Foxes are one of the animal mobs that fall into the category mob passive in the game sandbox popular, Minecraft.
Just like some of the other animals in Minecraft, you can tame foxes and make them protect you.
For those of you who want to keep foxes as companion animals Minecraft, let's see an explanation of everything you need to know about this cute animal!
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Everything You Need to Know About Minecraft Foxes
Foxes can be very useful pets as they will attack other mobs that attempt to harm the player.
What should you know about this animal?
Fox Appearance Location

Foxes will appear in groups of two to four. There is a 5% chance for this animal to emerge as a baby fox.
He can appear in various locations such as taiga, snowy taiga and other jungle biomes. Specifically, you can find them in grass, rough mud, podzol, blocks of snow, or on snow.
The foxes that appear in the snowy biome will have white fur. Meanwhile, in biomes with normal temperatures, they will have orange fur.
Items Carried By Foxes

Adult foxes will give 1 – 3 experience orbs when they are killed by players or by tamed wolves.
This animal also has a 20% chance of appearing while carrying an item in its mouth. The following is a list of items that this animal might carry.
- Emerald
- Rabbit food
- Rabbit skin
- Egg
- Paddy
- Skin
- Hair
If the fox carries the Undying Totem item, he will not drop the item but will eat it to revive himself.
Fox Characteristics and Behavior

At night, the foxes will usually make loud screeching noises unless players they trust are around. The baby foxes also like to follow the adult foxes.
Sometimes, they also visit the villages at night. The snow fox will go to the countryside where it also snows while the red fox will go to any village, especially those located in the taiga biome.

The fox will run away if a polar bear, wolf or other player is nearby. However, you can approach this one animal by sneaking.
Foxes will attack chickens, rabbits, cod, salmon, tropical fish and baby turtles if they meet on land. However, foxes would not attack wolves even if they were being attacked.
When attacking, the fox will jump or pounce on its target. He will prepare to attack by tilting and lowering his head so that his body becomes shorter.
After that, he will jump two blocks in the air to pounce on his target. If the target moves when the fox jumps, the attack will miss.
Even though it can jump over walls and fences, Foxes cannot see what is behind them. This animal will not attack mobs of the same level if there is a fence between them.
A fox that jumps into a pile of snow will be stuck there for a while with its head in the snow. He would return to normal after shaking his body.
Wild wolves will be very aggressive towards foxes when they are within 18 blocks (Java Edition) and 16 blocks (Bedrock Edition).
Foxes are one of the few mobs in Minecraft that can sleep. If no thunderstorms occur, foxes will look for a place to sleep with a sky brightness level of less than 15 during the day.
When he falls asleep, his head will move up and down slowly. The fox will wake up when another player or mob approaches it.
How to Tame a Fox

How to tame a fox? To tame a fox, you have to mate two adult foxes by giving them Sweet Berries or Glow Berries.
The foxes resulting from this marriage will become tame and give you their trust.
When they grow up, the baby fox will not leave you. But because the baby fox likes to follow adult foxes, he will also run after the adult foxes.
You can kill adult foxes using melee weapons so that the baby foxes don't run after them.
Foxes that have been tamed will attack specific mobs that try to attack the player. Here is a list of mobs that will be attacked by the fox:
- Zombies
- Drowned
- Husk
- Zombie Piglins
- Skeleton
- Wither Skeletons
- Stray
- Phantoms
- Silverfish
- Endermites
- Spiders
- Cave Spiders
- Vex
- Vindicator
- Evoker
- Pillager
- Ravagers
- Blaze
- Endermen
- Goats
- Panda
Although it will initially run away at the sight of wolves and polar bears, the fox will attack them if they try to attack the player.
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