List of Ash Ketchum's Strongest Pokemon
On his journey to becoming a Pokemon Master, Ash Ketchum has come a long way.
During his journey, Ash caught many powerful Pokemon. So who is the strongest Pokemon he has?
As we know, Ash is always side by side with us. Pikachu in his adventure. So it raises speculation that Pikachu is Ash's strongest Pokemon.
So, is that true? Well, to find out who Pokémon Ash's strongest, let's take a look at the following discussion!
Also read:
List of Ash Ketchum's Strongest Pokemon
Here is the order of the strongest Pokemon from number 7 to number 1:

Aipom famously preferred Pokemon Contests to battling, which prompted Ash to trade Aipom with Dawn's Buizel, who loved battling.
Despite this, Aipom actually took part in many of Ash's battles in the early stages of his journey.
One such battle was against Gardenia in Eterna City, where Aipom became Ash's last hope against his trump card, Roserade.
Using a combination of Swift and Focus Punch, he managed to defeat his opponent easily. In the end, this was Aipom's last match with Ash, as this match was in preparation for the next gym battle.
Under Dawn's command, he won many contests and even evolved into Ambipom. Eventually, he was given to O to pursue another goal, ping-pong.

Ash's Snorlax is quite an iconic Pokemon, as many fans can relate to his only concerns in life being eating and sleeping.
Once Snorlax had overcome its urge to eat and sleep, it managed to become a very important Pokémon for Ash in major tournaments. With its varied moveset of Ice Punch, Rest, Hyper Beam, and Mega Punch, it has defeated some of the biggest Pokémon, such as Gary's Nidoqueen, Clair's Kingra, and Harrison's Steelix.

Ash's Krookodile has a deep bond with Ash, which eventually makes it a powerhouse on his Unova team.
Krookodile began following Ash around when he was still Sandile, and since their first meeting, he has shown a deep interest in Ash and his Pikachu.
This eventually leads to several battles between Sandile and Pikachu, which eventually results in Sandile evolving into Krokorok.
However, it wasn't until some time later that the fearsome reptile joined Ash's team. Krokorok eventually evolved into Krookodile and was arguably his strongest Pokemon at the time.
Krookodile has access to powerful moves such as Crunch, Dragon Claw, Aerial Ace, and Dig.
Krookodile emerged victorious in many battles, such as the fight against Stephan's Sawk and Liepard, Brycen's Beartic, and Iris's Dragonite.

Ash meets Greninja as a young Froakie, which at first isn't an easy Pokemon to befriend.
Froakie has won many battles, eventually evolving into Frogadier, which then shows even greater fighting potential by defeating Gym Leader Olympia's two Meowstic in a doubles battle along with Ash's Talonflame.
Soon after, Frogadier evolves into Greninja and fights his first battle against the powerful Bisharp while utilizing the iconic Bond phenomenon for the first time.
Greninja also fought Sawyer's Sceptile twice, once in a normal battle and once in the Kalos League battle in Mega Form. He won against it both times.
Not only that, he also faced Kalos Champion Diantha's Mega Gardevoir directly, but the fight ended.
The toughest fight Greninja occurred while fighting Alain's Mega Charizard, which he faced three times.
In the Kalos League finals, Ash-Greninja put up a valiant fight against Alain's Mega Charizard, but ultimately lost the match, costing Ash the Kalos Champion title.
Greninja has access to a fairly powerful array of moves, including Cut, Water Shuriken, Aerial Ace, and Double Team.

Aside from Pikachu, no Pokemon on Ash's team has a higher win rate in battle than his Dragon-type, Goodra.
With his powerful movesets of Ice Beam, Rain Dance, Bide, and Dragon Pulse, Goodra has swept through most of the battles he has faced.
Goodra is a powerful weapon in Ash's arsenal. It's a shame he left it at home to protect the Kalos wetlands because it could be a big player against some of the strongest trainers the Pallet Town trainers have ever faced.
The many victories he has achieved have helped him earn his position as one of Ash's strongest Pokemon.

Time and time again, Pikachu has proven why he is Ash's strongest Pokemon. Pikachu befriends Ash when he first begins his journey in the Kanto region, and although the two get off to a rocky start, their bond eventually grows, and they become inseparable.
Throughout his adventures with Ash, Pikachu has defeated many famous enemies, including his evolved form, Raichu.
Pikachu also defeated Drake's Dragonite, giving Ash his first Orange League title.
He also went head to head with Tobias' Legendary Latios during the Sinnoh League, which ended in a draw.
Then, in the Kalos League finals, Pikachu defeated Alain's Tyranitar and Metagross.
Pikachu also gave Ash the title of Alolan Champion by defeating Tapu Koko with its special move, 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt.
Finally, at the Pokemon World Championships, Pikachu defeated Leon's Charizard in an epic battle to win the World Champion title for Ash.
Pikachu has always been special and even received a Gigantamax form. His finishing moves consist of Electroweb, Iron Tail, Quick Attack, and the iconic Thunderbolt.

Technically, Primeape is Ash's strongest Pokémon as it has never lost a battle, even though it only had three before Ash gave it to Anthony to train.
Ash never really returned for the Fighting type so fans never got an update on how the training went.
Primeape initially distrusts Ash, not listening to his instructions and not participating in the gym battle against Erika in Celadon City.
Ash then enters Primeape into the Fighting-type competition, P1 Grand Prix. Ash gains confidence and defeats Machop and Machamp.
In the final battle, he defeated Hitmonlee under Team Rocket's Jessie's control and won the competition.
However, Ash decided Primeape needed further training and handed it over to Anthony, with its fate remaining a mystery.
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Well, that was the list Pokémon Ash's strongest. Hopefully this article can give you new information that you haven't heard before.
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