The Esports industry now dominates the world, there have been more and more Esports matches in the world from various games with different genres and different levels ranging from regional, national to international. The Esports scene is usually not only filled with professional players, there are also many regional level competitions that bring together players amateur.
But even so, the Esports tournament in each game is the tournament that every fan and fan has been waiting for, especially if the tournament is an international level tournament.
So, Esports tournaments in the world often give out prizes that are considered luxurious, amounting to billions of rupiah. So, now Esports is not just a hobby but can also be a career job because the prizes you get are nominal.
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Esports, which is short for Electronic Sports, is a form of competition using video games. Esports competitions are often held professionally by professional players, individuals or as teams.
Although Esports competitions have been organized for a long time and are part of the video game culture, some Esports scenes were still considered amateur until the late 2000s and the Esports scene increased dramatically when there was participation by professional gamers and spectators who watched these competitions in real time. live–stream.
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In 2010, Esports became an important part of the video game industry as more and more game developers actively design and provide funding for tournaments and other events.
Due to the increasingly widespread world of Esports in the international arena, more and more players from any Esports team are using terms in Esports. Using these terms is not without reason, of course the players want smoother communication when they are in a competitive scene both on a regional and international scale.
We, as fans of Esports, of course, also have to understand these terms, apart from the fact that we can apply them when we are playing, it can also make us understand and understand the meanings and terms of pro-players that they often use.
Here are terms in Esports that you must know!
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Esports terms

There are lots of terms in the world of Esports that Vicigers must understand. The point is none other than to understand communication between teams, both while playing or while watching your favorite team compete in Esports tournaments.
The following are Esports terms that you must know:
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- Poaching: Poaching is a term that refers to an Esports team that hijacks players from other teams. The word Poaching itself is taken from English which means piracy or poaching.
- EZ: EZ is a slang-word of "easy". This word is often used when players think a fight or game is considered easy and they will issue these words.
- GGWP: GGWP stands for “Good Game Well Played”. This word is usually used when a team manages to win a match by showing a good game.
- GLHF: Similar to GGWP, GLHF stands for “Good Luck and Have Fun”. Usually the word GLHF is used to encourage each other so that the team plays together have fun.
- NT: NT stands for “Nice Try”. This term is usually used when your team loses a match but wants to cheer each other on.
- GT: GT stands for “Good Try”. This term is similar to Nice Try
- GJ: Good Job stands for "Good Job". This term is used when a team wins the round.
- IMBA: IMBA stands for "Imbalances". Imbalance itself is taken from the English language which means "imbalance". This term is often used when the hero or opponent's character is too strong to be defeated throughout the match, so strong that even our team cannot beat him and the strategy that has been planned from the start becomes chaotic.
- BO: BO stands for "Best Of". This term is often used in Esports tournaments as the format. Usually there is a number after the word BO, such as BO3, BO5, etc. If you use this term, later each player or team will know the amount in the match they will play.
- Meta: Meta is a term taken from “Metagame” which describes state of a game, whether it's the character, line–up, items, elements, etc. Of course, the meta of the game will change over time because every game will patches or update each character or item.
- Terminated: Usually the term Terminated is used for genre games battle royale like PUBG, Free Fire, CODM, etc. Terminated itself has the meaning that is where a squad was defeated by the team. If all members squad die, then they will terminated and exit the game.
- Speedrun: Speedrun is a term where a team wants a match or battle to be completed quickly. This is done so that a team can break certain records.
- Smurfing: Smurfing is a term which pro–player who pretends to be a Newbie or beginner to avoid in-game matchmaking.
- rage quit: This term describes the condition of a player who leaves the game due to anger, either anger towards his own team or the team.
- Overpowered: Is a term when the hero, item, or skill of the hero is too strong so that it becomes unbalanced when used.