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Counter Layla On Gold Lane? Use These 12 Heroes!

Despite being a walking hero, Layla has become a Marksman with a fairly high pick rate lately. Here are 12 Layla counter heroes in 2025
counter layla cover

Hero Counter Layla

Hero to counter Layla in Mobile Legends requires a skillset that can overwhelm Layla in aiming her malefic gun.

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For that, you need to use a hero who has a lot of blink skills or ranged attacks so that Layla, who is used by your opponent, cannot target your hero easily.

Since getting the anime skin from The Aspirants event, players have started flocking to use Layla again and re-mixing her build so as not to be left behind by new heroes like Edith, Beatrix and Yin.

Seeing this phenomenon, you also need to know the latest heroes that can be used to reduce the shooter who is popular with his goggle accessories.

This review will present 12 heroes to counter Layla whose use is increasingly widespread in the Land of Dawn arena. Some of them are heroes that you can use to compete mechanics in the same lane as Layla, there are also heroes who are experts at escaping and poking.

Also read:

What are Layla's Weaknesses? 

What are Layla's Weaknesses? 
Source: MLBB

So, before discussing the 12 Layla Counter Heroes in MLBB. You need to understand first what Hero Layla's weaknesses are. 

Layla is included Hero Markasman who is weak in the early game phase. His mobility is slow, difficult to farm without the help of a tank, and prone to being ganked. 

So if in the early phase Layla is not covered by hero roam Opponent, always kidnap Layla and make sure not to last hit the minion. 

This method is very effective in inhibiting Layla's gold supply to get items. Thus, Layla's chances of reaching her peak damage are getting slower. 

12 Hero Counter Layla, Mute the Malefic Gun!

Here are the 12 best MLBB heroes that you can use as Layla counters: 


counter layla brody
Source: MLBB Official

The first hero to counter Layla is Brody, the handyman marks his targets with the abyss mark. Using Brody means utilizing his passive skill to mark Layla throughout the match.

All you need to do is continuously attack Layla with her basic attacks. Make sure all of Brody's attacks are on target so Layla will be "marked" by him.

Anticipate Layla's skill 1 and 2 attacks which have quite fast speed every time you attack her with Brody's basic attack. Counter Layla's attacks with Brody's skill 1 and 2.

Once you have successfully collected 4 stacks of Abyss Mark (you can see it above Layla's head), access Brody's ultimate and find a safe spot to use it. As long as you are not too far from Layla, Brody's ultimate will definitely hit her.

The key to countering Layla with Brody is to stack Abyss Mark, anticipate Layla's skills 1 and 2, then find a safe spot to use Brody's ultimate.


counter layla clint
Source: MLBB Official

You can invite Layla to a mechanical duel in Gold Lane by using Clint. Take advantage of Clint's passive skill which can produce critical damage to counter Layla.

You must equip Clint with items that increase critical damage and true damage so that Clint's attacks can penetrate all defenses used by Layla.

The advantage of this cowboy-style hero is also in his blink skill, which can attack while jumping back quickly (his skill 2). If you have bought items with these two effects, Clint's skill 2 will be even more solid in reducing Layla's HP.

When Layla uses her ultimate, you can reply with Clint's ultimate too so that Layla's movement becomes slower. After that, use basic attacks, skills 1 and 2 to make Layla helpless.

Another anticipation you can do is apply the poke strategy. Mid game Layla will be tougher for mechanical duels so you need to determine the timing of using Clint's ultimate.


counter layla beatrix
Source: MLBB Official

Heroes Beatrix To counter Layla, it might be a bit tricky for beginner players because Beatrix has a special skill to change her weapon and her skillset will be different according to the weapon she uses.

If you choose Beatrix to face Layla, make sure you know the weapon she uses first.

To be more effective, use Nibiru and Wesker weapons to shoot Layla in succession. Don't forget to always use Beatrix's skill 2 so that she is not caught by Layla.

Take advantage of the bushes to switch Beatrix's weapon if you want to shoot Layla from a distance with Renner and Bennet. These two weapons do not have a burst attack, but have greater damage than the other two weapons.

