Eldegoss Pokemon Unite is one of the pokemon support powerful. When you can play Eldegoss well in Pokemon Unite, skillsetit can benefit your team and harm the opposing team.
Skillsets Eldegoss can buff teammates and nerf the opposing team, so Eldegoss is said to be a meta support all-rounder. Trainers those using Eldegoss will usually do a lot too poke in early game and attack support in midgame.
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Anything skillset Eldegoss in Pokemon Unite that you can optimize and watch out for? What is the optimal team composition if you or your partner use Eldegoss? Then, how to deal with the Eldegoss that the opponent used with skillsetits that troublesome?
The questions above will be answered by the discussion below. Listen, take notes and try the suggestions below so that you understand better gameplay Eldegoss in Pokemon Unite.
Skillsets Eldegoss Pokemon Unite
skills 1 – Leafage

Leafage Skills is ranged attack which will make Gosiffleur (Eldegoss' initial form) shoot leaves at the opposing Pokemon in a straight line. skills this will be your mainstay for early game because it can make the opponent's pokemon hit slow.
CD from skills it is 4.5 seconds. CD This will provide an advantage for your team because it can bespam in a relatively short time. If your opponent uses Eldegoss, you must always keep a safe distance so you don't get affected slow.
When Gosiffleur reached levels 4 and transform into Eldegoss, you can choose two skills new, that is Pollen Puffs and Leaf Tornadoes.
Pollen Puffs (Level 4)

Here it is skills Eldegoss Pokemon Unite that benefits allies and harms enemies. Eldegoss will attach powder which, when stuck on a teammate's pokemon, will give heal, and when pasted on pokemon opponent will then give damage.
What's interesting about skills this is, the higher the Eldegoss Level, the higher it is damage and heal resulting from.
skills it has CD 6 seconds only. You can also use skills This is for spam buff friends and debuffs counter for supplies midgame.
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Leaf Tornadoes (Level 4)

Eldegoss will blow a tornado in a straight line from a long distance. Different from Pollen Puffs, skills this gives your companion pokemon buff movement speed giving at the same time damage for the opponent's pokemon that is hit skills this.
skills it has CD for 9 seconds. skills Leaf Tornadoes it will be suitable if your teammates do tactics offensive due to effect skills this will give your partner movement speed to drive to goals those in the arena.
skills 2 – Synthesis

Gosiffleur (or Eldegoss) will give heal for your teammate pokemon. skills this is also one of the reasons Eldegoss is a multitalented pokemon early nor midgame.
CD from skills this is 8 seconds. To save skills this, you can gather your comrades around Gosiffleur to get heal from him. skills it has two other options once Eldegoss reaches level 6, viz CottonGuard and Cotton Spore
CottonGuard (Level 6)

Eldegoss in the Pokemon Unite arena will give shields for him and the team pokemon he has around him. In addition to skills this is heal amounted to 30% of shields Eldegoss. At maximum level, skills this will add movement speed Eldegoss.
skills it has CD for 9 seconds. Same as Synthesis, you should use skills these near your colleagues so they also get shields.
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Cotton Spore (Level 6)

Eldegoss will collect the powder until the blue bar is full, then release a small explosion that throws the opponent's pokemon into the air while slowing down movement speed they.
skills This Eldegoss can buff himself and give damage as well as debuffs for a useful opponent to CC. Use skills this is so you and your teammates can ganking opponent pokemon. CD skills it is 6 seconds.
Unite Move – Cotton Cloud Crash (Level 9)

Eldegoss jumped and floated up with his cloud, then hit the ground and delivered an attack AoE which will push away the opposing pokemon as well heal teammate pokemon.
Ulti Eldegoss Pokemon Unite is also one of them skills which is troublesome for opponents especially in midgame until late game. If you are playing as Eldegoss' comrade, you must approach Eldegoss before he does ultimate. If you're fighting Eldegoss, it's better to run away because his attack range is quite wide.
Optimal Team Composition With Eldegoss Pokemon Unite
Duet Eldegoss and Snorlax

If you use Eldegoss in the Pokemon Unite arena and some of your teammates use Snorlax, then you can focus on playing in bottom lane.
Why? Because bottom lane is the nest of the Drednaw (wild pokemon) as well as the main goal of para trainers who wants to target Zapdos at the end of the game.
Defeating Drednaw will reduce damage Zapdos so bottom lane did not escape from the place where the fierce battle took place. To do this tactic, you need to place one pokemon on top lane, one in midlane, then three in bottom lane.

