Like a conventional sports team, in a professional esports team, players also move from one team to another.
And usually those who will move will get farewell. Then, what is this farewell actually?
Most of the esport lovers may be familiar with this term. However, for those of you who are still relatively new to participating in the world of esports, it might feel strange.
In addition, lately, the term farewell has been discussed a lot, because many players have announced parting ways with their esports teams.
So, to help you answer this question, this time we will discuss farewell. Let's see the review here!
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Farewell in Esport Is

People come and go, the term also applies in the world of esports. Lately, there have been many announcements regarding players or coaches who will part ways with their esports teams.
Usually when there is a farewell like that, a farewell party will be held. If translated from English, farewell means farewell or parting.
Meanwhile in the world eSports, the term farewell means a farewell between a player or coach and their esport team.
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Is Farewell Only for Player or Coach Only?
Actually, this farewell is not only for players or coaches, but farewell parties also apply to the moment of farewell to the esport team from brand ambassadors and analysts.
Usually, there are various reasons for farewell for a player or coach from an eSports team. For example, there are those who farewell because their contracts have expired, or they have been kicked out of the team by reason of their poor performance.
Some Players Who Have Farewell
Here are some teams that have done farewell to their roster or players:
EVOS Legends

On July 23, 2022, EVOS Legends had to lose two of the brand's flagship Mobile Legends rosters, namely Antimage and LJ.
At that time, many questions arose about the reasons for their departure from EVOS.
Through Antimage's YouTube channel, he revealed that he was hurt, because he didn't expect to get farewell from EVOS Legends so quickly.
Nevertheless, Antimage sent a message to its fans to accept the decision made by the management of the EVOS Legends team.
On the other hand, LJ revealed that currently EVOS Legends is carrying out a "cleansing" due to the implementation of new rules within the team.
For those of you who don't know, the decision to farewell the two players is entirely a decision of management, not of the coach.
ONIC Esports

If EVOS Legends does farewell to its two players, ONIC does it differently
Because ONIC has done extreme farewell, because they have done farewell to seven of their players.
The seven members who received farewell from ONIC Esports are Cesian, Gebian, Kayes, Vior, Anisa, Kayes, and Vonzy.
In fact, the seven players played a part in helping ONIC win the MPL ID Season 8.
Also read: ONIC Esports Roster List in MPL Indonesia Season 11
Well, that's how our discussion of farewell is. For those of you who didn't understand farewell before, I hope after reading this article it can help you understand this term.
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