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Dyrroth ML Counter Recommendations for November 2022

Dyrroth is a hero who has high damage output and lifesteal. Heroes who can counter Dyrroth are Silvanna and other heroes.
Worst Dyrroth Build 2024
Worst Dyrroth Build 2024. Source: VCGamers

Dyrroth is a fairly well-known hero with high damage output and pain. The high damage was felt when it was still in the early-game phase, so players could find it difficult to fight and counter Dyrroth.

When you want to gang up on Dyrroth, he might turn things around with his strong lifesteal skill. Assisted by the escape skill, namely skill two, he can run away quickly because of his agile movements.

However, Vicigers need not worry when the enemy chooses Dyrroth. VCGamers has made a hero recommendation that can fight Dyrroth. With the list of heroes below, you can easily counter Dyrroth.

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Recommended Hero Counter Dyrroth November 2022

Dyrroth is a fighter hero that is often used by Mobile Legends players when pushing ranks. How not, this hero has a skill set that is very useful against enemies, especially assassin heroes. When the enemy chooses Dyrroth, you can use the list of heroes below to fight him easily.


Counter Dyrroth Silvanna
Silvanna as Hero Fighter. Source: UHD Wallpapers

Silvanna is a very powerful counter against Dyrroth when they meet in the Land of Dawn. Like Dyrroth, Silvanna has high enough attack damage so she can fight one on one.

Silvanna has two skills that can beat Dyrroth when the early game phase starts. Furthermore, Silvanna also has a unique passive which can be an advantage for her when playing against Dyrroth.

When fighting Dyrroth, Silvanna's unique passive is active and adds an attack speed of 5%. This increase is very significant and is assisted by the ultimate skill that can lock up Dyrroth so he can't go anywhere.

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Skin Chou
Skin Chou. Source: UHD Wallpapers

Chou is a hero fighters who can counter Dyrroth because of the skill set that can lock one hero. By locking one hero, Chou can immediately kidnap Dyrroth and burst until he is eliminated.

The first skill by Chou can block Dyrroth and combine it with skill 2 when Dyrroth tries to escape. Lastly, you can use Chou's ultimate skill to execute Dyrroth.

When fighting Dyrroth close to the tower, you can direct the ultimate skill towards the tower so that Dyrroth can be eliminated more quickly.

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Skin Lunox Butterfly Seraphim
Skin Lunox Butterfly Seraphim. Source: UHD Wallpapers

Apart from fighter heroes, mage heroes also have the potential to fight Dyrroth, one of which is Lunox. Lunox has the potential to counter Dyrroth because of its painful and agile burst damage.

High agility and burst damage is a potential to fight Dyrroth. With Lunox's agility, it's easier for you to avoid Dyrroth's attacks.


Skin Thamuz Liquid Fire
Skin Thamuz Liquid Fire. Source: UHD Wallpapers

Back to fighter heroes, Thamuz also has the potential to counter Dyrroth. You can make this hero your mainstay hero because many players have confirmed that Thamuz is a strong fighter hero.

You can take advantage of high durability, regen, and damage when fighting Dyrroth. Apart from that, you can also build Thamuz with lifesteal items so that Dyrroth can't move.

HP Regeneration from Thamuz also very high. Therefore, it will be difficult for Dyrroth to apply a lifesteal effect to Thamuz. If you fight Dyrroth, it is very suitable to choose Thamuz as a hero who can fight him easily.

Johnson Counter Dyrroth

Counter Dyrroth Johnson
Johnson As Counter Dyrroth. Source: Hobigame.id

Johnson is a fairly well-known hero in the Mobile Legends community. This hero has a shield that is used to withstand damage from the front, so you will be on the front lines as a tank when using Johnson.

Not just a tank, Johnson has very useful skills when you want to do a teamfight or war. The ability to gank is great if you use it properly.

Johnson's skill set is also very helpful against Dyrroth apart from the high durability and shield that withstands damage. If Johnson manages to use a combo that can stun him long enough, Dyrroth won't be able to move.

Thus the discussion about counter Dyrroth, good luck using this hero and fighting Dyrroth!

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