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Everything You Need to Know About Elden Ring Larvar Tear

To complete certain Side Quests in the Elden Ring, you will need Key Items such as Larvar Tear. What is Larvar Tear in Elden Ring?
Elden Ring Larvar Tear
Elden Ring Larvar Tear. Source: Steam

To complete certain Side Quests in Elden Rings, you need Key Items. One of the Key Items in this game is Larvar Tear. What is Elden Ring Larvar Tear?

Elden Ring Larvar Tear is a material Rennala needs to grant wishes Rebirth on players.

Rebirth or respect usually used to make changes to builds players to meet the requirements of new weapons, spells, or equipment.

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Where can you find Larval Tear? Read more in this article!

Also read: Complete Guide to Converted Fringe Tower Elden Ring, Check Here!

Location of Larval Tear

Location of Larvar Tear
Location of Larvar Tear. Source: Arekkz Gaming/Youtube

You can usually get Key Items in Elden Ring at certain locations or given by someone NPCs. Key Items are used to open various areas, quests, and continue the story in games.

To find Larvar Tear, you can visit the locations below.

Altus Plateau

Altus Plateau
The Lion Guardian in disguise in the nameless ruins of the Altus Plateau. Source: Arekkz Gaming/Youtube

Obtained from a Lion Guardian disguised as a Wandering Noble who is huddled in a corner of the nameless ruins southeast of Windmill Village.

The ruins are located at the top of the cliff and are easier to reach by heading north from the site of grace Rampartside Path.


A troll disguised as a Wandering Noble in Caelid. Source: Arekkz Gaming/Youtube

Obtained from a Troll disguised as a Wandering Noble in Caelid. He is in a rock tomb at the southern end of the cliff site of grace Caelid Highway South. The troll in disguise was the one kneeling in the far west.


Runebear disguised as a Wandering Noble. Source: Arrekz Gaming/Youtube

Obtained from a Lesser Runebear disguised as a Wandering Noble. He is just east of the site of grace Agheel Lake South.

Mount Gelmir

Elden Ring Larvar Tear - Mount Gelmir
Wormface on Mount Gelmir. Source: Arekkz Gaming/Youtube

Obtained from Wormface disguised as Putrid Corpse who lights up east of the site of grace Road of Iniquity. You can find it right next to the first fire from the destroyed camp.

Siofra River

Elden Ring Larvar Tear - Nomadic Merchant
Nomadic Merchant at Siofra River: Arekkz Gaming/Youtube

Larvar Tear can be purchased from the Nomadic Merchant in Siofra River for 3,000 Runes.

Consecrated Snowfield

Runebear in the Consecrated Snowfield
Runebear in the Consecrated Snowfield. Source: Arekkz Gaming/Youtube

Obtained from a Lesser Runebear disguised as a Wandering Noble in Consecrated Snowfield. The bear in disguise was half buried in the snow with two Nobles standing beside him.

You'll find them southeast of the site of grace Inner Consecrated Snowfield.

Liurnia of the Lakes

Location of Elden Ring Larvar Tear
A ghost sitting on a chair in the Caria Manor cemetery. Source: Arekkz Gaming/youtube

There are several places in Liurnia of the Lakes that will give you Larvar Tear, namely:

  • Cemetery in the Village of the Albinaurics.
  • Obtained from a Grafted Scion disguised as a Giant Crayfish patrolling the gazebo between the Rose Church and the Boilprawn Shack.
  • At the cemetery east of Caria Manor after getting the Resurrection Painting. This area is unlocked after defeating Royal Knight Loretta. You will get the item after touching the ghost sitting on the chair.
  • Purchased from Pidia, Search Servant for 3,000 runes. You can buy this item after defeating Royal Knight Loretta.

Nokron, Eternal City

Elden Ring Larvar Tear - Night Sacred Ground
The Night Sacred Ground in Nokron Eternal City. Source: Arekkz Gaming/Youtube

You can find Larvar Tear in several places, namely:

  • On the corpse inside the stone building to the southeast of the site of grace Nokron, Eternal City.
  • On the corpse in the middle of Nokron's gazebo, Eternal City. Items will fall from the roof when you approach the corpse.
  • Obtained from Silver Sphere in Night's Sacred Ground
  • Obtained after defeating Mimic Tear

Nokstella, Eternal City

Elden Ring Larvar Tear - Nokstella, Eternal City
Silver Sphere in one of the buildings of Nokstella, Eternal City. Source: Arekkz Gaming/Youtube

Just like in Nokron, there are several places you can go to get Larvar Tear, namely:

  • Obtained from the Silver Sphere on the Nokstella bridge, Eternal City.
  • Obtained from the Silver Sphere that hangs on the roof of a building in the southeast after the Nokstella bridge, Eternal City.
  • Obtained from the Silver Sphere on top of a building in Nokstella Eternal City. The Silver Sphere hung above the ceiling, dripping Silver Tears.
Also read: Everything You Need to Know About the Rose Church Elden Ring

Tips and Notes About Larvar Tear

Here are tips and notes that you should pay attention to about Larvar Tear:

  • When fighting Rennala, you must have a lot of runes to buy Larval Tears from the Merchant mentioned above.
  • Larvar Tear cannot be exchanged during Player Trade.
  • If you give a Larval Tear to Boc The Seamster, he will visit Rennala and be born as a human and then die afterwards. You will not be able to use his services again until the end of the game.

So that's all you need to know about Larvar Tear Elden Rings. This item turns out to have an important use in your character's journey. So, don't forget to take it!

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