
Durability Is Hero Endurance, Here's the Explanation!

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Durability is one thing that becomes the endurance of heroes in games Mobile Legends. The better the hero's endurance, the better it is in battle.

Mobile Legends is a MOBA game with lots of interesting concepts to learn. One of them is the importance of sustainability in Mobile Legends (ML). Do you know, Vicigers friends, the meaning of the term durability? If not, you can read the explanation.

Durability is something that is very similar to heroic tanks, this concept is of course very important for you to know, especially for tanker users. The stronger the strength of the hero in mobile legends, the stronger the hero will be.

Durability Is?


Durability is immunity as the endurance of the Mobile Legends hero. Power is usually only obtained from the ability of the hero itself. In addition, each hero has special abilities as extra abilities

Unlike armor or defense, which are virtues for a hero. That means it also applies to other heroes in Mobile Legends.

Durability is something that can be increased by adding many attributes, such as armor, physical defense, or durability. With a good sustainability base, a hero can become stronger and harder to beat. Therefore, sustainability is widely used by tank heroes.

List of Heroes with the Best Durability

Heroes with durability are one of the deadliest roles in Mobile Legends, heroes from this role are famous for their high strength. Even though it is included in the warrior role list, it turns out that not all heroes in this role are pure or pure warriors, you know. There are many heroes who also enter the role of Tank, Support and even Assassin.

It makes sense to see that the number of heroes in the role of a fighter is also very large. Out of a total of 33 heroes who act as warriors, there are some who have the highest durability. 

Yu Zhong

Yu Zhong

The first hero is Yu Zhong, this hero is very difficult to kill, even though he is beaten by many heroes at once. Yu Zhong's strength is very high because of his passive skill, which can regenerate a lot of HP.

While the effect of casting spells increases on all four active skills. Moreover, if Yu Zhong is in black dragon mode, his HP will increase significantly, his four skills will be strengthened, and his movement will increase.

Yu Zhong is very strong at the beginning of the game and in the next game you can use this hero at the bar in all situations and circumstances. You have to try!



The second pure Hero Fighter with the highest strength is Phoveus, this hero is happier when many people beat him.

Phoveus' strength is very high, not because of the lifesteal effect or HP rain, but thanks to the shield he gets from skill one and his highest skill, these two skills make Phoveus have the toughness to convince tanks. This hero is perfect for those who like to play bars, Phoveus won't die if he doesn't come.

Note that Phoveus has magic-type damage, an advantage you should take advantage of. This damage spell is known to be very deadly early in the game. You have to play bar when using this hero. 



The third pure fighter hero with the highest durability is Leomord, this hero can be used very effectively to destroy enemy formations.

Leomord's strength is very high thanks to a person's skills and his ultimate skill, these two skills increase physical and magical defense while providing a shield that can absorb up to 150 (+ 150 percent total physical attack) damage.

But unfortunately this hero relies heavily on the most experienced skills, Leomord cannot join the war without riding a horse.

Even as a fighter hero, Leomord is always referred to as a jungler, you know. It's natural to see that Leomord has a lot of damage, is very agile and has high resistance. 

Also read: The Best Thamuz Jungler Item Build in Mobile Legends

X. Borg


The fourth pure fighter hero with the highest power is X-Borg, this hero has almost no opponents like in the next game.

There are many things that make X-Borg's strength so high, firstly because his HP is divided into two parts, and secondly because this hero has a big impact in stealing lives.

It is very difficult to shoot and kill this hero, X-Borg can escape all damage and even public control effects if his HP armor is damaged.

In addition to its high strength, X-Borg also has extensive damage, several skills that can cause real damage when the target's temperature gauge is full. With all these abilities, it's no wonder this hero is always assigned as a jungler.



Prior to the Season 24 update, Masha was actually promised to be one of the META heroes, thanks to the appearance of her newest skin which was a Skin Season 23 prize, the Spirited Gauntlet.

In the 6th week of MPL Indonesia, which coincided with the update patch 1.6.66, RRQ Vynnn showed how to play Masha who becomes a Fighter Roamer. His Heal, Buff and Damage abilities are very strong.

Also read: 5 Strongest Hero Counter Masha July 2022 Edition

The strongest fighter with the best durability in Mobile Legends above will be a recommendation for Mobile Legends players who want to try EXP Laner and Roamer. Good luck!
