Final round in games PUBGM (Player Unknown's Battleground Mobile) are crucial seconds because usually this round only leaves 10 -15 player with extensive area quite difficult to reach. Maybe no more than 200 meters away.
For the PUBGs Lovers must have known that in these seconds, it's getting narrower area to compete, more and more people will do it prone. Prone is a position when doing prone
Strategy prone is indeed one of the surefire strategies to be able to survive in games. Attitude prone this makes the enemy difficult to shoot because they hide in places such as rocks, tree trunks, grass or maybe behind a hill.
Then, how do you make friends gamers can lure moderate enemies prone come out of hiding and finish him off? Here's an explanation.
Pay attention to this when you want to kill a moderate enemy Prone!
Don't be talkative!

When buddy gamerss met with an enemy who did prone, buddy gamers don't follow "talkative" to do prone as well as your opponents. If buddy gamers participating in doing so, it will be difficult for you to detect the whereabouts of the enemy because both are not moving.
Buddy gamers must stay mobile and stay aware of the position prone enemy. You can make movements such as ducking, crawling, or while sneaking. In addition, sometimes hiding from enemies by doing prone not an effective way.
Prone would be an ineffective way to use to hide from enemies if my friend gamers do so even in very dense grass. Because basically the grass is not a place to hide.
Take cover behind a large rock

Seek shelter while encountering enemies who do prone in PUBG is also very important. This is done as a form of anticipation if at any time the enemy attacks, my friend gamers can still safely do the shooting.
Big rocks are the best places to take shelter while you are friends gamers aim at enemies who like ngeprone. When you are fighting in the blue zone, you will find stones of various sizes.
The blue zone is the rock zone around the forest area. For the PUBGs Lovers, because the surrounding conditions that support it make this place a favorite place to spy on opponents who commit prone. Buddy gamers free to choose a place to take shelter because there are many large rocks.
Looking for a strategic position

There are several places in the PUBG game that are quite strategic as a place to block moderate enemy attacks prone. The first strategic place you can buddy gamers use is the blue zone, particularly adjacent to shrubs and grass.
Apart from the blue zone, to finish off creeping enemies, pal gamers can also take advantage high ground. high ground is a strategic place that allows you to more easily see enemies doing this while hiding.
Even though you are in a strategic place, stay alert and as much as possible look for the right moment to attack the enemy.
Lure your opponent out of hiding

Luring enemies out of their hiding places is one surefire way to conquer a hobby enemy prone on PUBG Mobile. It takes patience to face enemies who like to do this.
Buddy gamers can use grenades or gunshots to lure enemies out. In general, the enemy will be frightened when they hear the sound of the bomb and stay away from where they are prone.
When the enemy moves out of hiding, it's time for you guys to make a surprise attack.
Beware of rocks or tree trunks
As you know, rocks or tree trunks are the places most often used to hide or take cover in PUBG. These two places are the safest places in games PUBG especially during the last round goes on.
But apart from there, player who are smart, of course, will choose a difference in height, such as behind a hill or a fence around the house for a place to hide. Especially when playing in TTP mode, player can rotate the view up to 3600 around him.
Therefore, never go directly to the enemy behind these hiding places unless you have them aim as well as flicking better than them.
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