In the world Minecraft, there are lots of enchantments that are very useful for ease of adventure, one of which is Aqua Affinity.
Aqua Affinity can provide convenience in exploring the underwater world. Therefore, it will be very helpful if the helmet you use has this enchantment.
This time, VCGamers will discuss a special enchantment for underwater travel and how to get it below.
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What is Aqua Affinity?

Before discussing how to get this enchantment, let's discuss the general explanation first.
This enchantment can only be used for helmets or Turtle Shells. Therefore, use a high-quality helmet like Diamond so it doesn't break quickly.
You can use this enchantment to mine/destroy blocks in water in a faster time.
Without the enchantment, you will destroy blocks underwater much longer than on the surface.
This is because you have to hold your breath so destroying blocks in water will take longer.
Uniquely, there is no enchantment level available. In contrast to other enchantments such as Armor, Feather Falling, and Protection which have levels up to 4 or 3.
If you want to explore the underwater world, use the Aqua Affinity enchantment to more easily destroy blocks underwater.
What's more, you will be greatly helped when you want to explore Ocean Monument which has many blocks as well mob which is quite dangerous.
After knowing the use of this special helmet enchantment, maybe you are curious about how to get it. Come on, see the discussion below!
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How to Get Aqua Affinity

Players can get Aqua Affinity by using the Enchantment Table like other enchantments.
Actually, there are other ways to get the enchantment besides using commands or cheats.
Another way is to find an enchanted book that already has Aqua Affinity in it.
You can get the enchanted book in various sources such as Chest and Villager.
However, finding the enchanted book would be more difficult than using the Enchantment Table. Therefore, use the Enchantment Table to make it easier to get the enchantment you want.
If you find a book with the enchantment, then you can use Anvil to combine a helmet or Turtle Shell with the enchantment book you have.
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Other Enchantments

Besides Aqua Affinity, there are other enchantments that can be very useful when exploring the world underwater.
The enchantment is called Respiration which can give you more breath in water so you can stay in water longer.
With the combination of the two enchantments, it will be easier for players to explore the underwater world.
Thus the discussion about the Minecraft enchantment called Aqua Affinity, I hope this is useful!
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