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Painful Damage and No Medicine, Here Are Tips for Using Mathilda's Hero

Published by
Muhammad Zaenal

Some time ago, Mobile Legend introduced a hero with a role mage named Hero Mathilda. This hero comes from the Blazing West event and is the 101st hero design. This hero comes from a Native American tribe with the characteristic of using an eagle-headed staff.

For Mobile Legend players, you must be familiar with this hero. Especially with those of you who are in Legend or Mythic rank. Of course you are burdening this one hero so that your opponent doesn't use it. This is because this hero has high mobility compared to other support heroes or mages.

Reveals About Mathilda's Skills

Hero Mathilda Has a number of interesting abilities. This hero can attack very nimbly and is easy to use during war. Even this hero is very easy to use, because it doesn't have skills that are directed manually.

The first skill, will give damage to the opponent. Since the early game, Mathilda has become a deadly hero. Even when this hero has unlocked his ultimate, the opponent can't move. Because the ulti of this hero will make the opponent freely, especially on enemy core heroes such as marksman, mage, or assassin.

The combo of this hero is also fairly easy. Because when it comes to war, you only need to start with the first skill and after the enemy core is targeted, then you can finish it off with an ulti. Even an opponent who was already the target couldn't get away with it. Because, Mathilda has the ability to fly and lock opponents.

Then in skill 2 this is what makes Mathilda a support hero. This skill will allow colleagues who are nearby to run fast and get a shield. It sounds simple, but the use of skill 2 is extraordinary.

Tips and Tricks Using Skills Mathilda

The use of timing on Mathilda's hero is very important. Because there are two phases to Mathilda's two skills that can deal great damage, namely Soul Bloom and ultimate Circling Eagle.

Try to use the mage eblem, not support. Then you focus on movement speed by giving points to Agility. Then you can use Observation or Catastrophe, depending on your opponent's line up.

This hero doesn't need flicker or speed, because this hero already has movement speed bonuses and innate dash skills. So, you can use Excute or Flameshot to finish off your opponent. But if you want to play it safe by defending, you can use Aegis or revenge.

This hero with role support is very dependent on his first skill. Therefore, mana regen is the key for you users of this hero. You can buy Demon Shoes, Glowing Wand, and Holy Crystal builds. After that, combine builds with Oracle, Necklace of Durance (NOD), and Immortality in order to increase defense.

Weaknesses of Hero Mathilda

Even though this hero is famous for damage that has no medicine, this hero actually has weaknesses. One of them is Mathilda's skill, which only locks one hero. If the team is at war, you have to choose the right target, like the hero core marksmann or assassin or mage. Don't occasionally give the wrong ulti to your opponent, like a tank

Another weakness is after Mathilda takes out her ulti. Because after the ulti is finished, Mathilda will crash into the enemy. This makes Mathilda immediately the main target. Even if this hero user doesn't have an escape, Mathilda's user is called a feeder.

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Muhammad Zaenal