on. 

However, you should avoid these things. Because it can endanger your Free Fire account. 

Activate Two Factor Authentication

Activating two-factor authentication is the fourth solution you can do to secure your FF account from hackers. This method requires the account breaker to enter an OTP code that goes into your email or application. 

That's a brief review of the FF account hack application, the risks of using it, and how to avoid getting your Free Fire account hacked. 

Also read: Collection of Free Fire Photos, Come on, Change Your Wallpaper!

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