Latest CRK (Cookie Run Kingdom) Code March 2025
CRK (Cookie Run Kingdom) code is one of the most hunted things by players. Not without reason, the code can actually be exchanged for free prizes.
Meanwhile, the prizes can be in the form of Crystals, Rainbow Cubes, Juicy Stamina Jellies, Fateful Cookie Cutters, Radiant Beascuit Dough, and Cream-filled Party Hat icing.
For those of you who are curious about the latest Cookie Run Kingdom codes that can be used in March 2025, it is mandatory to read this article to the end. Let's check it out!
Also read:
Latest CRK Code March 2025

Furthermore, here is a list of Cookie Run Kingdom codes that you can use in March 2025 to get free prizes:
- 100KSUBSCOOKIETH: Use to get 3000 Crystals and 1500 Rainbow Cubes (latest).
Other CRK Codes to Try

On the other hand, there are also some Cookie Run Kingdom codes that you can try to get prizes. Keep in mind, the codes below may have passed the usage deadline, but you can still try them. Here are the details:
- COOKIERUNFUNTRIP: Use to get 1000 Crystals,
- CRK4THANNIVERSARYEIT: Use to get 3000 Crystals,
- CRK4THANNIVERSARYDEC: Use to get 150 Juicy Stamina Jellies, 50 Radiant Beascuit Dough,
- CRK4THANNIVERSARYOF: Use to get 1500 Rainbow Cubes,
- CRK4THANNIVERSARYOW: Use to get 4 Fateful Cookie Cutters,
- CRK4THANNIVERSARYSH: Use to get 1000 Choco Chalk,
- HYROOLINGDOM: Use to get 3000 Crystals, 3000 Rainbow Cubes, 3000 Choco Chalk,
- 2025COOKIERUNFAN: Use to get 1000 Crystals,
- KINGDOMLIVE2412: Use to get 3000 Crystals, 3000 Rainbow Cubes, 10 Fateful Cookie Cutters, 150 Radiant Beascuit Dough, 300 Juicy Stamina Jellies, Cream-filled Party Hat icing,
- HUSBANDOFTHEYEAR: Use to get 3000 Crystals, 1500 Rainbow Cubes, 1000 Choco Chalk,
- FIVEHUNDREDTWEET: Use to get 3000 Crystals, 500 Choco Chalk, 500 Rainbow Cubes,
- ONEHUNDREDHOORAY: Use to get 3000 Crystals, 500 Rainbow Cubes, 500 Choco Chalk,
- KINGDOMLIVE2409: Use to get 1500 Wind Gems, 150 Radiant Beascuit Dough, 3,000 Crystals, 300 Juicy Stamina Jellies, 150 Rainbow Cube,
- NDRUNNERCOMBO441: Use to get 3000 Crystals, 3000 Rainbow Cubes, 3000 Choco Chalk, 10 Fateful Cookie Cutters, 150 Radiant Beascuit Dough,
- MYCOOKIECHIMCHAK: Use to get 3000 Crystals, 1500 Rainbow Cubes, 1000 Choco Chalk, 300 Juicy Stamina Jellies,
- HAPPYDISCORDBDAY: Use to get 3000 Crystals, 500 Rainbow Cubes,
- UPDATEFIRSTCREAM: Use to get 1500 Crystals, 500 Rainbow Cubes,
- COOKIERUNBRAVE15: Use to get 1500 Crystals,
- LOVEWITCHSCASTLE: Use to get 1500 Crystals and 300 Rainbow cubes,
- MISSEARTHBREAD24: Use to get 3000 Crystals and 1000 Rainbow cubes,
- INCRK3RDANNIVERSARY: Use to get 1000 Crystals,
- CRK3RDANNIVERSARYST: Use to get 500K coins,
- WELCOMETOBEASTYEAST: Use to get 3000 Crystals, 1500 Rainbow Cubes,
- CRK3RDANNIVERSARYYE: Use to get 5 Magic Cookie Cutters,
- CRK3RDANNIVERSARYA: Use to get 150 Topping Pieces,
- CRK3RDANNIVERSARYT: Use to get 500K coins,
- CRK3RDANNIVERSARYAS: Use to get 5 Special Cookie Cutter,
- CRK3RDANNIVERSARYBE: Use to get 500 Rainbow Cubes,
- FROMKINGDOMWITHLOVE: Use to get 1500 Rainbow Cubes, 3000 Crystals,
- LCSFINALEGIFTFORYOU: Use to get 500 Rainbow Cubes and 3000 Crystals,
- TUNEINTOTHELCSFINALE: Use to get 500 Rainbow Cubes,
- OUTOFBUDGETOHNOLCS: Use to get 150 Stamina Jellies, 15x EXP Star Jellies,
- GOOGLEPLAY2023: Use to get 3000 Crystals, 1000 Rainbow Cubes,
- CRKINDONESIA: Use to get 3000 Crystals,
- BEWAREOFTHEMERGELCS: Use to get 3000 Crystals,
- PAPERWORKISIMPORTANT: Use to get 20 Time Jumpers,
- LCSTEAMCRISPYCRUNCHY: Use to get 300 Rainbow Cubes,
- DESPERATEMEASURESLCS: Use to get 100 Stamina Jellies, 100 EXP Star Jellies Lvl.5,
- LASTCOOKIESTANDING: Use to get 1000 Crystals,
- HOLESOMEADVENTURE: Use to get 3000 Crystals and 1000 Rainbow cube,
- CHERRYSPRINGGIFT: Use to get 20 Time Jumpers,
- BLOSSOMINGGIFT: Use to get 1000 Crystals,
