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Counter Change, The Hero Mage Who Often Riots Blue Buff

Counter Change, the hero mage who often riots with blue buffs and is very effective at clearing minions and laning.
CounterChanges. Source: VCGamers

This time we will review the hero who is the counter change. This is because of the heroes in the game Mobile Legends this is often troublesome when in the Land of Dawn.

Even though it looks cute and harmless, Change often overwhelms junglers. Because, your blue buff mother can disappear, leaving only the puppies if they let their guard down!

If categorized, Change itself is a hero mage damage per second (DPS) who tend to rely on poke skills.

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He won't be able to pick off the opponent's hero with just one skill combo. But in war, the "Meteor Shower" ulti he gives can be quite troublesome.

Fortunately, there are several ways to counteract the mage's ult so that its existence is not too significant.

But don't take it for granted just yet! For those users who like to "idea" and understand macro/micro well, ulti Change is actually being used as a tool for rioting buffs!

This is what ultimately makes Change so scary on meta Land of Dawn. Not a few users who only have ultimate capital can easily push the team to stardom!

If you don't counter it, get ready for your team to be topsy-turvy.

That's why we see how crucial this issue is to be discussed immediately, so that Vicigers can easily dampen the hero's presence in the current meta.

Don't forget to listen, and try it right away when you meet the hero!

Also read: Vengeance Mobile Legends, Hero Land Of Dawn's Revenge Spell

Changes in Mobile Legends

Change Mage Midlaner
Change Mage Midlaner. Source: VCGamers

Understanding is the key to success. By understanding the mechanics of the hero, I'm sure Vicigers will be able to easily find the best counter tips. So come on, let's first understand the mechanics and their application in meta now!

Mage with DPS output is less desirable these days. In fact, the current Land of Dawn meta is more friendly towards high-ground characteristics of the burst area of effect (aoe) mages, such as Pharsa, Yve, or Xavier.

The change eventually only ended up being a mere second or third tier pool hero. This tendency forces its users to find the best way so that the hero can continue to exist and be able to contribute to every match.

As a result, by taking advantage of the only "selling point" that remained, they found a method to make this mage more useful.

Yes, instead of only using his ulti for war purposes only, the users try to use this skill for various purposes.

Apart from what has been mentioned above, ulti Change is also very effective when laning. The minions that come can be easily cleared so that Change can rotate more freely. Not to mention if the opposing team is off guard. With only one ulti, the turret can be pushed.

His passive is also not half-hearted. The resulting shield (white blood) makes the mage more sustainable. Apart from that, the skills he has can also provide additional movement speed: making it even more difficult to catch.

Basically, this mage already has pretty neat mechanics. But unfortunately, Moonton has not included him in the buff hero list.

Of course it is an "open secret" that buff rations will be prioritized on heroes who get new skins. And most likely, Change will "sell less" if the developer releases the skin.

Also read: Becoming a Genius Mage, These are the Advantages of the MLBB Harley Hero in the Land of Dawn

Counter Change 2023

Well, now is the time for us to get into the core discussion, namely Counter Change. There will be two points discussed this time: counters in the form of items, and in the form of heroes.

If both are used properly, Change's presence will only be a burden. Here's the discussion.

Item counters

Item Change Counter
Item Change Counter. Source: VCGamers

Of course all defense items that boost the magical resistance attribute are natural counters to Change. But if you consider the DPS and poke characteristics of the hero, Radiant Armor is the best.

Apart from providing several basic attributes that can dispel magic elements, his passive will provide a magic reduction effect for every incoming magic damage. Then the 'continuous' ulti Change can be suppressed easily using this item.

Counter Heroes

Counter Change Hero
Counter Change Hero. Source: VCGamers

So, regarding counter heroes, of course this is the best task for roamers, especially tanks. VCGamer is sure, surely you can already guess the tank hero that is suitable for "clogging" the mage's skills: YES! Lolita!

His energy shield can easily fortify Change's ultimate attack. Not only that, Lolita's passive which resembles Aegis (shield enhancer) can also be distributed to the surrounding team members – making them immune from poke damage launched.

Make sure that we master Lolita's skills when we want to use her as an opponent of Change in the game. So, you can arrange the most painful build items for this hero.

Not only that, we also need to pay attention to the right time to attack or defend.

Also read: The Painful Clint Build Item in Mobile Legends, the Land Of Dawn Knight!

Stay tuned for information about Mobile Legends only at VCGamers News. Don't forget, Cheap, Fast and Safe Game Top Up only at VCGamers Marketplace!

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