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Can You Still Get Lemon Emotes in Mobile Legends (ML)?

Some time ago, Mobile Legends (ML) released an emote featuring a pro player, Lemon. Can we still get it?
Lemon emote in ML
Lemon Emoji in Mobile Legends (ML). Source: VCGamers.

Have Emoticons (Emoticons) in Mobile Legends can make games fun for the players. Some time ago, Mobile Legends (ML) released an emote with a pro player image, Lemons. Can we still get it?

To find out more clearly, please read this article to the end.

Also Read: How to Top Up ML Easily, Get Cashback!

Emoticons in Mobile Legends

Example Emote Genius. Source: VCGamers.

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Emoticons or what can be abbreviated as "Emot" is an image that you can display in the game. If used, it will pop-up, above the head of the player's hero who issued it.

To use it, you can go to the chat bubble icon on the right of the screen. Then select the emoticon section, and select the emoticon you want to use.

For the duration of ownership, it seems that each emoticon is different. There are things you can get for one day, seven days, 30-days, 60-days, to permanent.

Lemon Emoji in Mobile Legends (ML)

Lemon emote in ML
Lemon Emoji in Mobile Legends (ML). Source: VCGamers.

In June 2021, June 22-30 to be precise, there will be a big Mobile Legends (ML) event. The event was titled "Voting All Star Indonesia".

From the voting results, RRQ Lemons be the winner of the vote. As a form of gratitude, ML is providing emotes with a picture of Lemon to use in battle emoticons for free.

You can get these emotes in ML by logging in for five (5) days on 22-30 June 2021. After the fifth day, you can claim these emotes in ML!

RRQ Lemons
RRQ LemonRRQ Lemon, a pro player with his own emoticon

This emote is also interesting because it depicts the figure of Lemon who always appears with a flat expression. In fact, there is this emote that makes the pro player's voice say "It's normal".

Also Read: Claim the MLBB Lemon Emote Now, It's Free!

Then, Can You Still Get Lemon Emotes in ML?

Some Emoticons That Can Be Purchased at the Shop. Source: VCGamers.

For friends who missed this event, unfortunately, you won't be able to get the Lemon emote in ML anymore. This prize is limited to players who log in during the All Star Indonesia Event that year.

The author has also searched for it in Shop > Emotes. But, because this emote is exclusive, only at certain times, it can no longer be obtained.

But, for those of you who are curious about what the emotes are like, you can still see them. The method is:

  • Go to the Preparation menu
  • Select the Effect menu, and select the Emote menu
  • Scroll down until you find RRQ.Lemon's face

At least, in this way, you won't be curious anymore, right?

Also Read: 4 Ways to Get Free FF Emotes in 2022

Final Words

That's the answer to whether or not you can get Lemon emotes in Mobile Legends (ML). Maybe this is the developer's way of getting us as Mobile Legends players to regularly follow existing events.

But, if you still want to have other emotes, you can buy them at the Shop using Diamonds.

So, which emote do you like?

Fulfill your Diamonds needs by Top-Up via VCGamers Marketplace and get attractive promos in it!

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