CSGO Update is the latest update from the game Counter Strike: Global Offensive which is carried out regularly in order to maximize gameplay or the features of the game.
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Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Update
In August this year, one of the world's leading FPS games, namely Counter Strike: Global Offensive, or commonly known as CSGO, updated the game. As we know, every online game will definitely update regularly to maximize every component of the game.
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This update was carried out, including the CSGO game itself. CSGO as one of the most popular FPS games, of course, must provide features and updates in the game so that CSGO players themselves become more comfortable playing this game.
Here's the CSGO update made by the developer at the beginning of last August!
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CSGO Update

Here's the latest update from the game Counter Strike: Global Offensive as reported by official site they:
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- Coal
- Change to Cannon:
- Change the facing angle NorthCannon
- Cannons can now be aimed up, and are now 2x faster
- Now has 3 shooting speeds (changeable with mouse2)
- Reduces inaccuracy multipliers
- Killfeed can now show weapon icons
- Produce screen shake which is big and more particle effects
- The base model can now also rotate
- Added damage falloff to cannonballs after the initial collision with them
- Players can hit mines from cannons and stay in control
- Fixed cannons continue to rotate when they are no longer in use
- Added buses to bus stops outside Industry
- Change to Cannon:
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- Some changes to the algorithm matchmaking competitive, which requires Skill Groups recalibrated for accuracy. Skill Groups you will not be seen until you win the next game.
- Game instructors should now properly reload saved states if deactivated and then reactivated.
- Game instructor floating hints are disabled in competitive matches.
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