Epic Rank is one of the levels in Mobile Legends out of a total of 8 existing ranks. You as players definitely need to know some of the unique facts in this epic rank.
Mobile Legends is one of the most popular games in Indonesia. Naturally, many people from all walks of life are interested in playing this game with the MOBA genre.
Players who play this game will later go through several levels. There are 8 levels in Mobile Legends, including Warrior, Elite, Master, Grandmaster, Epic, Legends, Mythic, and Mythical Glory.
Of the 8 levels, this time VCGamers will provide a discussion of unique epic rank facts that you need to know.
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Epic Rank Unique Facts
One of the Most Difficult Tiers

Unique fact epic ranks the first is that this level is one of the most difficult in Mobile Legends. It's not uncommon for many players to feel different pressures when they enter this tier.
Therefore, you should have started playing with the squad to help you play. Playing a squad alone sometimes still feels difficult, especially when playing solo.
A number of systems that you have never encountered before will also increase the level of difficulty. So, you need to adapt to be able to adjust your game at this rank.
There is a Banned and Draft Pick System

The next epic rank unique fact that you will encounter when you reach this level is that there is a banned system. In addition, the draft pick system will also exist at this rank.
Previously, players were also familiar with this system where they could also ban 1 hero. However, now the system has developed and can ban up to 3 heroes.
With this system, it will certainly add an exciting and challenging playing experience at epic rank.
At this level, you will also learn to develop the right strategy for banning and draft picks. Because with the right strategy, your team will have the opportunity to win.
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Epic Tiers Have Another Name
Another name for epic rank is also one of the other unique facts where some call it by name epic eternal.
This term usually applies to players who have been playing for a long time but have not yet leveled up. For example, when entering the end of the season, players end up at an epic rank, as well as when entering a new season.
However, if you really keep trying hard and never give up, it's not impossible for you to have a chance to level up.
Where High Tier Players Return after Reset
The next thing that becomes a unique fact about epic ranks is the place where players who are at high ranks return after resetting. Mobile Legends always resets every 3 months or every change of season.
It's no wonder that this level often becomes a quite exciting place because there will be players who gather from high ranks.
However, you also won't level down too far if you are still at the epic level when the reset occurs.
Lots of Selfish Players on the Epic Tier
The number of selfish players is another unique fact in the epic rank. As you know, this level has a draft pick system to choose which heroes will play.
This system does not allow you to play the same hero as your opponent in one match. So, sometimes there are players who are selfish because they will only choose their favorite hero.
Full of Toxic Things
Toxic is also one of the unique facts that players will face at epic rank. Although it cannot be denied that other ranks also have things that are toxic, this rank is just as full of toxic things.
For example, when you have chosen a hero, it is not uncommon for team players to start talking about it. You will experience examples like that later at this rank, although this can also happen at other ranks.
Toxic itself is a negative thing that you shouldn't need to do because it will also have an impact on the team's performance later.
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Lots of Players Troll
The unique fact of this epic rank also often appears where many players troll or fad. The actions of these trolls take various forms, ranging from seizing kills, disrupting farming, and even AFK.
This action is of course very disruptive to your playing experience and it will be difficult to achieve victory. So, try to stay focused and calm while playing if you encounter players who are trolling.
Be the Emergence Place for Unique Meta
The next fact that is no less unique is that this epic rank often raises unique metas. For example, you can find Sun Hyper, Aldous Hyper, and other metas.
This is because this rank is a warm-up place for Mobile Legends players to be able to rise again to a higher rank level.
Emergence of Great Players
This epic rank is also a place where great players start to appear. The reason is, this is still related to the previous fact about the emergence of unique meta.
If a player succeeds in creating a new meta, he will often use that meta at the next level. Mobile Legends players who are at that level or higher can use it which makes the meta even more popular.
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Practicing Patience
The unique fact of the last epic rank is practicing patience, especially for those of you who have just entered this level.
You also have to be patient to adapt to existing systems such as the banned system and draft pick. Apart from that, there are players who are currently testing with meta heroes also making those of you who want to play seriously have to be a little more patient.
So, that's the discussion about some unique epic rank facts that you need to know.