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5 Best Counter Yin MLBB Heroes For November 2022

The five Counter Yin heroes that you can use in November 2022 are Lylia, Moskov, Argus, Gatotkaca and Ruby.
Yin Counter

As we know, if you enter Ultimate Yin, teammates cannot help in the team. So many players always use a Yin counter when this hero is picked up by the enemy

Since the arrival of this hero, many players Mobile Legends who started complaining. Now he is not only an outcast but is often used as a wild animal in games. This made his strength irrational. Even in his domain, he could kill an enemy in an instant.

But that doesn't mean a strong hero like Yin can't fight him. Because VCGamers has found that the five counter Yin heroes discussed this time have great potential against him in the game. They can counterattack. 

List of Hero Counter Yin

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To counter Yin in the end, you need a strong hero with high damage. Otherwise, you will easily die in Yin. 


Argus as the best counter for Yin

This hero is truly known for his strength when getting compliments on his ends. When Ultimate Argus active, Argus can't die, so Yin attacks are useless. Apart from that the damage to Argus is also painful and of course he will run away from Argus.

Argus is a Mobile Legends hero who has an unfavorable hero style. Argus himself is not very popular and even wants to be unable to compete with other fighting heroes. But take it easy because you can still use Argus in the game, as long as it can be played well to the fullest. 


Lancelot's counter hero
Ruby as the best counter for Yin

This hero is also very strong as a Yin counter. Ruby has crowd control that can damage Yin attacks. Besides that, Ruby has a lot of lifesteal and defense, especially if you build small tanks.

This fighting hero includes physical skill criteria that require 80 but every time you use it. Has a cooldown of 26 seconds which if the level continues to increase will reduce the cooldown.

Ruby's best skill is attacking enemies with a wide range. With this skill, it will give 200 physical damage + 200 percent total physical attack. Attracts enemies and causes them to tremble for 0.5 seconds.


Gatotkacha mlbb
Gatotkaca as the best counter for Yin

This tank is also known to be very versatile thanks to its pass which increases defense and restores HP. Gatotkaca's combo skill can also prevent Yin from using skills during a duel, if Gatot uses a half-mage construct, then Yin will become vulnerable.

By using strong defensive abilities, he can become a hero who can withstand all enemy attacks during war.

Another advantage of this hero is that he is one of the easiest heroes to master because he can open battles with an attack range like Gatotkaca with abilities such as jumping and targeting long distances. 


Counter Herlo Lylia
Lylia as the best counter for Yin

Of course, when you fight Yin using Lylia it will be easier. Hero Lylia is a big threat to fighters because she can spam skills and especially her speed effect makes me sick.

Therefore, KINCIR suggested using Lylia if you want to fight Yin. Because the secret weapon is at Lylia's tip. After being trained in that area, you can spam skills continuously until the blood runs out.

If you're caught by surprise, make sure you act quickly to get most of the work done. Then automatically, the blood is replenished, and then the Yin killing time begins. you just need to make the skills work two and one so you can kill the Yin in your own domain. 

Also read: 5 Counter Hero Yin You Can Use


The Best Duet Hero
Moskov as the best counter for Yin

Because of the skill and skill it has, Moskov is one of the most effective shooters, but its abilities are not very good.

Even though Moskov has many advantages, including fighting Yin in the game. Considering the size of the floor that has a barrier area, you can use Moskov's two skills to make him fall into the wall and give him a terrible effect.

But what you have to remember is that you have to be wise to register the skill first to avoid further damage. 

Also read: Best Ruby Gameplay Tips in Mobile Legends 2022

So, that's the information about Yin Mobile Legends hero counter for November 2022. Don't forget to keep visiting VCGamers for more interesting news.

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