Tech & Gadget

Easy Way to Disable Meta AI on WhatsApp

Published by
Artaz Gang

Easy Way to Disable Meta AI on WhatsApp

In 2025, it seems that no digital technology wants to miss the artificial intelligence trend (AI), be it social media, search engines, smartphone interfaces, and even messaging apps.

Sebagai contoh, tengok saja “ke-FOMO-an” WhatsApp dengan Meta AI-nya. Nah jika Vicigers di sini ada yang kurang “sreg” dan ingin menonaktifkan fiturnya, langsung simak ulasan ini deh!

Also read:

4 Ways to Disable Meta AI on WhatsApp

Meta AI feature in WhatsApp. Source: Unsplash (Free Image)

Now let's go straight to the main discussion, namely how to deactivate Meta AI in WhatsApp. There will be at least four easy ways that VCGamers will discuss in this article.

You can adjust these four methods to suit your most relevant needs and conditions. That way, Meta AI akan jadi lebih “jinak” dan meminimalisir frekuensi keaktifannya. Berikut detailnya:

Avoiding Appearance in Private and Group Chat Columns

Avoiding Its Appearance in Private and Group Chat Columns. Source: Unsplash (Free Image)

The first common case experienced by WhatsApp users is the possibility of Meta AI joining in the chat, whether in a private room or a group. Sometimes this can be annoying.

To overcome this case, you simply avoid Meta AI involvement in chatting activities. You can do this in a relatively easy way. Some of them are:

  • Tidak sampai menyebut (mention) “@Meta AI”;
  • Do not press the Meta AI icon;
  • Do not press/click/tap on the suggestions that Meta AI provides.

Turning off Meta AI Notifications

Turning off Meta AI Notifications. Source: Unsplash (Free Image)

The second case is the frequent notification from Meta AI in the notification column. This is one of the common complaints. The reason is, the notification from this feature looks like an incoming chat.

If this is the problem you are experiencing, then the best way to reduce the frequency of notifications from the AI is to mute the chat. The steps are as follows:

  • Open WhatsApp;
  • Find and tap the AI icon, usually at the bottom of the chat list view;
  • Once the chat menu is open, open the options menu by tapping its name at the top;
  • Once the Meta AI page opens, tap the “Notifications” option;
  • Nyalakan toggle “Bisukan Notifikasi”, dan ketika ada opsi durasi pembisuan, pilih “Selalu”.

Deleting Data or Using an Older Version of WhatsApp

Older version of WhatsApp. Source: Unsplash (Free Image)

Meanwhile, if you feel that Meta AI is not very relevant for your daily needs and its presence is actually annoying, you can definitely turn off this feature completely.

Namun caranya sendiri terbilang “radikal” dan memaksa. Seperti yang kita tahu, Meta AI sendiri merupakan fitur baru dan hanya bisa didapatkan melalui update aplikasi WhatsApp.

Therefore, if you really want to remove this feature, you must delete/avoid the update. There are at least two ways you can achieve this condition:

Delete WhatsApp Application Data

Through this method, the assumption is that the application will return to the most basic version that does not include the Meta AI feature. But remember, the success percentage of this method is not 100%.

It is possible that even the most basic version of WhatsApp already includes this feature (without having to update). And if this is the case, Meta AI will not disappear even after deleting the data;

Using Old Version of WhatsApp Mod or Apk

Cara terakhir masuk ke ranah “abu-abu” untuk aspek legalitasnya: menggunakan aplikasi modding ataupun versi lawas. Memang cara ini terbukti ampuh dan sudah tersedia luas di internet.

But disclaimer, VCGamers does not recommend this method. In addition to its legality being questionable, using .apk/modding carelessly also carries a high risk of being infected with malware.

Also read:

Well, that was the discussion about how to disable Meta AI on WhatsApp. Always trust your various gaming needs, only at VCGamers Marketplace yes!

Artaz Gang