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Genshin Impact Playable Characters List Up to Patch 5.4

There are a total of 95 characters from the Genshin Impact game character list that are active until patch 5.4 and there will be upcoming characters.
genshin impact character list
Character Leak Genshin Impact. Source: Youtube/ Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact Playable Characters List Up to Patch 5.4

After almost 5 years of this game being released, Genshin Impact has released a ton of characters in every patch with a very long list.

As of this writing, patch 5.4 is almost complete and will enter patch 5.5. Of course, it is also getting closer to the release of the new region, Snezhnaya, which means there will be new characters too.

Who are the characters? Genshin Impact active and who can we expect? Read the next article!

Also read:

Genshin Impact Active Characters List Until Patch 5.4

Genshin Impact has a total of 95 playable characters which are divided into several parts, namely: 

  • 5 star character
  • 4 star character
  • Starter characters
  • Limited banner characters
  • Standard banner characters
  • Non-wish characters (not obtained from banners).

The dominance of playable characters is female characters. The comparison of male characters to date is 32 playable characters and female characters are 63 characters.

Non – Wish Banner Characters

aloy genshin impact
Aloy. Source: Genshin Impact

Wish banner is another name for Gacha banner. This character is obtained from Genshin Impact by default like Traveler or a gift from the game like Aloy. The following is a list of characters from non wish banners:

Name Element Weapon Character Quality Obtained from
traveler Can change elements

(Anemo, Geo, Electro, Hydro, Pyro)

Swords 5 star Non – wish character
Amber pyro Bow 4 stars Character starter
Kaeya cryo Swords 4 stars Character starter
Lisa Electro Catalyst 4 stars Character starter
Barbara hydro Catalyst 4 stars Character starter
Aloy cryo Bow 5 star Non – wish character

Standard Banner (Wish) Characters

yumemizuki mizuki genshin impact standard character list
Yumemizuki Mizuki. Source” Youtube/ Genshin Impact

This character, also called the 'spook' Gacha character, is obtained from standard banners or Wishes. Usually you get it when you don't get a character from a limited banner.

The standard banner also uses Acquaint Fate instead of Intertwined Fate like the Limited banner. Here are the characters:

Name Element Weapon Character Quality Obtained from
Diluc pyro Claymore 5 star Standard banner
Jean Anem Swords 5 star Standard banner
Keqing Electro Swords 5 star Standard banner
qiqi cryo Swords 5 star Standard banner
Dehya pyro Claymore 5 star Standard banner
Tighnari Dendro Bow 5 star Standard banner
Yumemizuki Mizuki Anem Catalyst 5 star Standard banner
Mona hydro Catalyst 5 star Standard banner

Banner Character (Wish) Limited

genshin impact varesa
Varesa. Source: X / Genshin Impact

This banner could perhaps be said to be the most awaited banner by Genshin Impact players.

Every patch update there will be new characters released. Of course, usually the characters are divided into 5-star characters and 4-star characters.

Genshin Impact in the previous patch announced that there would be several additional new characters for the limited banner, namely:

  • Skirk
  • Varesa
  • Iansan
  • Dahlia
  • Dainsleif
  • And many more

5 Star Characters List

Here is a list of 5 star characters from the limited banner:

