
How to Counter Commander Ling Skill 1 Magic Chess, There's a Bug!

Published by
Jesus Akbar

Counter skill of one dawn commander Magic Chess Ling now has a counter! Some time ago, Moonton released a new character in MagicChess. Not just any character, but a person commander a new name named Ling who has a difficult one skill.

Well, the writer found a way tocounters skills first belongs to Ling uses little commander Benny. Curious? Check out how below!

Also Read: The Best Little Commander Magic Chess Right Now!

Ling, Dawn Commander First in Magic Chess

Dawn Commander Magic Chess – Ling. Source: VCGamers.

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In August 2022, there is a updates presenting dawn commander named Ling. You need to know the difference between Little Commander with Dawn Commander located from the origin.  

Ling is referred to as dawn commander because Moonton take directly the commander from Mobile Legends heroes Ling. Unlike little commander whose characters are only inspired or adapted.

Name “Dawn” known to originate from the residence of the para heroes Mobile Legends, Land of Dawn. So maybe updates next Moonton will issue commander fresh straight from Land of Dawn like Ling.

Land of Dawn map. Source: Mobile Legends

If you are interested, dawn commander You can buy Ling for 24,000 Battle Points or use 499 Diamonds.

Back to the topic, Ling's presence in Magic Chess made it happen meta new, in particular from synergy Glower fundrcher

skills first, Fortification can make a platforms high inside chessboard at random.  Heroes which is above platforms it get buff invincible, attack range which is infinite, and +10 where every basic attacks

So to beat heroes such, the enemy must destroy platforms first.

There are two important points from skills first dawn commander Ling. 

The first point is the increase in the player's pieces with MOBILE PHONE which is quite a lot. For Pthe second coin is heroes which uses platforms it gets stronger.

With this buff, lots of players buy dawn commander Ling, including the author. 

The writer feels skills it is perfect for synergies Gunners, Archers, Mages, and Elementalist, moreover with an additional +10 where at each basic attacks.

Also Read: The Best Little Commander Magic Chess Right Now!

Counter Skill 1 Magic Chess Ling

Display Skill 1 Dawn Commander Magic Chess Ling. Source: VCGamers.

From the results of observations and experiences of the author, platforms those created by Ling are random, but are usually in the back or middle row. Often it is located on the edge chessboard.

From these conditions, one counters fastest to destroy platforms is by using synergy Swordsmen, Assassins, or heroes with spells flicker.

But it's not that easy. Sometimes the dawn commander Ling user will place heroes around the platform as a "body shield", guarding it from the attacks of enemy heroes.

So moment Swordsmen or Assassins come, they must beat heroes barrier first, then destroy platforms, new heroes. So heroes on platforms can still do free hits for a longer time.

Remember heroes on platforms get unlimited attack range, many players put heroes rather thick or giving Damage Over Time (Dot) like Odette and Gord, even the author once found a player who put heroes Freya or Franco on.

Franco over Platform Ling Skill 1. Source: VCGamers.

So though platforms destroyed, heroes those on it can still withstand enemy attacks or even deliver damage use skills which is fully charged.

Another way Counter Skills 1 Ling = Benny!

Counter Skill 1 Magic Chess Ling bug. Source: VCGamers.

By accident, the author found a bugs in Magic Chess which can be used to counter Ling.  bugs it works when in use little commander's first skill Benny, Freezing Trap.

The way it works is moment platforms it is destroyed, trap Benny's will move aiming heroes which was previously above platforms.

The funny thing is that on several occasions, the writer found that during trap it moves, it won't hit heroes other than heroes which is above platforms. if obstructed, trap will wait until it can pass.

Also Read: Guide Little Commander Magic Chess Benny!

Positive side

The positive side of bugs this is trap Benny's will work 100%. Sometimes players can't control their heroes, then stepped on by the player's own heroes, and trap become ineffective.

With bugs that, at least can confirm that trap Benny's works great.

The other positive side might be a bit difficult to happen but in fact it can. Under certain conditions, trap it can hit two heroes at once in tiles the same one. Interesting right?

Required Conditions

To take advantage bugs For this, several conditions are required. This condition the writer found from the results of playing experience. Here are the conditions mentioned:

  1. Must destroy platforms first;
  2. trap has hit heroes other (no longer exists);
  3. trap moving but blocked heroes;
  4. bugs it does not apply if heroes change places.

Until now, the authors have only found four conditions as written above. Bug it just works with skills one Benny, not with skills his three.

That's how to counter Dawn Commander Magic Chess Ling. Not only using strategy, defeating commander Ling can also be done by using bug from skills one little commander Benny

Until this article was created, bugs it can still be used. Hopefully this article can add insight on how to use Ling, Benny, or strategies for playing Magic Chess.

Enjoy playing~

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Jesus Akbar