- HERBSPRINGGIFT: Use to get 100 EXP Star Jellies (lvl 5), and 100 Stamina Jellies,
- BRAVESPRINGGIFT: Use to get 300 Rainbow Cubes,
- 2NDBIRTHDAYPARTY: Use to get 3000 Crystals,
- CRKALWAYSLOVEYOU: Use to get 1500 Rainbow Cubes, 3000 Crystals, 1000 Radiant Shards, 250000 Gold, and 30 Time Jumpers,
- CRK2NDBIRTHDAYD1: Use to get 100 EXP Star Jellies (lvl 6),
- CRK2NDBIRTHDAYD2: Use to get 3 Aurora Compasses, 3 Aurora Bricks, 3x Aurora Pillars,
- CRK2NDBIRTHDAYD3: Use to get 100 Toppings,
- CRK2NDBIRTHDAYD4: Use to get 500 Rainbow Cubes,
- CRK2NDBIRTHDAYD5: Use to get 30 Time Jumpers,
- CRK2NDBIRTHDAYD6: Use to get 10 Treasure Tickets,
- CRK2NDBIRTHDAYD7: Use to get 3 Special Cookies,
- POCKETGAMERAWARD: Use to get 3000 Crystals and 1000 Rainbow Cubes,
- THANX200MPLAYERS: Use to get 2000 Crystals, 2000 Rainbow Cubes,
- NEWUPDATEISAHEAD: Use to get 1500 Rainbow Cubes and 3000 Crystals,
- FOLLOWINGINLATAM: Use to get 2500 Crystals,
- CRKINGDOMWITHBTS: Use to get 3000 Crystals, 1000 Army Bombs,
- 1015CKCOOKIELIVE: Use to get 2500 Army Bombs,
- CRKWELCOMEDISNEY: Use to get 3000 Crystals, 400 Radiant Shards,
- 0728CKCOOKIELIVE: Use to get 1500 Crystals, 300 Rainbow Cubes, 3 Treasure Tickets, 3x 30-min Speed-up,
- FOLLOWUSINEUROPE: Use to get 2500 Crystals,
- CRKBEHINDNFUTURE: Use to get 130x EXP Star Jellies lvl 6, 120x Topping Pieces, 8x Aurora Bricks, 8x Aurora Pillars, 8x Aurora Compass, 250k Coins, 30x Time Jumpers, 10x Magic Cookie Cutters, 1500 Rainbow Cubes, 5000 Crystals, 1200 Radiant Shards,
- TIKTOK1MFOLLOWER: Use to get 1000 Crystals,
- 0224CRKDARKCACAO: Use to get 3000 Crystals,
- COOKIE LIVE COUPON: Use to get 3 Treasure Tickets, 3x 30-min Speed-up, 2 Magic Cookie Cutters, 2 Special Cookie Cutters, 30 EXP Star Jellies lvl 6, 300 Rainbow Cubes, 1500 Crystals,
- GOMAGICOVENEVENT: Use to get 500 Crystals,
- CK1STANNIVERSARY: Use to get 5000 Crystals, 3000 Rainbow Cubes,
- WE MADECKTOGETHER: Use to get 3000 Crystals,
- CRK1STBIRTHDAYD1: Use to get 1000 Crystals,
- CRK1STBIRTHDAYD2: Use to get Special Cookie Cutters x3,
- CRK1STBIRTHDAYD3: Use to get EXP Star Jelles Lv. 6 x100,
- CRK1STBIRTHDAYD4: Use to get 30 Time Jumpers,
- CRK1STBIRTHDAYD5: Use to get 3 Aurora items,
- CRK1STBIRTHDAYD6: Use to get 3 Magic Cookie Cutters,
- CRK1STBIRTHDAYD7: Use to get Rainbow Cubes x500,
- 2021KRGAMEAWARDS: Use to get 1,000 Rainbow Cubes, 1000 Cold Crystals, and 5000 Crystals,
- 30MILLIONKINGDOM: Use to get 3000 Rainbow Cubes and 3000 Crystals.
How to Redeem the Latest CRK Code March 2025

Here are some easy steps you can take to redeem the codes above:
- Launch the Cookie Run Kingdom game;
- Click the “three striped icon” located at the top right;
- Select the “Settings” option;
- Click on the “Info” tab and copy “Player ID”;
- Visit the official exchange site via link the following;
- Enter “Player ID” in the “DevPlay Account” field;
- Enter some of the codes above in the “Coupon Code” column;
- Click “Claim Reward”;
- If correct, the prize will be directly entered into your account via email box.
Causes of CRK Codes Not Working

On the other hand, here are some reasons why the Cookie Run Kingdom code above does not work:
- Expired: The first reason the code does not work is expiration. This is because each code has a redemption limit, so it cannot work when used if it has passed the specified time limit.
- Error writing: Not infrequently, many people enter codes without paying attention to the writing. In fact, each code must be entered according to the combination of numbers and letters and the size of the letters.
- Ever used: Double check the code usage history. Because the code can only be used once per account.
Also read:
These are some CRK codes that you can use to get free gifts. That way, progress in the game becomes faster without having to play it longer.
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