When you can access the ultimate, you can choose to use a weapon that has a lifesteal or spell vamp effect. It would be better if you choose lifesteal so that Layla's HP runs out quickly.

Therefore, use Renner or Wesker when you want to use Beatrix's ulti to face Layla and her laser ulti.


counter layla ruby
Source: MLBB Official

To face Layla with this hero who likes to slash, you will use her passive skill, then combine it with skill 2 and ultimate. Ruby.

As a fighter and tanker, Ruby has good abilities in attacking and conquering her targets, including Layla and her malefic gun.

Since Ruby can be built more agile and durable than Layla, you need to farm buffs or EXP first so you can quickly unlock all of Ruby's skillsets. While filling your free time for farming, keep Ruby and Layla at a distance by poking with skill 1 whenever possible.

Once skill 2 and 3 are unlocked, you can start Layla's push-pull strategy. Use skill 2 to pull and slow Layla's movement so you can lifesteal quickly.

If Layla wants to escape again, connect Ruby's attack with her ultimate that can pull and stun Layla. After that, you can slash Layla until she is KO. Repeat this strategy while completing lifesteal items for Ruby, or support Ruby with a shield.


counter layla alice
Source: MLBB Official

This hero with two roles other than Ruby will be effective in countering Layla by draining her HP. Use Alice as an option if you are tired of using Ruby or have a teammate who uses Ruby.

Different from Ruby, Alice has a fairly long skill range, especially skill 1. Alice's skill 1 is what you will use to counteract the effects of Layla's skillset.

Shoot Alice's skill 1 towards Layla from behind the arena wall, and make sure your position is aligned with her position first. Do this to deal damage to Layla. While doing this, you can eliminate enemy minions in the mid lane so that Alice's movement becomes faster.

Alice's passive skill can restore mana and increase her maximum HP, so fighting minions and then facing Layla will be a routine activity for this vampire hero.

If the preparation is complete, use Alice's ultimate when she is near Layla. Connect directly with her skill 2 so that Layla's HP gets thinner and Alice's HP gets thicker. Immediately return to keeping your distance to use Alice's skill 1 and repeat the method.


counter layla aamon
Source: MLBB Official

Aamon It could be a nightmare for Layla in the Gold Lane, because a hero who can disappear without being detected on this map can suddenly give Layla painful damage.

You can use all of Aamon's skillsets to make Layla overwhelmed in targeting him. Aamon's passive skill even provides bonus magic damage, movement speed and concealment effects for a few moments.

That means, when you attack a target, Aamon will disappear from circulation and you can take advantage of this situation to use Aamon's skills 1, 2 and ulti.

However, when she uses her skill, Aamon will be visible again. Don't panic because Aamon's skill 1 and 2 will protect her from melee attacks. If Layla is near Aamon, just activate skill 2 or his ultimate so that Layla is even more pressured by him.

You can also spam Aamon's skill 1 and 2 to just tease Layla who is farming in the gold lane. You just need to pay attention to the timing to disappear and appear near Layla while disturbing her with Aamon's passive skill and skillset.


counter layla franco
Source: MLBB Official

The next Layla counter is the hero Franco, the tanker with a Viking-style appearance. Because Franco has a slower speed than Layla in the early game, you have to take advantage of the combo of skills 1, 2 and her ultimate.

The trick is, you need to farm EXP first in the early game while covering your team's core or gold laner. Usually, Franco will be the cover for the gold laner and you will face Layla there.

If Layla is also covered by a tanker, Franco must start using skill 1 followed by a basic attack. You and Layla's cover hero will be involved in a mechanical duel so that your team's gold laner may also face Layla. Retreat if necessary.

If Layla is left alone in the gold lane, then it's time for you to focus on using combo skills 1, 2 and ulti (if it can be accessed).

Franco's skill 1 can pull Layla from her position and slow her movement temporarily. Continue with skill 2 for critical damage, and Layla's ultimate so that her HP gets thinner and KO.