Name Element Weapon Character Quality Obtained from
Albedo geo Swords 5 star Wish Limited Banner
Alhaitham Dendro Swords 5 star Wish Limited Banner
Arataki Itto geo Claymore 5 star Wish Limited Banner
Arlecchino pyro Polearms 5 star Wish Limited Banner
Baizhu Dendro Catalyst 5 star Wish Limited Banner
Chaska Anem Bow 5 star Wish Limited Banner
Chiori geo Swords 5 star Wish Limited Banner
Citlali cryo Catalyst 5 star Wish Limited Banner
Clorinde Electro Swords 5 star Wish Limited Banner
Cyno Electro Polearms 5 star Wish Limited Banner
Emily Dendro Polearms 5 star Wish Limited Banner
eula cryo Claymore 5 star Wish Limited Banner
Furina hydro Swords 5 star Wish Limited Banner
Ganyu cryo Bow 5 star Wish Limited Banner
Hu Tao pyro Polearms 5 star Wish Limited Banner
Kaedehara Kazuha Anem Swords 5 star Wish Limited Banner
Kamisato Ayaka cryo Swords 5 star Wish Limited Banner
Kamisato Ayato hydro Swords 5 star Wish Limited Banner
Kinich Dendro Claymore 5 star Wish Limited Banner
Lyney pyro Bow 5 star Wish Limited Banner
Mavuika pyro Claymore 5 star Wish Limited Banner
Start hydro Catalyst 5 star Wish Limited Banner
Neuvillette hydro Catalyst 5 star Wish Limited Banner
Nilou hydro Catalyst 5 star Wish Limited Banner
Nahida Dendro Catalyst 5 star Wish Limited Banner
Raiden Shogun Electro Polearms 5 star Wish Limited Banner
Sangonomia Kokomi hydro Catalyst 5 star Wish Limited Banner
shenhe cryo Polearms 5 star Wish Limited Banner
Sigewinne hydro Catalyst 5 star Wish Limited Banner
Tartaglia hydro Bow 5 star Wish Limited Banner
Venti Anem Bow 5 star Wish Limited Banner
Wriothesley cryo Catalyst 5 star Wish Limited Banner
Wanderers Anem Catalyst 5 star Wish Limited Banner
Xianyun Anem Catalyst 5 star Wish Limited Banner
xiao Anem Polearms 5 star Wish Limited Banner
Xilonen geo Swords 5 star Wish Limited Banner
zhongli geo Polearms 5 star Wish Limited Banner

4 Star Characters List

The following is a list of 4-star characters that can only be obtained from limited banners or certain events:

Name Element Weapon Character Quality Obtained from
Bennett pyro Swords 4 stars Wish Limited Banner
Fischl Electro Bow 4 stars Wish Limited Banner
Mica cryo Polearms 4 stars Wish Limited Banner
Sucrose Anem Catalyst 4 stars Wish Limited Banner
Diona cryo Bow 4 stars Wish Limited Banner
Razor Electro Claymore 4 stars Wish Limited Banner
Noelle geo Claymore 4 stars Wish Limited Banner
Chongyun cryo Claymore 4 stars Wish Limited Banner
Xiangling pyro Polearms 4 stars Wish Limited Banner
Xingqiu hydro Swords 4 stars Wish Limited Banner
yanfei pyro Catalyst 4 stars Wish Limited Banner
Beidou Electro Polearms 4 stars Wish Limited Banner
Yaoyao Dendro Polearms 4 stars Wish Limited Banner
Yun Jin geo Polearms 4 stars Wish Limited Banner
Gaming pyro Claymore 4 stars Wish Limited Banner
Ningguang geo Catalyst 4 stars Wish Limited Banner
Collei Dendro Bow 4 stars Wish Limited Banner
Kaveh Dendro Claymore 4 stars Wish Limited Banner
Layla cryo Swords 4 stars Wish Limited Banner
Lan Yan Anem Catalyst 4 stars Wish Limited Banner
Kirara Dendro Swords 4 stars Wish Limited Banner
Thomas pyro Polearms 4 stars Wish Limited Banner
Shikanoin Heizou Anem Catalyst 4 stars Wish Limited Banner
Kujou Sara Electro Bow 4 stars Wish Limited Banner
Shinobu cookies Electro Swords 4 stars Wish Limited Banner
Gorou geo Bow 4 stars Wish Limited Banner
Glazed Anem Claymore 4 stars Wish Limited Banner
Dori Electro Catalyst 4 stars Wish Limited Banner
Candace hydro Polearms 4 stars Wish Limited Banner
Freminet cryo Claymore 4 stars Wish Limited Banner
Lynette Anem Swords 4 stars Wish Limited Banner
Cheveruse pyro Polearms 4 stars Wish Limited Banner
Charlotte cryo Catalyst 4 stars Wish Limited Banner
Kachin geo Polearms 4 stars Wish Limited Banner
Faruzan Anem Bow 4 stars Wish Limited Banner

Also read:

That's the list of Genshin Impact characters. Quite a lot, right? Visit VCGamers Marketplace and top up the Genshin Impact game now at the lowest price!

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