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Easy Way to Get Honeycomb in Minecraft

There are several ways you can do to get a honeycomb safely from bee attacks in Minecraft.
Honeycomb. Source: RajCraft/Youtube

There are several ways that you can use to get honeycombs safely from bee attacks. Minecraft.

The honeycomb itself is one items which is included in the Common category in Minecraft. You can get it from bee nests.

Just like in real life, when you start disturbing the bees' nest, they will start to become aggressive and attack you.

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How to Get Honeycomb in Minecraft Easily

How to Get Honeycomb in Minecraft
Beehive in Minecraft. Source: RajCraft/Youtube

Honeycomb can be obtained from two types of beehives, namely Bee nest and Beehives. Bee nest is formed naturally while Beehives can be made by players.

Bees will return to their nest at night or when it rains after collecting pollen from a flower.

They will return to the same nest they first entered. However, if the nest is already occupied by 3 bees, then they will look for a nearby area to nest.

A naturally occurring beehive can hold up to 3 bees and always faces south. You can find beehives in various biomes with the following chances:

  • Meadow: 100%
  • Cherry Grove: 5% in Java Edition and not available in Bedrock Edition
  • Plains and Sunflower Plain: 5%
  • Mangrove Swamp: 5% in Java Edition and 4% in Bedrock Edition
  • Flower Forest: 3% in Java Edition and 2% in Bedrock Edition
  • Forest and Birch Forest: 0.2% in Java Edition and 0.035% in Bedrock Edition

Both can be destroyed with various types of equipment or just by using a blow from the player. If you want to be faster, you can use an axe.

How to get a beehive easily and safely in Minecraft? To avoid being attacked by bees, make sure you have Silk Touch on the equipment you are using.

How to Get Honeycomb in Minecraft
Silk Touch Axe. Source: RajCraft/Youtube

By using Silk Touch, the honeycomb will fall down by itself and the bees will stay inside. They will not be angry when you take honey from the hive.

If you use equipment without Silk Touch to collect honey, the bees will get angry and attack you aggressively.

You are also advised not to destroy the bee nest by making a bonfire under their nest. Because this will also make the bees angry.

How to Harvest Beehives in Minecraft

How to Get Honeycomb in Minecraft
Honeycomb ready for harvest. Source: RajCraft/Youtube

Beehive in Minecraft can produce two products that you can harvest, namely honey and honeycomb.

Every time a bee enters a hive full of pollen, it turns it into honey and honeycomb.

Once finished, the bees will wait until daylight and leave the hive to look for more pollen.

When the bees leave the hive, the honey content will increase by 1 to a maximum of 5. When the hive is full, the honey will start to drip out.

When this happens, it is a sign that the nest is ready for players to harvest its contents.

To harvest honey, use a glass bottle on the hive and it will turn into a Honey Bottle.

While the honeycomb itself can be obtained by using scissors. One beehive will produce 3 honeycombs.

This harvesting activity will make the bees in the hive become aggressive towards players. You can prevent this by making a campfire 1 block below the beehive.

How to Get Honeycomb in Minecraft
Harvesting honeycomb with campfire. Source: RajCraft/Youtube

Make sure the smoke from the campfire you have made is not obstructed by anything so that it can cover the nest properly.

Smoke can pass no more than 1 solid block and can only occur if the block is directly above the campfire.

To prevent the bees from being burned by the fire, place a carpet over the campfire to create space for the bees as they fly.

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