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Entering 4th Position, This is EVOS Legends' Obstacle in MPL Season 9

Evos Legends came in 4th place in MPL Season 9. There were a number of things that hindered them in the tournament.
Evos Legends MP Talk
Evos Legends MP Talk

Game Evos Legends in MPL Season 9 less stable. This was conveyed by the Vice President of EVOS Esports, Aldean Tegar.

He conveyed this in the Empe Talk on the channel YouTube Jonathan Liandy.

Aldean conveyed several things about Evos' performance in the MPL 9 match.

Initially, Jonathan Liandi asked about EVOS Legends' obstacles in MPL 9. Then, he asked about EVOS Legends' position in MPL Season 9.

Aldean then explained that one of the things that had become an obstacle was the arrangement of line-up players.

His party, he said, had yet to find the best player formula for EVOS Legends in MPL 9.

“Maybe this season you could say we changed the most line up and haven't found the best five yet," he told Emperor in the video.

Also read: 6 Teams that Qualify for the Playoff Round of MPL ID Season 9

He stated, there were as many as 10 players who were included in the team according to the maximum slot players.

It is possible to find the best line up formula in the match.

"Only until it's the end week we kinda struggle You could say, to find the best line up, "he said.

Aldean also revealed that in this season EVOS Legends was not stable.

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Illustration of MPL S9 Arena

"This season is arguably the most unstable. To put it this way, we can win against any team, we can lose against any team, more or less like that," he said.

"You can only say that if you look at the preparation from before the season, we should have been better and quite okay," he continued.

Also read: Here Are the Best ML Pro Players in Week 7 MPL Season 9

Because, he said, there are several things to consider. Like not knowing whether there will be players who will enter the SEA Games or not.

In the future, continued Aldean, this will be the concern of EVOS Esports.

"But in the end, it is what it is. It's become like this, we have to prepare the best for playoffs,” said Aldean.

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