The recommended Pokemon for this tactic are Pokemon that can do solo play, such as Lucario, Zeraora, Absol. Likewise in midlane, you need to place a pokemon that has agile movements, such as Greninja or Pikachu.
First of all, you can position Snorlax as tankers concurrently carry in bottom lane, then spam skills Tackles or Heavy slams, and cover Eldegoss (as well as one other pokemon) to ward off enemies and secure positions spawns Drednaw.
In this case, you need to be sensitive to use healing skills, assisted by debuff skills opponent (Leafage or Leaf Tornadoes). If Eldegoss has access Cotton Shield, Use skills This is for support Snorlax.
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Duet Eldegoss And Slowbro

If you use this tactic, make sure you place Slowbro as a pokemon on top lane and midlane, while Eldegoss follows Slowbro's movements. These two pokemon have pretty good cooperation, before and after evolving.
Eldegoss can provide debuffs on his opponent through attacks Leaf Tornadoes while Slowbro can blow opponents away with attacks Telekinesis-his. You can also use skills Cotton Spore followed by Surf or Scaldits Slowbro.

If you choose a team with this composition, you should play jungle, wears Venusaur as a specialist jungle as well as Absol, Machamp and Zeraora in bottom lane.
Absol and Zeraora's Speed cancover Machamps as tankers, can also help midlane in case there is an opponent who is targeting lanes the. Eldegoss and Slowbro can also move to midlane if you try to beat Zapdos.
Duet Eldegoss And Crustle

Eldegoss and Crustle have abilities CC which is effective because you can use skills Cotton Spore which was followed by Stealth Rock also Unite Movethat can stun opponent pokemon.
Before doing this, make sure you put the Crustle on top lane accompanied by Blastoise (or pokemon with shield generate and statuses MOBILE PHONE high) tocover Crustle.

Meanwhile, Eldegoss became bottom laners and paired with other agile pokemons in the Pokemon Unite arena, such as Pikachu, Cramorant, Venusaur, to rotate positions with Eldegoss.
Just then mid and late game, you can do a combination of these attacks to either face your opponent or defeat Wild Pokemon. This Eldegoss and Crustle duet is effective if you play on bottom line.
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4 Pokemon For Counters Eldegoss Pokemon Unite
Eldegoss is a more advanced pokemon support state compared attacker in Pokemon Unite. The right tactic to do counters against Eldegoss is through the pokemon that it has ranged attack or movement speed tall one. Some of them are Pikachu, Absol, Zeraora and Gengar.

You can spam skills Thunder Shock to stun Eldegoss in the Pokemon Unite arena for a moment so he will have trouble escaping from your attacks.
Dash attacks Pikachu can also chase Eldegoss in the Pokemon Unite arena which has an effect stun for just a few seconds.
Follow with Pikachu's normal attack combination so that Eldegoss will be defeated quickly without having time to attack and provide support in the Pokemon Unite arena.

Unite Move Absol has an effect AoE with this quick successive attacks it often becomes a nightmare for pokemon support, including Eldegoss.
Besides that, skills its level 5, Pursuit, it's also dash attack which can be combined with Absol's basic attacks.
When Eldegoss is having fun jungling, you can easily aim at Eldegoss before he can use Cotton Spore-his.
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Zeraora arguably has skillset powerful enough for counters Eldegoss Pokemon Unite. Skillsets Zeraora is almost entirely based melee, combos and speed so that it would be too much for Eldegoss to escape unless he wascover enemy.
At the very least, you can use skills Wild Charge, VoltSwitch/Spark and Agility if you want to chase after Eldegoss who ran away andcover by his partner.
Unite Move Zeraora's is also quite effective against Eldegoss and other opposing pokemons.cover-his.

Using Gengar for counters Eldegoss is recommended for those of you who are familiar with gameplay-his. When you use Unite Move Gengar, you need to be able to position Gengar on target, and it will be quite troublesome if Eldegoss issupport by his partner.
However, in early game you can use skills Lick to attract a fleeing Eldegoss, or attract a pokemon that hascover-his. Sludge Bombs Gengar's can also be in-spam to defeat Eldegoss because it has an effect poison.
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Although Eldegoss is one support best of all, it still has to be paired with the right pokemon in the Pokemon Unite arena. There will always be gaps to penetrate skillset Eldegoss Pokemon Unite. So, you can make the most of Eldegoss' negligence in Pokemon Unite so you don't have to deal with it, Vicigers!