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Don't throw it away, this three star weapon is good up to AR 60

Please remember, this three-star weapon is not the main choice for building your character, especially as the main DPS.
Three Star Weapon
Three Star Weapon. Source: VCGamers

Did you know that there are three-star weapons that can still be used until your Adventure Rank is level 60?

As a player Genshin Impact Of course you want to give the best weapon you have to the character you have.

In this article we will discuss several weapons that are still effective at high Adventure Rank.

Cheapest Genshin Impact Products!

For those of you who are just starting to play Genshin, this article is very suitable. So you don't need to hesitate to upgrade the three-star weapon.

Also read: Genshin Impact Special Program Recap 4.2

Harbinger of Dawn (Sword)

Three Star Weapon
Harbinger of Dawn (Source: Genshin Impact)
  • Basic Attack: 39 – 401 (Lv. 1 – 90)
  • Statistics: Increased Critical Damage 10.2% – 46.9% (Lv. 1 – 90)
  • Weapon Effects: When the character's HP is above 90%, increases the CRIT Rate by 28%.

Harbinger of Dawn is a sword weapon that is very suitable for characters who rely on critical attacks. A large increase in Crit Rate when a character's HP is above 90% can help your character deliver critical hits more consistently, making it an effective choice even when reaching high AR.

Recommended characters:


You could say this weapon is his signature weapon Albedo because if you don't take part in the limited event to get a cinnabar spindle.

His passive is also very suitable for Albedo who plays off field. Therefore, Albedo will easily take advantage of the passive of this weapon.

Alhaitam and Keqing

If you need stable crit damage and crit rate, you can just use this weapon as long as your Alhaitam or Kequng is safe.

Because it requires the cellphone to be above 90% to get the buff. We recommend that you bring a shielder and healer in the team.

Also read: C1 Genshin Impact: Understanding, Benefits and Best Characters

Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers (Catalyst)

Three Star Weapon
Thirling Tales Of Dragon Slayers (Source: Genshin Impact)
  • Basic Attack: 39 – 401 (Lv. 1 – 90)
  • Statistics: HP Increase 7.7% – 35.2% (Lv. 1 – 90)
  • Weapon Effects: When swapping characters, the new character entering the field will have an ATK increase of 48% for 10 seconds. This effect can only occur once every 20 seconds.

Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers is a catalyst weapon that is useful primarily in a support role. This ATK increase effect is suitable for characters who provide support and increase the attacks of other characters in the team.

Recommended characters:

Kokomi, Baizhu, and Barbara

These three characters are very suitable for using this weapon because they are support healers who scale on HP.

It suits them very well because this weapon has quite high HP, namely 46.9% at lvl 90.

For those of you who are F2P (free to play) of course you are very lazy about gacha support weapons even though the passive is good and still most F2P players will prefer this weapon.

Mona and Klee C2

This weapon is still used at high AR because of its passive. You can use this passive weapon for showcase. Generally Genshin players will use Mona or Klee who can use the passive of this weapon.

Also read: Strategy for Using Venti in Genshin Impact

Black Tassel (Polearm)

Black Tassel
Black Tassel (Source: Genshin Impact)
  • Basic Attack: 38 – 354 (Lv. 1 – 90)
  • Statistics: HP Increase 10.2% – 46.9% (Lv. 1 – 90)
  • Weapon Effects: Increases DMG against slimes by 80%.

Recommended characters:

Zhongli and Yao Yao

Before the appearance of the Rightful Reward weapon, this weapon was the only weapon that could make your character's HP high.

However, when compared to Rightful Reward, this weapon is very superior in terms of its stats, which has high HP, namely 46.9% at lvl 90.

Generally, players who have been playing Genshin for a long time have this weapon and are still comfortable using this weapon compared to having to craft a Rightful Reward weapon because its HP stats are small.

Plus, if your Zhongli is just a shielder, you definitely don't need the Rightful Reward because if in the spiral abyss you spam Zhongli's ultimate you will lose time.

Also read: 5 Team Comp Genshin Impact Choices from Reaction Elements

Although three-star weapons may seem less tempting than four- or five-star weapons, it is important to consider the quality and effects of the weapon when choosing a suitable weapon for your character.

In many cases, three star weapons can still be a very good choice, but keep in mind that 3 star weapons are not the main choice for building your character, especially as the main DPS.

Three star weapons like the Harbinger of Dawn are good for DPS characters, but you need to remember the condition of the weapon you have, whether there is a weapon that is better than that weapon.

So this depends on how you manage your team and weapons, especially if you are someone who is very economical with resources.

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