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Full Profile of Evos Abu, a Pro Player Affected by Illness

Evos Abu is a Free Fire pro player who is currently undergoing medical treatment due to an illness he is suffering from.
Ash Evos
Ash Evos

One of the pro players who recently went viral is Evos Ash. He had an illness that kept him out of many tournaments.

In this article, Vicigers friends will get all the information about Evos Abu FF's profile and bio, including what disease he is currently suffering from. 

For those who don't know this pro player, Evos Abu FF is one of the Free Fire players for Evos Divine, we will provide complete information below.

Evos Abu's Career Journey

Ash Evos

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As one of the games that many young people are interested in, Garena is increasingly excited to provide the best for its players. Not only has more than 100 active players a day, Free Fire has also been able to produce professional players.

Most Free Fire players want to become professional players, one of which is watching beautiful matches from various tournaments that are participated in by professional players. One of the rising idol esports teams is EVOS Abu.

Not quite right, because Vicigers friends don't know EVOS Abu. Abu or EVOS trusted call Ash is a professional player with many fans. He said the origin of his nickname Free Fire comes from his own real name.

Then Abu also said that one of the professional Free Fire players he admires is not from another team, but still his teammate Ipul or maybe you are more familiar with EVOS SAM13.

While trying to get support to become a professional player. Abu said he now felt a little proud because he had lightened the burden on his parents.

In the end Abu said so, it's just that we regret that they didn't give the best for the team. But he has the determination to become world champion one day.

This not only proves that Abu, thanks to his strong determination and combined with his hard work, has also succeeded in removing the negative stigma that exists on Free Fire pro players.

Before he became the popular Free Fire player he is today, it was clear he had gone through many ups and downs in life. His entry into a top esports team is his path to success as a professional Free Fire player. 

It was also discovered that he always takes part in various tournaments and is admired by many Free Fire fans. This is none other than the skill of Evos Abu FF's game. Especially when the heroic game he played became the center of attention of his fans. 


Ash Evos

For information, he has the full name Abu Sufyan and his friends used to call Abu as their nickname. Vicigers friends need to know that Evos Abu FF's religion is Islam. 

To stay connected with this Free Fire player, you can follow Evos Abu FF's IG Instagram with the username @evos.abu30. It is known to this day that he is sick, of course many of you are curious about his illness.

For those who ask what disease this FF pro player has, he has a condition where the red blood cells in the body are lower than white blood cells. Recently, he also accidentally fell down the stairs and was shot in the tail. Currently, this Free Fire player cannot walk because he is still in the process of being treated. 

Complete information regarding the age of this FF pro player who is now 19 years old. Then for those who don't know the date of birth of Evos Abu FF, which is October 15, 2002.

This birthday is also the birthday of this FF pro player and don't forget to note it for you fans. The latest information regarding his place of origin from Tangerang and at the same time his birthplace.

In short, you can see in the review below;

  • Name: Abu Sofyan 
  • Nickname: Evos Abu 
  • Date of birth: October 15, 2002 
  • Age: 19 years old 
  • Islam 
  • Origin: Tangerang 
  • Instagram: @evos.abu30
  • Games: Free Fire
Also read: Evos Street Profile, The Youngest Player of Team Evos Divine

Abu Sofiyan (Abu) takes over the rusher role in the team, he is really very fierce in the fight. But who would have thought, this man who was born in Tangerang on October 15 2002 was actually the most nervous when asked to be interviewed.

EVOS Esports itself is a team that is accelerating its debut in the Free Fire competition starting from the first season Free Fire Master League.

The titles of FFML Season 1 and 2 and FFIM 2020 Fall won by EVOS Esports certainly could not have been separated from Abu's services. Still showing the aggressive style of play typical of EVOS Esports, Abu “Abu” Sofiyan managed to collect 8 kills during the FFIM 2020 Fall grand final and lead him to the world event Free Fire FFCS Series Asia.

Now, after actively participating in FF tournaments, the name of this pro player has also skyrocketed and become famous. Evose Abu's ability to play Free Fire is indeed the target and focus of sports lovers.

This FF pro player also regularly shares the Free Fire video games he plays. That way, fans and account visitors can also get tips or entertainment from the video content.

As a result, you'll get to know their fans better and be more relatable to their followers. Please read further information below to find out who he is, as well as his biographical information, including his girlfriend.

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In several Instagram videos, Evos Abu IG is a woman who became his girlfriend. Evos Abu and Baby J, who appear in several Instagram videos, are known to be a couple. The reason is, many fans know the news and pray that their relationship lasts.

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