Almost the entire game Pokémon quite popular with fans, one of which is Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. It turns out, this Pokemon game has a difference for the Exclusive version, you know!
Indeed, it turns out that the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet game has been declared a popular game for the Nintendo Switch since its release in 2022. Therefore, this game always presents something new, including different versions.
But from the various titles and different versions, this game actually always presents a quite unique version of the game with quite striking differences from the previous one.
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For those of you who are curious, you can also find out what the differences are from the exclusive version of the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet game! What are the differences? Just take a look at the article below, OK!
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According to digitaltrends, here are some differences from Pokemon Scarlet and Violet for the Exclusive version, namely as follows:
Scarlet Exclusive
- Koraidon (Legendary)
- Armarouge
- Stonjourner
- Larvitar, Pupitar, and Tyranitar
- Stunky and Skuntank
- Drifloon and Drifblim
- Deino, Zweilous, and Hydregion
- Screamtail
- Brute Bonnet
- Flutter Mane
- Slither Wing
- Sandy Shocks
- Roaring Moon
- Oranguru
- Great Tusk
Violet Exclusive
- Koraidon (Legendary)
- Armarouge
- Stonjourner
- Larvitar, Pupitar, and Tyranitar
- Stunky and Skuntank
- Drifloon and Drifblim
- Deino, Zweilous, and Hydregion
- Screamtail
- Brute Bonnet
- Flutter Mane
- Slither Wing
- Sandy Shocks
- Roaring Moon
- Oranguru
- Great Tusk
- Iron Treads
- Iron Bundle
- Iron Hands
- Iron Jugulis
- Iron Moth
- Iron Thorns
- Iron Valiant
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It turns out that the Exclusive versions of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet also have extraordinary Professors, of course they will also teach you when you adventure in the Pokemon world.
Scarlet Exclusive
In the exclusive version of Pokemon Scarlet, you will be taught by the beautiful Professor, Professor Sada.
Violet Exclusive
Then, if you play the Exclusive version of Pokemon Violet, you will be taught by Professor Turo.
They are both very influential and will guide you with the knowledge they have and you will also be trained with them to face various Pokemon that you will meet later.
Also read: How to Beat Professor Sada in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

It turns out that the Exclusive version of the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet game also has two different academies with different uniforms, depending on whether you play Pokemon Scarlet or Pokemon Violet.
Scarlet Exclusive
In Pokemon Scarlet itself, you will study at an Academy called Naranja Academy. At Naranja Academy, you have an emblem in the shape of a shield with an orange sticker on the front.
At Naranja Academy, you will be trained to deepen your knowledge about Pokemon, such as:
Pokemon Study:
- Strengths and Weaknesses: You will learn the weaknesses and strengths of the various types of Pokemon there, such as Grass, Fire, Water, Electric and many more.
- Battle Strategy: Apart from that, you will take advantage of the weaknesses of the Pokemon fighting there. Chances are, you can also fight it very quickly.
- Teamwork: Here you can work together with your friends in one team based on Pokemon types to fight effectively.
Various Training:
- Specific Training: Here you will be trained with certain types of Pokemon to increase their strength and abilities when in battle. Apart from that, you will explore strategies at a high level, against difficult teams and using specific tactics.
- Use of Moves and Strategy: Here you are also helped to use moves and develop strategies that are quite effective for various types of Pokemon.
Case Analysis:
- Fighting Case Study: You will also learn about several battles involving different types of Pokemon and be able to evaluate successful or unsuccessful strategies.
- Simulation: You can also use simulations that can analyze the various types of Pokemon that have the most influence on the outcome of the battle.
Violet Exclusive
As for Pokemon Violet, you will study at Uva Academy. Uva Academy itself has a symbol like a shield with grape vines in front of it.
At Uva Academy itself you will learn about several aspects that you can deepen your knowledge, namely as follows:
Pokemon Study:
- Weakness and strength: You can understand the weaknesses and strengths of the types of Pokemon you encounter, such as Fire, Grass, Water, Electric and many more.
- Battle Strategy: Apart from that, you can also take advantage of the weaknesses of the type of Pokemon you encounter as a strategy to fight them.
Special Training:
- Specific Movements: Of course, you will also learn specific moves and strategies that are quite effective for certain types of Pokemon. Then, you can also explore strategies, combine teams and use specific tactics.
- Improving Skills: Apart from that, you will learn very specific moves and strategies for types of Pokemon that have certain skills.
Case Analysis:
- Case Studies and Simulations: You will also analyze various battles that have been fought before and will simulate and understand strategies that have succeeded and failed before.
- Pokemon Contributions to the Team: If you can combine various types of Pokemon which are predicted to help you in battle.
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Of course, if you play the Exclusive version of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, there are differences in the uniforms used by the main characters, namely Juliana and Florin.
Scarlet Exclusive
Of course, in the Exclusive version of Pokemon Scarlet, you will wear a uniform of purple shorts or skirt, white shirt, brown shoes, purple hat and purple tie that matches the color of your bottom.
Violet Exclusive
Meanwhile, in the Exclusive version of Pokemon Violet, you will wear an orange uniform such as shorts and skirt, white shirt, orange tie and wear a blue hat.
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Which is the best?

Actually, this is quite a difficult option, both Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet Exclusive versions each provide exclusive content in them.
However, if you look at the characters, it looks like this exclusive version of Pokemon Scarlet is more complete because it features several Paradox Pokemon there.
Apart from that, these Pokemon have exclusive distribution of stats or Pokemon types that can help you fight there.
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So, that's information about the differences between the exclusive versions of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. So, which one do you prefer?
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