Layla Natalia Counter
Source: MLBB Official

Natalia can also be an option to face Layla's malefic gun besides Aamon. The difference is, if you use this one assassin hero, you will have a faster speed advantage than Aamon.

Natalia can also be more effective hiding in the bushes, so you can intercept Layla in the bushes near the gold lane so you can immediately spam skill 1 and ulti, and escape with skill 2.

First of all, you need to jungling first so you can get the green and blue buffs. This will be Natalia's initial capital to ambush Layla.

After that, you will surprise Layla with her skill 1. With this attack, you will also activate Natalia's passive skill effect for bonus movement speed and physical attack. If Layla attacks back with her skill 2, you reply with Natalia's skill 2 to escape from her.

If you can access Natalia's ultimate, continue with this ultimate skill and launch basic attacks and skill 1. This combo is important so that Layla doesn't have time to use her Laser ultimate.


hero counter balmond (5)
Lylia – Haunter Doll (Source: Mobile Legends Fandom)

As one of the trending heroes in the gold lane, Lylia can be used to counter Layla. This will be even better when the mid game and Lylia's passive skills can be used.

Lylia's passive skill will increase her speed so that she will be difficult to catch up with Layla and her ultimate skill. Use Lylia in the early game by utilizing her skill 1 long-range attack, followed by her skill 2 which can worsen Layla's speed up to 40%.

When in a critical situation, use Lylia's ulti so that she is not hit by Layla's skill 1 or 2. However, you only need to use minions and turrets when Lylia is fully upgraded and can access all of her skills.

In that situation, take advantage of the bushes like Natalia's tactic to ambush Layla with her skills 1 and 2. Lylia can spam skills safely because her mana can return quickly when she uses her ulti. Layla is guaranteed to have difficulty targeting Lylia properly.


counter layla wanwan

This agile hero from the start of the match can be very troublesome for Layla to aim properly. Wanwan can also uncover Layla's hiding place in the bushes with her passive skill.

Not only are her movements agile, Wanwan's attack speed can also rival Layla and even exceed it if upgraded with speed and physical damage increasing items.

If you use Wanwan, you will make the most of her basic attacks and passive skills, while occasionally using skills 1 and 2 if Layla is in range.

Use skill 1 to increase Wanwan's damage to Layla, and use skill 2 when Layla is close to her. When Wanwan's ultimate can be used, she will get additional damage from her passive skill and additional attack speed for subsequent attacks.

Only use ulti if Wanwan is some distance from Layla, provided that the other heroes are further away than Layla. Wanwan's ultimate will automatically target Layla and attack her repeatedly from the air.


counter layla lesley

This marksman hero, who is still often used, is also effective for countering Layla with his sure hit ability.

Activate skill 1 Lesley so that Layla has difficulty finding him. Then, follow up with his basic attack which can activate Lesley's passive skill to get bonus attack range and critical damage.

If you are cornered, use skill 2 to escape. However, if you can already use ulti, combine skill 2 and ulti so that Layla can still be hit by Lesley's attack even though Lesley is very far from Layla.

The key is to use Lesley's passive skill and determine the timing of using her skills 1 and 2. Layla is guaranteed to be helpless if she meets Lesley anywhere.


Karina's skin
Source: MLBB

Karina's fighting style is almost the same as Wanwan and Natalia. That is, Karina has steady speed but can also attack her opponent with ambush tactics.

Passive skills Karina can be your main capital to face Layla and her malefic gun. Every time you attack Layla three times, there is a bonus true damage and increased magic damage.

This also applies when you attack Layla with skill 1, 2 and her ultimate, so the magic damage produced will multiply. Of course, you need to keep your distance from Layla because Karina is a close-range fighter.

However, Karina has a blink skill that you can activate by pressing her ulti twice. Use this when Layla is a bit far from Karina, and connect with her skill 2 for more painful damage.

From the 12 heroes above, you can choose the hero style that you master to counter Layla. Although Layla was not popular in previous seasons, you should not underestimate this hero who is even cuter with her anime skin, Vicigers!

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